
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Of course the characters of Buffy don't belong to me.  Do I look, like I'm on Acid?  I don't mean that in a bad way, only that I would NEVER be as mean as Joss, not in a million years.  Okay, I'm done now.  Anyway, the characters of Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  So please don't sue me.

Author's Notes: Sequel to "Meant to Be," "Friends Like These," and "Facing the Consequences," this is the fourth in the series.  Okay, it's 4:30 am, so please forgive me if this sucks.  Read the others before this, or you won't understand anything.  This takes place the day after the wedding, and directly after Facing the Consequences.  Enjoy.

Spike heard the phone ring, and picked it up.  He was about to put it down when he heard Willow already had it, but curiosity got the better of him.  He listened.

Willow: "Hello?"

Cordelia: "Hey.  We're doing the 3-way calling thing."

Willow: "You and Buffy?  I thought you guys were both at you're place?"

Buffy: "Yeah, but I'm back at my apartment now.  I'm closing the lease.  What's up?"

Willow: "Well Spike's mad at me 'cause I told him Angel had a better butt."

Buffy & Cordelia: "He does!"

Willow: "I know, but Spike's so sensitive.  It's a guy thing."

Cordelia: "How did you get on the subject of buttes anyway?"

Willow: "We were watching The Sports Channel, anyway I commented that this hockey player had a nice butt, but that I had seen better.  He asked where, and I told him his and Angel's.  Then 'cause he's a guy he had to ask who's his better, now his pride his wounded.

Spike glared at the phone indignantly, Angel's butt was not better than his!

Cordelia: "Poor baby."

Buffy: "What are you doing looking at Angel's butt?"

Cordelia: "Here comes the hormones."

Willow: "Every woman from 8-80 checks out Angel's butt, probably some older or younger."

Buffy: "Okay, okay, but do I have to like it?"

Willow: "No.  I don't like it when I see someone check out Spike's, and I'm sure Cordy hates it when someone checks out Whistler's."

Buffy: "Why would they want to?"

Cordelia: "Hey!"

Buffy: "Sorry.  Oh, I talked to Xander this morning."

Cordelia: "How did it go?"

Willow: "When?  When you arrived back in Sunnydale, was he waiting for you?"

Spike was curious himself, if that wanker had upset the slayer, well he'd be praying for death.  Spike wasn't sure when he had started to regard the slayer as a chum, but he did and he actually found her quite amusing. Besides, she made Willow happy, and that was all that mattered.  He listened for Buffy's answer.

Buffy: "It went fine.  He already figured most of it out.  No, I called him this morning before I left.  I needed to get it over with.  I talked to mom too.  Didn't go to well."

Cordelia: "I can imagine."

Willow: "How bad?"

Buffy: "Not pleasant.  Hung up on her."

Cordelia: "Ouch."

Willow: "What are you guys doing next weekend?"

Buffy: "Nothing.  Why?"

Willow: "Spike suggested we go to Vegas."

Cordelia & Buffy: "Cool!"

Willow: "Do you think the guys would be in?"

Cordelia: "Whistler, definitely."

Buffy: "Angel too.  He loves me enough to do anything."

Cordelia: "True."

Willow: "When's the wedding?"

Buffy: "One month Saturday."

Cordelia: "That soon?"

Buffy: "I'm pregnant, remember?"

Cordelia: "Oh, yeah.  What about Xander?"

Buffy: "What do you mean?  Xander doesn't love me anymore than I love him.  He's still devoted to Anya's memory."

Willow: "It is kind of tragic how she died in his arms, the night he proposed."

Buffy: "Yeah.  He really did love her."

Cordelia: "He doesn't know how to love.  What I mean is doesn't he want to be a real father to the baby?"

Buffy: "Yeah.  He wants a place in it's life."

Cordelia: "But if you marry angel before the baby's born, Angel will legally be the child's father."

Buffy: "Oh."

Willow: "Wow." Cordelia: "Anyway, I think Angel would make a better father than Xander any day."

Spike: "Here, here."

Willow, Buffy, & Cordelia: "Spike?!"

Spike: "Oops."

Willow: "Spike, how long have you been listening?"

Spike: "The whole time.  Sorry, luv, but it was interesting.  Hanging up now."

With that he hung up the phone and went to watch TV.

Willow: "I got to go, go talk to him."

Buffy: "Bye."

Cordelia: "Talk to you later."

Willow: "Bye."

With that Willow hung up and went in search of her boyfriend, she found him watching Sports Center.

Willow: "Spike."

Spike turned to look at Willow guiltily.

Spike: "I'm sorry Luv."

Willow: "I know, but don't do it again."

Spike: "Okay, well unless you're degrading Xander.  I like hearing that."

Willow sighed.

Willow: "Of course you do."

She shook her head in frustration, then smiled, and threw her arms around him.

Willow: "I love you."

Spike was surprised, but hugged Willow back.

Spike: "I love you too, pet."

Willow smiled and just lay her head on his chest.


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