No Such Thing As Happily Ever After

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Xander and Cordelia belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, oh you know the drill.  I down own them so please don’t sue me.

Author’s Notes: This is one in set of three stories.  Each of them is the same idea, but with a different couple and slightly different ending.  They are NOT exactly the same story, each one is different.  Really.  I did this because I didn’t want to do another Buffy and Angel story, but I thought this was the perfect idea for one so I compromised.  This is The Cordeila and Xander one, it’s sad, they all are.  I hope you enjoy.

It was over.

Everyone knew it, they had all known it would happen, but nobody thought it would be like this.

But maybe it was time, she had lived so long, had fought so hard.  Now she was dying, the fight was over.  She had lost.  It would be soon, and then she’d been taken from them.

They just wished they could fulfil her last wish, but they couldn’t get in touch with him.  So she would die without him, without the chance to clear the air.  They hadn’t seen each other since Graduation, twelve years ago.

She had moved on, but so much was left unsaid.  Before she went she wanted to clear the air, to make amends with him, but it looked like she wouldn’t get the chance.

The others shared worried glances, it would be any time now, she was trying to hold on for him, but there was a chance she might never get to see him.  After all she had been through in the last few months, this disease killing her slowly, she would die without her one wish being fulfilled.  It wasn’t fair, if only they could have found him.

Just as it looked like the end was here, he came through the door.  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he was her.  They all looked at him and left the room, they needed to be alone.

Xander looked at Cordelia, unable to believe what she had become.  Her physical beauty had faded, but he could see her beautiful soul.  To him she was still the most beautiful woman in the world, she always would be.

He didn’t say anything just held her in his arms. He kissed her head softly, wishing that he hadn't been such an idiot.  He hadn’t really been in contact, he should have been.  Maybe then they would have had sometime.

Cordelia took his hand and looked up at him.  “I love you.” She whispered simply before leaving him.

He burst into tears, that was it, it was such a poor ending for them.  They should have gotten so much more, but they had both been too stubborn.  They had let the rift grow to far and they had both suffered for it.

He just sat there, wishing for a second chance.  For a better ending, but it wouldn’t happen.  Xander kissed Cordelia’s still from and went into the hall.

Without saying anything he left, once he was in his car he let the tears come.  This was it, there was no happily ever after for them.  It didn’t exist.

The End

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