No More Dreaming

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is the sequel to New Beginnings.  It’s the second in my Buffy and Angel A New Life series.  This takes place in the middle of I Will Remember You.  Doyle didn't’ have a vision and Angel didn't give up his humanity.  Okay?  It’s fluff and romance.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

“I can’t wait to see everybody’s face when they see you!” Buffy gushed happily.

Angel smiled.  “I’m glad your happy.”

“Oh, I’m beyond happy.” Buffy said, wrapping her arms around his neck.  “I’m ecstatic.  This is all I’ve ever dreamed of.  We can have a normal life.”

“Which includes me getting a job.” Angel said.

“What can you do?” Buffy asked with a smile.  “I mean I bet Willow will help get you fake records, but we need to find you something to do.”

“I could be a cop.” Angel suggested.

Buffy laughed.  “Your kidding right?”

Angel nodded.

“Yes, I am.  But how about a museum?  I do have some knowledge in historic artifacts.”

“That’s a good idea.” Buffy told him.  “I’ll talk to Giles when we get home.  Next question where are you going to live?”

“I’ll sell The Mansion and stop the lease on this place and rent an apartment.”

“Can I help pick it out?” Buffy asked.

"Definitely.” Angel told her.  “Because I plan on you staying there a lot.”

“So do I.” Buffy said happily.  “So do I.”

“You know what this means, don’t you?” Angel asked.


“It means that we can have a normal life, that in a few years or whatever we can get married just like any other couple.”

Buffy squealed.  “I was thinking about that, isn’t in wonderful?  One day we can have marriage and children.”

“I thought you didn’t want that.” Angel teased.

“I don’t want it without you.” Buffy told him softly.  “I want you more than anything else, but to have a future with you......It still seems like a dream.”

“It’s not.” Angel told her with a smile.  “It's real.  This is our future.”


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