Facing the Consquences

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't own them.  They celong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, The WB, and 20th Century Fox.  So please don't sue me, I'm not claiming to own them.

Author's Notes: Sequel to "Meant to Be" and "Friend Like These".  Meant to be silly, but if it's to silly, I'm sorry.  It's late.  Anyway to get the back story read the other two, I really don't recomend reading this one without reading them first.  Enjoy.

Buffy picked up the phone, she really didn't want to do this.  She dialled Xander's number.


"Xander, it's me."

"Buffy!"  He exclaimed, obviously releived.  "Where are you?"

She decided not to lie.  "L.A."

"At Cordelia's?"  Xander asled dryly.

"You knew ?"  she asked, surprised.

"Guessed.  Anyway, are you and Angel?" "


"I understand, but I still-"

"I know."  Buffy said softly, and then got a beep.  "Got to go Xander.  Call waiting."

"Ah.  Bye."  Xander said hanging up, Buffy pressed the button and answered the button.


"Buffy!"  her mom exclaimed, Buffy gulped.

Uh, oh.

"Hi mom."

"Hi mom?  That's all you have to say?  Young lady, what got it to you?  That was disgraceful, leaving a nice boy like Xander at the alter to run off with that hoodlum.  And in you're condition!  Young lady, when are you going to learn?  You have so much potenial...."

Buffy interrupted, angry at her mom's statemnts.  "Mom, I'm 20, I KNOW what I'm doing.  First of all I love Angel, not xander.  I was only marrying him to forget Angel, but that's not going to happen.  Besides Angel's willing to raise the baby with me, so it will have a family after all.  More of one than I got."

With that she hung up, and to prevent her mother from calling back, she took the phone off the hook.

She closed her eyes, and lay back down.

She had a feeling that this was just beginning, there were going to be a lot more angry calls.

Oh, well, she could leave the phone off the hook forever.

Angel had a cellphone.


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