Working Things Out

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This takes place after I Fall to Pieces.  It’s a Cordelia/Doyle Buffy/Angel story.  But Buffy isn't exactly in it, Angel just decides to call her at the end.  I love both couples so you’ll find me writing lots of fic about them.  This is an Angel story, that mentions characters of Buffy.  But it focuses on Angel.  Just one of those things.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

“Doyle, what’s going on?  Why have you been avoiding me?” Cordelia asked with anger and hurt.

“I haven’t.” Doyle protested knowing full well he had been.

“You have too.  Have I done something?” She asked in a hurt voice.

“Never Princess, I thought you wanted me to go away.”

“Why would I want that?”

“You told me so?”

“When?” She asked in a puzzled tone.

“Remember what you said about guys hanging around all the time?  The ones you couldn’t stand?”

Cordelia laughed.  “Doyle, that was just a comment.”  She looked slyly at him.  “I’m very interested in you.” She said in a soft tone.

“Really.” He said with interest.

“Really.” She confirmed, grabbing him close to her.  She kissed him with all her passion.

“How's that?” She asked after a minute.

“Wow.”  Was all he could say.

“Now are you going to stop avoiding me?” She asked with a pout.

“Try to get me to stay away from you.” Doyle replied, pulling her close to her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.  Angel walked in, nodded to the couple who made no attention to him, and then walked right out.

“So he did it!  I'll be damned!” Angel said as soon as he was outside.

Then he remembered he had said something like that before, about Buffy the night she had stopped The Harvest.  It seemed so long ago now, too long.

He went back inside, walked past Cordelia and Doyle who were still oblivious to the outside world, and went down to his apartment.

He’d call her, just to hear her voice.  But this time he’d talk to her.

If Doyle could get Cordelia maybe he could get Buffy back, it was a worth a shot because she was his entire world.


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