Meant To Be

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't any characters from Buffy, I wish I did, but I don't.  They belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  So please don't sue me..

Author's Notes: Finally, I went back to Buffy and Angel fiction, I'll try not to stray to much again.  Really.  Anyway I think there'll be a sequel, maybe even a whole series.  I think it could be interesting.

He didn't know why he was there.

He didn't belong there, what could he do?

But he couldn't leave.  He had to watch, had to see the love of his life marry another man.

By doing so he would be finally accepting that she wasn't his any more.

Just then she appeared at the end of the alter.  His eyes widened when he saw her on her watcher's arm, how beautiful she looked.

How perfect.


Why was she doing this?  She asked herself.

She knew the answer, because of the baby she carried.  The baby who had been conceived in a night of drunken comfort.

No that wasn't it, she was marrying him to forget about Angel, to let go of the past she knew she never really would be able to forget.

To the only man she would ever really love.

Then she looked around her eyes widened when she saw Angel, her beloved Angel.

He had come.


She saw Spike wink and wave his arm.

She knew what he was telling her to do, and she did.

She broke free of Giles' arm and ran towards the back of the church and her true love.

Everybody stared at her, this wasn't proper.  She didn't give them any thought.  Just stood in front of Angel, and held out her hand.

He took it.

She smiled widely, and led him outside, as everybody watched it shock and horror.

Almost everybody she saw Spike, Whistler, Cordelia, and Willow all smile at her.

She knew that they were behind her.


Once they were outside Buffy turned to Angel.  "You came." She said simply, he nodded.

"I had to see if you would go through with it."

"I was going to, until I saw you."  Then she knew she had to tell him why.  "Angel, I'm pregnant."  His face fell, and she continued.  "I got drunk one night.  The 2nd anniversary of the day you left, and Xander was there.  He was trying to drink away his pain at Anya's death, it wasn't working.  Anyway, one thing led to another.  We weren't going to marry for love, but for the baby."

Angel nodded, and then knew what he had to do.

He bent down on one knee.  "Elizabeth Anne Summers, will you marry me?"

She nodded happily, her eyes full of tears.  "Always."

She said quietly, throwing her arms around him.  He spun her around and kissed her gently.

She pulled away.

"You don't mind raising Xander's child?"

Angel shook his head.  "No, it's your child and I'll love it as much as I love you, it doesn't matter who the father was."

She smiled and kisses him again.


Spike put his arm around Willow as they watched from the church steps.

"They look happy, don't they ducks?"

Willow snuggled closer.  "They aren't the only ones."

Spike pulled her closer and whispered in her ear.  "They're not."

Willow kissed him gently, happy that she had a man she loved as much as she loved Spike.

Cordelia looked over at them, then at her own fiance.  "I was scared there for a moment, what about you?"

Whistler just laughed, and pulled her closer.  "Nope. I knew they'd work it out.  They were meant to be."

"Just like you and me?"  Cordelia said slyly, Whistler didn't answer just kissed her.


Buffy pulled away from Angel for a moment and looked at her friends, she smiled at how happy they were.

They weren't the only ones.

She kissed Angel again.  She was glad that they were all happy.

She hoped it would stay that way forever.


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