I Can Walk Like a Man, But I'm Not One

By: M&M

Disclaimer: I own nothing pertaining to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I am simply one who has no money and writes fan fiction.  All characters, with the excpeption of Ophelia, belong to Joss Whedon, WB Televsion, 20th Century Fox and Mutant Enemy.  Ophelia's name was taken from Shakespeare's "Hamlet".  The name is his, but the character is mine.  I also own Lilith(I was thinking "Cheers" when I thought of the name.  Not Sarah McLachlan's "Lilith Fair").  She is a minion of Angel's.  I own every aspect of her.  You can't have her!!!!!  Please do not sue!!!

Authors Note: This takes place after my four other stories.  Read them first.  It will help.  This is the final chapter of a trilogy.  The first two are "Forgive and Forget" and "I Told You I'd Dance On The Slayer's Grave With You Pet".  If you don't read those first you will be lost.  The other two will help, but do not pertain as much to the story as the first two in the trilogy.  They are all about Buffy and Angel.  This was written before the two-part season two finale, "Becoming", aired.

"I'm still wondering why they call it a mace?", Willow rosenberg said as she and her friends sat in the Sunnydale High School library, bored to tears with nothing to do.  Lately there wasn't many demons around.  Ever since Buffy had killed Spike and Drusilla things had been really slow.  Sure there was the usual kills every night, but no attacks on crowded places or large smurfs around.  "I wouldn't be able to tell you.", Buffy Summers said.  "I used to know.", Ophelia Summers said.  She got a look that she knew they wanted to know why she knew why a mace was called a mace.  "We studying weapons one year in the GATE program.  We need to build a castle for the Rennaisance era and we needed weapons.  It's something I came across.  I just can't remember it any more.", she replied.  They just looked at her for a second and went back to whatever it was they were doing.  Xander, Cordelia, Willow, Oz and Ophelia were deep in a game of poker.  The had bet lunches for a month.  From what Buffy could tell, Willow was winning. She always amazed Buffy.  She's smart yet she knows how to have fun.  And she's really coming out of her shell, Buffy kept thinking. She seemed to be over Xander and was happy with Oz.  And he was really good to her.  Xander and Cordelia were as they always were.  They argued, but always made up by making out.  Buffy sat with Angel next to her holding hands.  It was about 10:30 in the evening.  They all really had nothing to do, but they didn't want to go home.  "Do you want to go for a walk.", Buffy asked Angel.  The other's didn't hear her.  Giles was in his office reading.  "Yeah.", Angel answered her.  They got up and walked out hand in hand.  The rest of the group sat imeresed in their card game.


"I'm glad you're back.", Buffy said.  "It's good to be back."  She had her head resting on his bicept.  They walked through the empty streets.  He had always thought that the residents of Sunnydale were smart.  They didn't know about the Hellmouth, but the went to bed early any way.  The only people to walk by were the teenagers who came from the Bronze.  They were the most to be found dead also.  He had flashbacks from his days recently as Angelus.  Buffy noticed how his mood had changed.  "What's wrong?", she inquired.  "I was just thinking."  "About when you were Angelus?"  "Yes.", he said with his head down.  "It's okay.  We've all forgiven you.  Even Giles."  "Xander hasn't."  "Xander never will.  He's always hated you for having me."  "I'm glad I have you.  That you forgave me.  It makes things a lot easier that you all forgave me.  That's seven less that don't blame me."  "You still blame yourself.  Don't.  It was Angelus...not you.  Just remember that I love you." He looked into her eyes.  He still was getting used to being able to do that without all the pain.  There was still pain, but not as much.  They walked for about twenty more minutes.  Then he dropped her off a block before her house.  They didn't want her mother to see them together after what he ahd told her about them.


It was dark and resembled the Matser's lair.  Buffy knew it wasn't his, though.  It was different, it had the same feel, but it wasn't the same.  She saw an image.  It was a woman coming from the shadows.  Angel was there.  They seemed to know eachother.  It wasn't Darla, so who could it be?  "She's pretty, Angelus", the woman remarked.  She had long, red hair. She was about 5'5" and thin.  Her face changed to have vampiric features.  Angel looked at her then to Buffy.  Suddenly a montage in images swept through her mind.  She saw fire and wind.  She was lost.  Angel was dissappearing from her view. 

Buffy sat up in bed.  She had had that dream the night before.  She didn't like it.  The last time she had a dream like that, Angel left her.  She couldn't bare loosing him again.  She wouldn't be able to live without him.  She got up quickly and put on a pair of black pants and black tank-top with little butterlies on it.  She put her hair up and put on a pair of balck platforms.  She walked out of the house quickly.  Ophelia and her mother had not yet awaken.  Buffy lefta note for each of them.  Giving Ophelia the real reason and telling her mother she had to see a teacher about a test she had coming up.  At least her mom would think she was making an effort to get better grades.


Buffy knew she would find Giles in the library and when she walked in there he was sitting at the table readin a book as usual and sipping a cup of tea.  She went a stood right in front of him.  "What's wrong he said looking up at her.  Knowing her as he did, he knew something was wrong when she came to school early.  "I had a dream.  It was like when I dreamt that Drusilla killed Angel.  There was this place that felt like the Master's lair, but it wasn't.  Angel was there and so was this vampire.  A girl.  They seemed like they knew eachother.  And then wind and fire came up and he dissappeared with her.  Giles, the last time I dreamt something like that Angel left.  I couldn't handle that again."  "I've been haveing the same dream the past few nights.  But Buffy, Angel cannot lose his soul again.  It's immpossible.  We made sure of that.  No matter what you or he does it cannot be taken from him."  "I know, but I'm still worried."  "Did you go see him?"  "No.  Not yet.  I came here first.  Last time I went there first and he left me.  I'm tring to do this differently.  No mess ups this time."  "Good.  I think when sunrise hits we should get Angel here.  We need to know if he knows who the girl is and why we may be having these dreams.  For now you should go to class while I research.  That might help you get your mind off of the dreams."  "Giles, I have a half an hour before school starts and twenty minutes before Xander, Willow, Ophelia, Oz and Cordelia get here.  I'm gonna go get some breakfast.  You want something?"  "No thank you.  Do be careful.  I know it's daylight, but still."  "I will."  Buffy wakled out of the library quickly and bumped into Principal Snyder.  "Miss Summers.  You wouldn't be checking the school so you can set it on fire would you?"  "Of course not."  "Good.  And I had better not catch you here early any more.  And showing up to class might be a good idea.  You'll have to earn to read and write so you can fill out the forms in the un-employment office." Snyder walked away leaving Buffy standing in the hallway.


"Hey Giles!", Willow said as she bounced into the library.  She was holding Oz's hand and the were followed by Xander, Cordelia and Ophelia.  "What's up you tweed clad book cracker?", Xander asked.  "Buffy's been having dreams.  I have to research to see what they might be about.  You should all get to class, so that I can get as much wotk done as possible."  "Where's Buffy?", Ophelia said.  "She went to get something to eat.  She should be back by now."  "Who should be back by now?", said a voice who gad entered the library.  It was Buffy.  She seemed a bit more up-beat than she had been.  "Is something wrong, Buffy?"  You seem different than you were earlier today.", Giles asked, concerned as usual.  "No.  I'm fine."  "You stopped to see Angel.. Didn't you?", Ophelia said knowingly.  "Kinda."  "Oh.  Did you tell him about the dreams?"  "Yeah.  He didn't want to talk about it just then, but he said he'd be here around ten tonight.  He seemed distant.  I'm a bit worried about him."  "You don't seem to be.", Xander said under his breath.  "I doubt there's something wrong with him.  Why is he not comeing until then?", Giles replied.  "He offered to go hunting for me, so I could have a night off."  "Good."  Oz looked down at his watch and then at Willow.  "I have to get going.  I'll see you later.", he said as he kissed her on the cheek and left.  "We should probably get to class, too.", Buffy said.  The rest agreed and they lieft Giles alone in the library to be with his books.


"School was a lot more boring today than usual.", Buffy remarked.  "That could be because you actually went to all your classes today.", Xander replied sarcastically.  "That might have something to do with it.", Cordy added.  They were all sitting at the their usual table in the Bronze.  Willow was busy staring at the stage and at Oz, who was up there playing with his band, 'Dingos Ate My Baby'.  They were half way through their last number, then the DJ would come out and Willow could have OZ all for herself.  "Come on.", Xander said pulling Cordelia off her chair and dragging her to the dance floor.  She didn't mind that Xander made an ass of her and himself when they danced.  It was bomcoming kind of cute to her.

Buffy and Willow sat at the table.  Neither said a word.  Willow was too preoccupied watching Oz.  "Will, I have to go now if I want to make to the library on time."  "Huh?  Oh.  Are you sure you can't stay?"  "Yeah.  I need to find out what this dream means.  I'll see you later."  "Bye."  Buffy made her way through the crowd and exiteed through the back door, just in case someone needed her help.

Xander and Cordelia came back to the table when the song was over.  Oz started putting his equipment away and then walked towards the table.  "Is any one else wondering where Ophelia is?", Xander asked. "No.  I know where she is.  She's at home reading some book she found in the library.", Willow said with a confidence, because she knew and no one else did.  "Oh...That's nice.", Cordelia said with faint intrest.  "It's some book on the Immortality of Vampires.  She wanted to get home right away and read it."  "Has any one else nticed how jumpy the Bronze is tonight?', Xander asked.  "Yeah know it's like ever since Buffy survived Angelus and killed Spike and Drusilla all the vamps of Sunnydale are afraid to come out.", Willow said.  "Well that's good.  I've gone a week without breaking a nail.  That's the first time that's happened in a while.", Cordelia said.  She was getting better, but no matter what she would always have a bit of vanity in her Willow thought.  They sat at the Bronze talking for a long time.  One of them remarked that it had been a long time that any of them could remember sitting there carefree and all.  It was almost as if this time was too good to be true.  Living on the Hellmouth as they did, it probably was, but they weren't going to let that spoil their night.  They would just let Buffy and Giles wory about the Slayer stuff and they would help when the time came.


"Hi Giles.  Did you find anything useful?", Buffy said as she walked into the library.  "No.  Research is taking me longer than usual latlely.", He commented.  "Hmm.", she replied, because she wasn't sure what to say.  "Angel should be here in about ten minutes.", he told her, feeling this would make her more receptive than she was.  "Good."  They sat in silence untill he got there.  Buffy turned around when she heard the door open.  Angel strode in wearing his usual black pants and shirt.  Today it was blue.  Like the one he wore on her birthday.  Before they fdell in the water.  He stood next to her resting his hand on her shoulder.  She smiled.  He was becomeong a bit warmer in the past few days.  Ever since he was changed back to Angel, he was distant, because of guilt.  "Hi." ,He said softly. His voice was always soft and tender.  That was one of the things Buffy loved about him.  He was so strong and muscular, yet he was sweet, down to earth and sensitive.  "Buffy told me about the dream you two have been havin.  I've been having them too.  It's me and a gril vampire.  Buffy's watching us.  And then there's wind and fire and the girl and I dissappear.  Right?"  "You've been having the same dream?  We've all gone Manchurian Candidate now.", Buffy remarked.  "Angel, do you know who the girl is?", Giles asked.  "Yes.  Her name is Lilith.  I made her.  She more evil that Drusilla, but she's not insane.  She has these visions like Drusilla did though.  Only they come further in advance than Drusilla's visions, which came within hours of the incident happening.  Lilith's come about a week before.  I don't know how long she's known about whatever's going to happen, but you can bet she'll be prepared.  She's comeing here.  That's what the dream means.  She'll be here soon.  She may already be here.  Somethings going to happen.  Something she feels threatened by.  Do you two know of anything?"  "No.  I've been in here researching it all day and haven't been able to find anything.  The key might be in one of those books, but they need translated.  I wanted to translate them tonight.  One has the title of "Vampire Rituals".  I assume it's talking about rituals vampire perform on other vampires.  Such as the time Spike tried to kill you to cure Drusilla.  I need to continue to research.  I'll have Willow translate he book tomorrow on her computer."  "What book.", they heard Willow ask.  "What are you doing here?", Buffy asked.  "I wanted to see how things were going.  Oz and I dropped off Cordy and Xander, so I asked him to bring me here.  He's waiting out in the van.  So what's this book you want me to translate?"  "Well, it's in Latin.  It's entitled "Vampire Rituals".  We think it may be helpful."  "I can take it home and translate it right away.", she said.  "Yes.  Good then.  I used to have Jenny do it but...", his voice trailed off and sadness could be seen in every one's eyes especially Angel's.  "I have to go Oz is waiting for me.", Willow picked up the book and left.

"Well you two let me know if you have any dreams tonight.  I'll keep working. Buffy you should get to bed.  It's late."  "Giles it's not even ten -thirty.  I'm usually not in bed for another three hours.  At the least."  Giles glared at her as if he were her father.  And seeing him as sort of her father, she decided it would be best if she relented and went home.  It's not as if she didn't need the sleep.  "Will you walk me home?", she asked Angel.  He nodded yes and they headed out the door.  "See you tomorrow, Giles."


Willow sat looking at the computer screen.  She was waiting for the translaton to finish.  The counter indicated that it only had about a minute and a half remaining.  Willow was glad. She was really curious as the what the book contained.  She sat listening to buzzing of the computer.  Finally, after what seemed to be forever it was through translating.  She had one more thing to do.  She reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a box.  She put her hand in the box and it emerged with a blue floppy disk.  She inserted it into the computer and began saving it.  After finding the disk of Ms.Calendar's she didn't want to be careless, so she began printing it as well.  It was exactly what Ms.Calendar had taught the class.  She was relieved when all the printing and saving was through.  She out the papers in order, labeled the disk and placed it back in the box.  She got up from the desk chair and made her way to her bed.  She sat up reading intently.

After about an hour something caught her eye.  It was a chapter entitled "The Humanity Of Vampires".  She read along paying attention to everything the book had to say.  She read that for a vampire to become human, the vampire's sire would be needed, but one of the vampire's minions would do.  Just not as sure as if the sire were there.  She read on hat the Slayer's blood would be needed.  This frightened her.  The two times Buffy had got bitten she died and then nearly died.  She read on that the vampire would continue to be immortal, but would be able to do everything a human could do.  They would be able to go out in the day, not have to live on blood and would not age.  While she continued to read she was intrigued by the fact of returning Angel to his human state.  Then he and Buffy could be together more.  With the excpetion that Buffy would die and Angel would not.  As she kept reading on she found herself nearly falling asleep.  She woke up completly when she read that the Slayer, too would become immortal from this ritual. Now the only problem was finding a minion of Angel's.  He had killed Darla, so his Sire could not be present.  Buffy had killed Spike and Drusilla.  She would just have to talk it over with Buffy, Angel and Giles.


Ophelia sat in her room, reading the book she had taken from the library.  She was eating a box of animal crackers along with it.  Finally something caught her eye.  She read that no matter what form the vampire will always be immortal.  Dead or alive.  She wasn't sure if this meant that they could make a vampire human or what.  She decided to go see Willow.  She still wasn't comfortable in Giles' apartment and Willow would know what to do with this.  She got up and ran down stairs.  No one noticed her because Buffy and her mother had both gone to bed already.  She rean as quickly as she could to Willow's house.  When she got there she climbed up the tree by Willow's deck doors.

When she reached the top she knocked on the door.  Willow was always nervous when she heard a knock at those doors.  It had always been Angel to come throught them.  She was shocked and glad to see that it was Ophelia.  "Come on in.", she said, "What's up?"  "I was reading that book and it said that no matter what a vampire would always be immortal.  I think it may mean that we can make Angel human."  "We can.  I was translating a book for Giles and I read it.  It says everything we need to know to make a vampire human.  The only thing is we need one of Angel's minions and he would have to drink from Buffy." "Uh- oh.  That's not good the last time he drank from Buffy he nearly killed her."  "Yeah, but this time he would only need to take a minimal amount.  Much less than he took last time."  "Do you think it'll work?"  "Except for the needing one of his minions thing, yeah."  "We should tell Giles then.  First thing in the mrning."  "Agreed.  I can come get you about six and we can go wake him up."  "Okay. I'll be ready.  Should we tell Buffy?"  "I don't think so.  Not yet.  We should talk to Giles first.  I mean we don't want to get her hopes up and then have it not work."  "That's what I was thinking.  So I'll be ready at six A.M."  "Bye."  Ophelia climbed back down the tree and ran back home, not making a sound as she snuck back to her bed.


Ophelia woke up at four thirty in the morning.  She took a long hot shower and got dressed.  She wore a pair of blue plaid pants with a solid blue shirt.  She pulled her hair up in a ponytail.  She did her make-up and brushed her teeth.  When she was done with that she went down stairs and fixed herself a bowl of cereal.  By the time she finished it, she had ten minutes until Willow would be there.  With that time she wrote a note to Buffy and her Aunt Joyce.  She left Buffy's on her nightstand and Joyce's on the refriderator door.  When Willow got there she ran out and they walked quickly to Giles' apartment.

When they go there, they found him already awake with coffee brewing.  They brought the books with in preperation for Giles' thoroughness.  When they toled Giles of their plan he seemed intrigued by the challenge of chainging a vampire back to a human.  They proceeded to tell him everything about the immortality and such.  Then they got to what they thought was the bad news.  "Giles, there is a drawback and something to hold us back from completing this.  Angel, would have to drink from Buffy, that's the Slayer part we told you about, and one of his minions.  We have Buffy, and I think she would do it, but we don't have a vampire that Angel sired.", Willow said in a disappointed manner.  "Yes we do.  Angel, Buffy and I spoke of our dreams last night.  We have all been having the same dream.  The girl in the drams is Lilith.  She is a vampire Angel sired.  And these dreams are letting us know that she is coming here.  This must have been what she saw in her visions.", Giles said.  "What visions.", Ophelia asked.  "Angel, informed us that Lilith has visions like Drusilla, only hers come further in advance.  He also said that she would only come here if her visions gave her something to fear.  That she would have to stop from happening."  "Changing Angel back would have me worried if I were her.", Ophelia said.  "We should probably tell Buffy as soon as she gets to school.", Willow said.  "We can all meet in the library at sunset and see if Angel is willing to do this.  But I don't think we should tell Buffy until we tell Angel.", Giles replied.  "Okay.  So we lie to Buffy again.", Willow answered him.  "What do you mean again?", Ophelia asked.  "It's a long story.  To make it short Angel, Xander and I had to lie so that we could ivestigate a friend of hers.  He was gonna give her to Spike to kill.", Willow told her.  "Oh."  "So, I'll drive you two to school.  Remeber we mention nothing to Buffy."  "Alright.", they said in union.



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