Until The End of Time

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I wish I owned them, but I don't.  They belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  I don't own the songs either, they belong to whoever wrote and recorded them.  Basically, I don't own anything, so don't sue.

Author's Notes: This is my version of the very last Buffy.  It's set at the end of the sixth season.  Wow, huh?  Anything after Amends, except for the spinoff, didn't happen.  So the school didn't blow up, and Faith isn't evil, but she's dead in this story.  Also Spike and Dru are back in Sunnydale and there was never a Riley Finn.  This is a sequel to One Last Kiss.  It may be kind of angsty.

[Opens with a shot of Angel driving along the highway, then fades to Buffy patrolling]

Whistler (narrating): "The end came to the most powerful love of all time. For fate can only be denied so many times, and Buffy Summers time had come.  But no matter what happened on this earth it would never truly be over.  Angel's love for his slayer would last forever, no matter what separated them.  Watch and see."

[Camera pans to the fresh grave Buffy is sitting on then back to her]

Buffy: "Hurry up already, I've got finals tomorrow."

Just them the vampire rises and attacks her, she quickly stakes it.

Buffy: "Darn.  I was hoping for some distraction."

[Cut to Angel standing behind her]

Angel: "Will I do?"

Buffy: "Angel?"

He walked over to her.

Angel: "It's me.  I'm back for good."

Buffy's face lights up, and she runs to him.  He holds her close a worried expression his face.

[Fade to opening credits]
[Cut to the library]

Giles, Angel, Buffy, Willow, Oz, and Xander are standing around worried expressions on all their faces.

Giles: "Are you sure?"

Angel: (sighs) "Yes.  Tomorrow the portal to Hell will be opened and this time nothing can stop it."

Cordelia: (voice only) "You're wrong.  Something can stop it.  Buffy."

[Camera pans to Cordelia standing at the door, then back to the group as she walks over to them]

Angel: "What do you mean?"

Cordelia: "Whistler only told me that there is only one way to stop this, Buffy's life, I don't know why."

Giles spoke up, a grim expression on his face.

Giles: "I do.  Buffy is like Angel, her life has been so vast and important.  Her life contains the secret to time and space.  That's why Buffy and Angel are soul mates, their lives have been intertwined since the beginning of time."

Xander: "Wow, that's impressive, bound since the beginning of the world."

Everyone ignores him, and looks at Buffy.

[Camera pans to Buffy, who's on the verge of tears]

Buffy: "I'll do it."

All: "What?!"

Angel: "Buffy no, it'll kill you."

Buffy: "I know.  But it has to be done, I can't let the world end if I did everything I went through to save it before would be nothing.  (She tries to smile)  At Least I won't go to hell."

Angel: "Never."

Giles: "Buffy.......are you sure?"

Buffy: "It's the only way."

Willow starts to cry, so does Cordelia.  Xander and Oz look stricken.  Angel just stands there.  Giles looks at her sadly.

Giles: "Go with Angel Buffy, spend you're last night with him."

Buffy: "Are you sure?"

Giles: (quietly) "Yes."

The two left the library silently, neither one looking back.

[The camera follows them to the door then pans back to the group]

Willow: "Giles what do we do?"

Giles: "Research.  We have to find a way to save Buffy."

Willow: "We do."

The others nod and head off into the stacks to do research.

[Cut to the mansion]

Buffy and Angel are sitting in front of the fire.  Watching silently.  Buffy turns away and looks at Angel.

Buffy: "Angel, make love to me."

Angel: "What?"

Buffy: "It's over.  We both know it, tomorrow I die.  So please let my last night be in your arms, I doubt your soul's in that much danger.  Not tonight."

Angel: (whispering) "I can't lose it anyway."

Buffy: (angrily) "What?! And you didn't tell me? Did....did you stop loving me?"

Her eyes fill with tears as she stares at Angel accusingly.

Angel: "No.  I just found out, I wasn't sure if I should tell you, especially after this."

Buffy: "I understand."

Angel moves over to her and kisses her gently, the kiss grows and he sweeps her into his arms and carries her into his bedroom.

[Camera fades from Angel putting her down on the bed to Xander and Cordelia in the stacks]

Xander has a sad look on his face, Cordelia comes up behind him.

Cordelia: "What are you thinking about?  Buffy?"

Xander shook his head slowly.

Xander: "No.  Actually I was thinking about us, it was here that Willow caught us kissing.  It seems like a lifetime ago, instead of four years."

Cordelia: (softly) "I know."

Xander looks Cordelia in the eyes and grabs her hand.

Xander: "Do you ever regret what happened between us?  Wish it could have ended differently?"

Cordeila: "Everyday.  After what we learnt today what happened seems a million light years away.  Xander I know this is a lot to ask but can you hold me?  Just for tonight?"

Xander nods slowly and puts his arms around her as they both sit down, hugging each other tightly.

Xander:  Cordelia, I love you."

Cordelia: (her eyes fill with tears) "I love you too."

They're both silent as they hold each other, their faces filled with regret and pain.

[Camera pans to Giles in his office on the phone]

Giles: "Mrs. Summers?  I believe you should come home immediately.  (pause)  Yes, it is about Buffy.  (pause) Joyce, she's going to die.  (pause)  Tomorrow, in battle.  (pause)  Joyce, she has to.  It's the only way.  (pause)  I'm sorry Joyce.  (pause)  Goodbye."

He hangs up the phone and picks up a picture on his desk.

[Camera pans to the picture and we see it's one of Buffy and Willow, camera pans back to Giles' face]

He puts the picture back and stares into his tea cup.  Tears roll down his cheeks.

Giles: "How can I do this?  How can I let her die?"  He sets the cup down and takes his glasses off.  "Because it's the only way that's why."

He stares sadly at the wall.

[Fade to Commercial]

[Fade to the main part of the library]

Oz and Willow are researching, he puts down his book and holds her silently.  She looks at him sadly.

Willow: "It feels so strange, to know that after tomorrow Buffy will be gone."

Oz: (softly) "Yeah."

Willow starts to cry and he holds her tight.

Oz: "It's alright baby, it'll be alright."

Willow pulls away slightly and looks at him.

Willow: "No Oz, it's not alright.  Buffy's going to die.  Nothing will ever be alright again."

Oz sighs and looks at her seriously.

Oz: "You're right."

[Camera fades to Buffy and Angel lying in bed, holding each other]

Whistler: (narrating) [The camera pans from Buffy and Angel to Giles to Willow and Oz to Joyce driving home in a hurry to Cordelia and Xander back to Buffy and Angel as he speaks]  "They all knew it was the end, but that didn't make it hurt any less.  Their world was about to come crashing down, and they couldn't stop it.  Angel was hurting most of all, he loved her more than anything.  He had always known he'd lose her, he was immortal, she wasn't, but he hadn't wanted to think about it.  Now he had to, and it hurt more than anything in his entire life."

Buffy starts to cry silently as Angel holds her, Angel looks at her a worried expression in his face.

Angel: "What's wrong baby?"

Buffy: "The reality just hit me.  This is the last time I'll ever be in your arms, we finally have a chance and this happens.  It's not fair."

Angel: "No it's not, but life's not fair, Buffy."

Buffy nods in agreement and looses herself in tears, Angel holds her tight.

Angel: "It's okay to cry, let it out."

He starts to cry too and their tears mix together as they hold each other tightly, like it was the last time.  Of course it was.

[The camera pans to the library the next morning]

Giles and the others were seated around one of the tables, defeated expressions on their faces.  Xander slams a book shut.

Xander: "Nothing."

Willow starts to cry.

Willow: "It's really over."

Giles nods sadly, as the library door opens.  Buffy comes in a sad look on her face.

Buffy: "When and where?"

Giles: "The remains of the old factory, and you'll know when it's time."

Buffy nods, her eyes full of unshed tears.

Buffy: "Thanks.  For everything, you were like a father to me.  I love you."

Giles' glasses mist up.

Giles: "I love you too."

Buffy smiles sadly and turns to the others.

Buffy: "You guys were the best friends I ever had.  Goodbye."

With that she turns and walks out the door, they sadly watch her go.  As the door closes behind her Willow whispers once last word.

Willow: (softly) "Goodbye."

Tears fall down all their cheeks as they realise that Willow's words are true.

[Cut to the old factory]

Spike watches Dru prepare a spell.

Spike: "Is it ready Ducks?"

[Camera pans down to a beautiful silver box with a strange purple glow, then back up to Dru]

Drusilla: "Almost, and the world will end."

Spike nods as he watches her dance by herself, to music only she can hear.

Spike: "Soon."

[The camera fades to a commercial]
[Cut to Buffy's house]

Buffy walked into the kitchen and saw her mom with her head in her hands, crying.

Buffy: "Mom?  You know don't you."

Joyce: "Yes.  Mr. Giles told me.  Buffy isn't there a way to stop it?"

Buffy: "No, I'm the only hope.  We always knew it would end like this."

Joyce starts to cry.

Joyce: "Why?"

Buffy: "I'm the slayer."

Joyce starts to say something, but stops.  She get's up and hugs Buffy.

Joyce: "I love you.  And I never regret one moment of having you as my daughter, not even a second."

Buffy's eyes mist up.

Buffy: "I love you too."

The two hug again, and Buffy pulls away and leaves the house as her mother watches.  As soon as she gone, Joyce starts to bawl.

[Cut to The Mansion]

Angel's sitting in front of the fireplace, just staring into place.  Buffy walks up behind him.

Buffy: "Hi."

Angel: "Hey, how did it go?"

Buffy's eyes fill with tears.

Buffy: "Not well.  It was so hard, knowing that I'd never see them again.  I just want more, but I'm the slayer.  I wasn't supposed to have this much."

Angel walks towards her and holds out his hand.

Angel: "Will you dance with me?"

Buffy nods, and takes his hand, he turns on the radio.  Written In The Stars by Elton John and LeAnn Rhimes came on.

Buffy and Angel began to dance.

I am here to tell you we can never meet again,
Simple really.  Isn't it?
A word or two and then,
A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when

Buffy lays her head on Angel's shoulder.

You think of me or speak of me or wonder what befell the someone you once loved so long ago, so well.
Never wonder what I'll feel as living shuffles by,
You dont have to ask me and I need not reply,
Every moment of my life from now until I die

Angel tightens his arms around her waist, his face a mask of grief.

I will think or dream of you and fail to understand
How a perfect love can be confounded out of hand.

Buffy sighs softly, as she stays close to him.

Is it written in the stars?
Are we paying for some crime?
Is that all that we are good for?
Just a stretch of mortal time?

Buffy raises her head, and looks up at Angel.  Tears are rolling down her cheeks, he lifts his hand gently to her face.

Is this some God's experiment in which we have no say?
In which we're given paradise - but only for a day.

Angel gently wipes the tears away, then he leans down and kisses her.

Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide.
No escape, no change of heart, nor any place to hide.
You are all I'll ever want but this I am denied.

Sometimes in my darkest thoughts I wish I'd never learned
What is to be in love and have that love returned.

She kisses him back with everything in her.  Suddenly he pulls away, he just stares into her eyes.

Is it written in the stars?
Are we paying for some crime?
Is that all that we are good for?
Just a stretch of mortal time?

She stares back, memorising every feature.  He runs his hands through her hair.

Is this some God's experiment in which we have no say?
In which we're given paradise - but only for a day.
Is this some God's experiment in which we have no say?
In which we're given paradise - but only for a day.

The music ends, but they just stay there, in each other's arms.

Angel: "I love you."

Buffy: "I love you.  Forever."

Angel: "Forever."

He kisses her again, and they lose themselves in the kiss.

[Camera cuts to Willow and Buffy's apartment]

Willow and Oz are sitting in the living room in each other's arms.

Willow: "Do..do you think it's over?"

Willow starts to cry, Oz holds her tighter.

Oz: "No baby, she's still fine.  I'm sure of it, when it's time Giles will tell us.  She's not gone yet."

Willow: "But she will be, don't you see Oz, everything will change.  I don't know if I can cope."

Oz: "Baby, you'll have me."

Suddenly he lets her go and gets off the couch, he bends before her on one knee and pulls out a beautiful ring.

Oz: "I didn't think this was the time, but I realised it is.  This is when you need me the most.  Willow Rosenberg will you marry me?"

Willow nods slowly, tears of happiness mixing with the one of sorrow.

Willow: "Yes."

Oz gets back on the couch and pulls her into his arms, she smiles at him.

Willow: "Oz I'm so happy, but, I just wish Buffy could be there when we get married."

Oz: "I'm sorry baby."

Willow: "It's not you're fault, it's destiny.  Buffy cheated it before, now it's time."

Oz nods sadly as Willow stares at the wall.

[Cut to the mansion]

Buffy and Angel are getting ready to go.

Buffy: "Angel you don't have to come with me."

Angel: "Buffy, I have to."

Buffy looks at him, and slowly nods.

Buffy: "Yeah.  I just wish......"

Angel: (sadly) "I know."

Buffy smiles faintly, and takes Angel's hand.

Buffy: "Wishes won't help, we just have to go.  The sooner I get this over with, the better."

Angel nods, and they leave the mansion.

[Cut to commercial]

[Fade into outside the factory]

Buffy and Angel are just outside the ruins.

Buffy: "This is it."

Angel: "Yeah."

Buffy looks away from him and opens the door in the ground.

Buffy: "Let's go."

She opens it and climbs down, Angel follows.

[Cut to Spike and Dru]

Drusilla is preparing the spell to open the box.

Drusilla: (to Spike) "This is it, it's coming I can feel it.  In a second Hell will be on earth, oh, listen to the power.  Here it co-"

Buffy: (voice only) "I don't think so."

Buffy approaches Dru and makes a move for the box.  Drusilla just stares at her.

Drusilla: "You can't stop it.  Nothing can, it's already been done.  Hell will be on earth."

Buffy: "You're wrong.  Something can stop it.  Me."

Dru's eyes widen as Buffy takes out a dagger.  Spike watches them, his eyes wide.

Spike: "You don't mean?" Buffy: "I do, but I'm not going by myself, you're joining me.  Angel?"

Angel nods at her and goes after Spike while Buffy deals with Dru.

Dru lunges at Buffy, but Buffy trips her, sending her flying into the wall.  Buffy closes in on her and stares at her for a minute before holding the stake in front of her chest.

Buffy: "I win, you lose.  Bitch."

With that she sticks the stake in Dru's heart and watches her turn to dust.  Spike stops fighting with Angel and just stands there.

Spike: "Go ahead Mate, I don't want to live without her anyway."

Angel nods and stakes him.  Spike turns to dust with the name of his beloved on his lips.

Buffy and Angel just stare at the two piles of dust before Buffy regains control.

Buffy: "Wow, I guess it's my turn now.  Goodbye Angel."

She looks up at him her eyes filled with love, he pulls her close and kisses her.  They stand there for a minute before he pulls away.

Angel: "Goodbye."

Buffy smiles sadly and approaches the box, taking the dagger out again.  She closes her eyes and stabs her self in the heart, allowing her blood to fall on the box.  As she falls to the ground, the box looses its glow.

Angel rushes to her, and pulls her body into his arms.  She opens her eyes slightly.

Buffy: I love you.

With that she lets go, Angel watches her go.  He starts to cry as he holds her lifeless body in his arms.

[Sad, instrumental music begins to play]

[Camera pans from Angel holding her body in his arms, to him walking into the library]

Giles, Xander, and Cordelia are there. Giles looks at him.

Giles: "It's over?"

Angel: "Yeah, she took out Spike and Dru first though."

Cordelia bursts into tears and Xander comforts her, Giles tries to keep his composure.

Giles: "I must call her mother."

Angel: "Yeah.  I got to go, I need to be alone."

Giles: "Of course."

The three of them watched as Angel left the library, and then went back to their own grieving.

[Camera pans to the cemetery, during the day]

A bunch of people are standing around a Casket.

Priest: "He created all things in order that they might exist.  And the generative forces of this world are wholesome, and there is no destructive poison in them.  For the dominion of Hades is not on Earth, for righteousness is immortal.  Those who God created, he will always keep safe."

[He continues to speak, but it is reduced to mumbling as the camera pans from Joyce hanging off Giles, barely able to keep from loosing it.  Cordelia crying in Xander's arms, while Xander is trying to keep from crying.  To Willow staring at the casket a frozen look on her face, while Oz just holds her close.  To Whistler Standing at the edge of the group, tears in his eyes.  Back to the priest."

Priest: "....ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Amen."

The group slowly disbands, with people muttering condolences to Joyce.  Cordelia approaches the casket.  She lays a white rose on top of it.

Cordelia: "You were my first real friend, I'm going to miss you.  A lot, we all are.  Goodbye, Buffy."

She turns from the casket and straight in to Xander's arms.  He just holds her.

Xander: "Cordy, I love you."

Cordelia: "I love you, too."

Xander: "I want a second chance, can you give it to me?"

Cordelia: "Yes."

She raises her tear-stained face to his, and he kisses her gently, trying to wash away her pain.

They pull away, and hand in hand follow the others out of the cemetery.

[Camera fades to commercial]

[Camera pans to the cemetery, a few nights later]

Angel walks slowly through the cemetery, until he finds a fresh grave.v He just stands there looking at it.

[Camera fades into flashbacks as Sarah McLachlans I Will Remember You plays in the background]

I Will Remember You
Will you remember me?

[A much younger Joyce holding her newborn daughter]

Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

[One year old Buffy walking across the room as her proud parents watch]

Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when times got bad,

[Four year old Buffy skating for the first time]

How clearly I first saw you smiling' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one

[Twelve year old Buffy in her cheerleaders uniform]

I Will Remember You

[Fourteen year old Buffy being crowned Homecoming queen]

Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by

[The day she was called as slayer]

Weep not for the memories

[The first time she met Angel]

Buffy was walking down a dark street.  She sensed that someone was following her.  When she got a chance she ducked down an alley and looked around for a place to hide.  She spied a bar high above her.  Angel came into the alley but didn't see her.  When Angel passed underneath her she swung down and kicked him in the back.  He was knocked to the ground, and Buffy positioned herself above him with a foot on his chest.

Angel: "Ah, heh. Is there a problem, ma'am?"

Buffy: "Yeah, there's a problem.  Why are you following me?"

Angel: "I know what you're thinking.  Don't worry, I don't bite."

She backed off and let him get up, but kept her fighting stance.

Angel: "Truth is, I thought you'd be taller, or bigger muscles and all that.  You're pretty spry, though."  He massaged his neck.

Buffy: "What do you want?"

Angel: "The same thing you do."

Buffy: (she let down her guard) "Okay.  What do I want?"

Angel: "To kill them.  To kill them all."

Buffy: "Sorry, that's incorrect.  But you do get this lovely watch and a year's supply of Turtle Wax.  What I want is to be left alone!"

She started a determined walk away.  Angel was ready for this reaction, he even expected it.

Angel: "You really think that's an option anymore?  You're standing at the mouth of hell.  And it's about to open."

She stopped, turning to him and looking at him with a wide eyed gaze.  He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small box.

Angel: "Don't turn your back on this." He tossed her the box.  "You've gotta be ready."

Buffy: "What for?"

Angel: "For the Harvest."

Buffy: "Who are you?"

Angel: "Let's just say... I'm a friend."  He started to leave.

Buffy: "Yeah, well, maybe I don't want a friend."

Angel: (turning back) "I didn't say I was yours."

He left her by herself, knowing she'd open the box.

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep

[Buffy and Angels first kiss]

It's funny how we feel so much, but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard, but

[The night they made love for the first time]

They arrived at Angel's Apartment, he opened the door, and they came in.  He turned on the light.  Buffy closed the door behind them.  He took off his heavy coat and layed it aside.  Buffy was soaked through to her skin without a coat or jacket.

Angel: "You're shaking like a leaf."

Buffy: "Cold."

Angel: "Let me get you something."

He got some things from his armoire and handed them to her.

Angel: "Put these on.  Get under the covers, just to warm up."

Buffy walked over to his bed and sat down.  She looked up at him.  He turned away to give her privacy.

Angel: "Sorry."

Buffy took off her top shirt and winced and inhaled in pain.

Angel: "What?"

Buffy: "Oh, um... It's okay.  I just have a cut or something."

Angel: "Can I... Lemme see."

Buffy clutched her shirt to her chest.

Buffy: (whispering) "Okay."

Angel turns around and sits down on the bed behind her.  He gently touched her back and looks at the cut.

Angel: "It's already closed.  You're fine."

Buffy leaned back into him and cuddled her face to his.  He put his arms around her.

Buffy: "You almost went away today."

Angel: "We both did."

Buffy: (sobbing) "Angel... I feel like I lost you... You're right, though.  We can't be sure of anything."

Angel: "Shhh.  I..."

She turned around to look at him.

Buffy: "You what?"

Angel: "I love you.  I try not to, but I can't stop."

Buffy: "Me, me, too.  I can't either."

They started to kiss.  After a moment Angel broke off.

Angel: "Buffy, maybe we shouldn't..."

Buffy: (she stopped him) "Don't.  Just kiss me."

They fell on to the bed, and then they made love.

I Will Remember You
Will you remember me?

[Buffy sending Angel to Hell]

Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

[Buffy tells Giles and WIllow the truth about what happened to Angel]

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to lose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose

[Angel leaves for LA]

It was night, when Buffy got out of Oz's van at the train station.  She walked towards Angel, who was alone on the platform.  Angel turned around and saw her, he got a small, sad smile on his face.

Angel: (softly) "Buffy.  I didn't think you were coming."

Buffy: "Either did I.  But I had some sense talked into me."

Angel: (he laughed softly) "Willow?"

Buffy: "Yeah.  She told me that if I didn't come I'd always regret it, she was right."

Angel: (softly) "I'm glad you came."

Buffy: "So am I.  I think we need to say a proper goodbye.  I'm not saying it doesn't hurt it does, but I really want to say a proper goodbye."

Angel: "You're right.  Buffy, as I've told you before I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.  But it was more than that, you taught me what love was.  You made me realise I wasn't just a monster" Buffy started to cry.  "Then I hurt you, more than I'd ever hurt anyone else.  That's why I have to go, so that I never hurt you like that again."

Buffy: (still crying) "Angel, I accept that you have to go.  I don't want you to, but I accept it.  Angel, I know you want me move on, but I don't think I'll be able to.  Ive been in love with you for so long, I don't think that could ever change.  Besides I don't want it to.  I love you.  I hope you're happy in L.A, and maybe someday Willow will find a way for us to be together."

Angel: (whispering) "Maybe."

Buffy: (softly) "Goodbye."

Angel: "Goodbye."

They walked to each other slowly and then they shared a long kiss.

Angel pulled away first, his eyes glimmered with unshed tears.

Angel: "I guess this is it."

Buffy: "Yeah I guess so."

Angel turned to go, just before he boarded the train Buffy calls his name.  He turned to face her.

Buffy: "I Love you, I'll never stop, remember that."

Angel: "I'll never stop either."

Buffy: (she held out her hand to show her claudagh ring which is pointing towards her) "I found this this morning.  I don't know where it came from, but it was there. Almost like a miracle, maybe it is because our love was a miracle.  I'll always wear it this way because I'll always belong to you."

Angel: (Angel showed her his ring which was also facing inward) "I'll always belong to you too."

Conductor: "All on Board."

Buffy: "You should go, just remember that I'll always remember you."

Angel: "I'll always remember you too.  (He turned to go.)

Angel boarded the train after one last look at Buffy, a tear rolled down her cheek as she turned to go.

Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night

[Buffy graduating from High School]

You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

[Buffy and Willow shopping]

I Will Remember You
Will you remember me?

[Buffy and Angel slow dancing at Cordelia's birthday party]

Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

[Buffy patrolling with Willow and Oz]

I Will Remember You
Will you remember me?

[Buffy and Angel making love for the final time]

Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories

[Camera pans back to Angel]

Whistler: (Narrating) "The end had come, for this lifetime at least, the slayer had left him.  The Watcher was right they had been meant for each other since the beginning of time, and it would stay that way until the end of time.  Nothing can change that."

Angel kneels down beside the grave and places a red rose on it.

Angel: "I loved you since the moment I saw you, and that will never change.  You are my soul, everything I am belongs to you.  I'll never forget you.  [Camera pans down to the grave]  I'll love you until the end of time."

The grave reads:


Elizabeth Buffy Anne
Beloved daughter and friend.
The Chosen One
Blessed with the love of the angels.


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