
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Joss owns The characters from Buffy and himself.  I ‘m not claiming to own anythinng, so please don’t sue me

Author’s Notes: This is my way of relieving my anger at the cancellation of Graduation Two.  I know Joss didn’t have anything to do with that, but he gets some beating too.  I basically vent three years of anger into one fic.  Enjoy.

Buffy looked at Angel angrily.  “I don’t believe it, they aren’t showing the season finale. ” “What?! ” Angel exclaimed.  “After all the physical and emotional abuse Joss put us through for that ep? ” Buffy looked angry.  “They say it is too violent.  They want violent?  I’ll show them violent.”

Angel grabbed her arms and got her to calm down.  “I have an idea.  We protest. ” “How? ” Buffy asked curiously.  Angel sat down and filled her in on his plan.  After he was done she picked up the phone and called Willow and the others.

“They’re in. ” She said happily after she hung up, then she went back to snuggling in Angel’s arms.

* * * * *

A few days later when time came for Joss to work with them on next season they refused to cooperate.  “Un huh. ” Buffy said.  “We’re fed up, we have a list of demands and some personal complaints. ” She said matter of factly, Joss stared at her in shock.  “You can’t!  We’re already running behind. ” Angel stepped up to Joss threateningly, Joss backed down.  “Go on,” he whispered meekly.

Cordelia went first.  “Working?  Me?  Where did you come up with that dumb plot twist?  Or that thing with Wesley?  He’s a little old for me.  Then there’s the whole Xander deal.  Why in the world would he pick Willow over ME?!  And Faith and Anya are just sick. ” With one terrifying glare she settled back as Willow went next.  “My turn.”

Joss let out a sigh of relief, Willow was always reasonable.  Except this time. “Complaints Let’s see, Number One that thing with Xander.  I would not risk my relationship with Oz and my friendship with Cordelia just to kiss the guy who's ignored my feelings for him since preschool.  What kind of bimbo do I look like?  Number Two My dorky clothes?  My evil persona is the only time I get to where good clothes?  That sucks.”

After she was done it was Xander’s turn.  “Let's see Preying Mantis?  Mummy Girl?  Mobs of women?  Okay that wasn’t that bad. ” He flinched a little as Cordelia jabbed him, but kept on going.  “Evil Man hater?  Willow?  FAITH?!  Why do I get all the bad dates, no offence Will. ” “None taken. ” Willow answered glaring at Joss.  Xander continued.  “And when will I get over the jealousy thing?  Move on, she loves dead boy not me, let’s get over it.  Also could I BE a bigger jerk?  First lying to Buffy, which killed Angel, then totally disregarding Cordelia’s feelings just to get illicit smoochies.  Even I’m not that much of a macho pig. ” Xander finished with a huff, Joss closed his eyes.  Boy, did they have a lot of complains.

Oz was next.  “The wolf thing, The Willow and Xander thing.  What’s up there?  That’s it. ” He said coolly, Jenny was next.  “I’m dead,” was all she said, Giles just looked at him.  “Where do I begin?  Sex with Buffy’s mom?  Jenny’s death?  Even worse fashion taste than before?  The episode Helpless?  I think that sums it up.”

He said giving Joss a disgusted look, Joss put his head in his hands.  What was left? Then he saw it was Buffy and Angel.  Uh oh.  “We’re going together we figure it would make it shorter.  First, How much moodier can Angel get?  Nobody broods that much.  It’s not possible.  Second, Our star-crossed, doomed, always breaking up romance.  Boring.  All we ever do is break up or moon about how we can be together.  Move on already.  Third, Scott Hope.  ‘Nuff said.  How could you fix me up with such a looser?  Fourth, that Faith thing.  How nasty is that?  Ewww.  Fifth, the whole Angelus thing.  What in the world made you do it?  Acid maybe?  Whatever it was don't do it again.  Sixth, The whole Hell thing, that was productive get us back together only for me to send him to Hell.  Then there’s the whole spin off thing, not to mention new partners.  No!  Why break us up?  Nobody particularly likes that as most of the fans are rooting for us.  Finally Our last breakup was horrible.  My MOTHER convinced him to leave me?  He dumps me right before the prom?  How un-Angel is that?  Oh and what’s up with Faith?”

Joss just shook his head at Buffy finally, he asked weakly.  “Anything else? ” “Yeah.  What’s up with the season finale?  We worked really hard and went through a lot of emotional turmoil, just for an episode that will never air? ” They said in unison, then Buffy spoke again.  “That’s what really got to us.  We would have been able to live with all the other things, but no the dumb network had to go and annoy us.  That’s brilliant.  We’re sick and tired of all that’s going on, and if it doesn’t get better we’re just going to quit.  It’s that simple.”

Joss picked up the phone and called his supervisor at the WB.  After a few minutes he turned to them.  “They’ve agreed within reason to listen to your demands. ” The gang gave a slight cheer before Buffy stepped up and read the list.

“Here you go, we have modified down to less than ten.  Number One- They air the season finale.  It’s not fair to us or the fans if they don’t.  Number two- They cancel the spinoff.  Spinoff’s almost never succeed, besides who wants Angel to leave?  Number three, Better clothes.  Particularly for Xander, Willow, and Giles.  They need them badly.  Number Four- That dumb happiness clause, get rid of it.  All it ever does is annoy people.  Number five- Get Cordelia and Xander back together, they have some issues to work out but they can.  Number Six- Save Faith, but change her back to the good side  Number Seven- Air Earshot, everyone wants to see it.  All that taking it off did was make everyone angry.  I guess that’s it, there’s only seven.  But unless you fill them, we don’t come back.”

Buffy said calmly, not even giving Joss a second look before walking out.  Joss watched them all go and sighed, he would have to do some swift talking to get the network to even listen to these demands.  But he also knew they were dead serious.  Damn.

* * * * *

A week later Buffy and Angel were watching Graduation part two and snuggling, also smiling at the little notice they had played.

‘The WB regrets to inform you that the spinoff series Angel has been post poned indefinitely. ’ They had won, and done it so easily.  The WB hadn’t even known was coming at them, hurricane Buffy.  A force to be reckoned with, Oh yeah.

The End

Author’s Notes2- There you go, what started as revenge on The WB turned into a venting session.  I hope you enjoyed.  Please send feedback, actually send nasty letters to The WB instead.  Thank you.

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