
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Not mine, the characters of Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, Thee WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox. The song Charge belongs to Splendid, I think.

Author's Notes: This takes place after my story Frozen, during I Only Have Eyes for you.

Feedback: Yes please.  Please tell me if I should do more of this type of thing.  If you think I should do more of this kind of stuff tell me what scenes and which characters, please?

I was at The Bronze.  Willow had made me go, she wanted me to move on.  Splendid was the band playing.  They were on stage performing "Charge".  Which is a cool song.  I was standing on the balcony absently watching all the happy people.

Lyrics:The way you love / Have you got a name for it / Cause I don't understand it

Cordelia and Xander were dancing close with their arms around each other and smiling.  I really envy them sometimes, they’re really happy together.  I on the other hand am barely holding it together.

Lyrics: The language is an annoying necessity / And I depend on all the regular things

Willow was looking around for me.  She turned around, looked up and spotted me, she didn’t come up though.

Lyrics: Got a list tattooed on my memory / Of how our tryst should unfold

A boy approached me.

Lyrics: I'm falling from the opposite

Ben: “Hey.”

I turned to him, a little surprised.

Lyrics: What do you see

Ben: “I'm Ben.  We had Algebra II together last year.”

Lyrics: Fight the man with no key attached

Me: “Sorry, I pretty much repress anything math related.”  *Actually last year I only had eyes for Angel, and now.  I’m not ready, though you seem nice enough.  Sorry.*  That’s what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t.

Lyrics: My heart's enlarged, and I charge / What do you say

Ben: “Ms. Jackson?  Second period?  You sat in the seat three over and one behind.”

Lyrics: What do you dream / I don't know why

Buffy: “Oh! Yeah, I remember now, it's the one with the desks and the chalkboards and pencils and stuff, right?”

Ben: “That's the one.” He chuckled.  It reminded me of Angel, but now a days everything does.  Pathetic I know, but I can’t help it.

Me: I smiles and pointed at my head. “Like a steel trap.”

Lyrics: 'Cause I don't know if I can stand it

Ben: “So, I was wondering, you know the dance tomorrow night?  Are you going?”  *No, of course not.  That would involve me possibly having fun, I’m not ready for that yet.*

Me: “You mean the Sadie Hawkins thing?  The deal where the girls ask the boys?”

Ben: “Yeah.”

Lyrics: Forever in songs you make love to me

Ben: “And I thought maybe, you know, if you're free, you might ask me.”

Lyrics: I rely on familiar things

Me: “Oh, gosh... I...”  He was cute and nice, but.....he wasn’t Angel.

Ben: He held up his hand.  “Oh, oh, hey, hey, no, don't, don't worry about it...”

Me: “No, no, you seem like a really great guy, it's...”  *The fact that I’m still in love with my psycho ex.*

Lyrics: Sometimes I'll have special meanings

Me: “...me. I-I'm not seeing anybody.”

Lyrics: But you just call it a waste

Me: “Ever again, actually.”  *I got hurt too badly.  Besides I’ll go to my grave loving Angel, he’s a part of me.*

Ben: “Oh.  That's, that's too bad.”

Lyrics: I'm falling from the opposite / What do you see

Ben: “Okay, well, I better...”  He indicated away and went.

Lyrics: Fight the man with no key attached

Me: “Sorry.” I whispered it to myself, I wondered if I was ever going to move on.

Lyrics: My heart's enlarged, and I charge

I watched him go for a moment, glanced sadly down at the band and then headed for the stairs.

Lyrics: I'm falling from the opposite / What do you see / Fight the man with no key attached / My heart's enlarged, and I charge

I reached the bottom of the stairs and Willow met me.

Willow: “Hey!  You're bailing?” She really tried to make me have fun, it just wasn’t possible.

Me: “Yeah.  I'm gonna stop by the library and see if Giles wants me to patrol, and then sack it.”  *And then go home and cry my eyes out.*

Willow: “You've been doing that a lot.  Patrolling and sacking.v In fact, you've kind of been 'all work and no play Buffy'.”

Me: “I play.  I have BIG fun.  I came here tonight, didn't I?”

Willow: “You came, you saw, you rejected.”  She was right, but it was just so..hard.

Me: “You mean that guy?  Just not in date mode right now.”  *Or ever.*

Willow: “Well, maybe you need to date to get in date mode.”

Me: I don't think I'm ready for that, Will.

Willow: “You're thinking too much.  Maybe you need to be impulsive.”  I stared a her in shock, didn’t she remember what happened last time?

Me: “Impulsive?  Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire?  I slept with him, he lost his soul, now my boyfriend's gone forever, and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends.  The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures.”  I know I sounded bitter, but I am, I love Angel so much and I’ll never get him back.

Willow: “Okay, the Angel thing went badly, I'm on board with that, but that's not your fault.  And anyway, love isn't always like that.  Love can be... nice!”  I wanted to hit her, I’m so envious.  I know it's not HER fault that she has a wonderful boyfriend, and I have an obsessive ex.

I shook my head muttered “sorry Will” and left The Bronze.  I just wasn’t in social mood, I was in mope mood.  I just wonder if it’s ever going to get better.

Will I ever be able to look at him and not feel something?  Will I ever stop feeling guilty?  I think I might just let Angel win, it would stop the ache.


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