A Twist of Fate

By: Michelle

Disclaimer:Angel, Whistler, Buffy, and Riley Finn belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  All I own is Jennifer.

Author's Notes:I had this idea a couple of months a go, finally got the idea to write it down.  What if Angel met Buffy's daughter?  Not really angsty.  I have Buffy marry Riley (yuck), but they divorce.  I believe that she will always love Angel, and vice versa, the story goes with that.  Enjoy.  Oh, and this takes place 30 years into the future.

Angel looked at his watch, when was the damned girl going to show up?

He was beginning to get fed up, he would have left by now, but he was desperate for an assistant.  It wasn't like it was exactly easy to get somebody to work for an agency that saved souls and punished demons, you couldn't exactly put an ad in the paper.

This girl had come highly recommended though, apparently she was bright and most importantly knew about what went bump in the night.

"Sorry I'm late."  Apologised a pretty girl as she rushed into the office.

Angel did a double take, she looked so much like Buffy.  He pushed that thought aside, and held out his hand.  "Angel."&nsbp; He said, she smiled and held out hers.

"Jennifer Finn."  She said shaking his hand, she smiled at him.  "So what exactly would I be doing?"

Angel shrugged.  "Saving souls.  Trying to maintain the balance between good and evil."

She gave a small smile.  "Not exactly the average job is it?" The girl looked impressed.  "That is good." "True."

"How exactly did you come to know about demons and such?"  Angel asked curiously.

"My mother was a slayer, she died a few years ago."  Jennifer said with a sad smile.  "No one in the world like my mom.  She was the slayer for 27 years, she lived to be 42.  Impressive for a slayer."

Angel looked shocked, it wasn't possible was it?  "What was your mother's name?"  He asked cautiously.

"Buffy Summers."

Angel couldn't believe it.  This was Buffy's daughter, his Buffy.  No, she had married someone else, done what he told her too.  "I knew her once."  Angel said softly, Jennifer looked at him surprised.

"You did?  How?  When?"

"It was thirty years ago, I first saw her the day she was called.  I watched her for a few months, then when she moved to Sunnydale I finally introduced myself.  I tried to stay in the shadows, afraid of what would happen if I didn't.  I already loved her.  One night we kissed, she learnt the truth.  I'm a vampire, but with a soul.  We parted ways, for awhile.  But eventually we couldn't, we ended up falling in love.  The night of her 17th birthday we, went too far.  I lost my soul.  I tortured her, and yet she never killed me, although she should have.  Then I got it back, but she had to send me to Hell.  I came back, we got back together, but I realised I was holding her back.  So I let her go, I left town, I saw her a few times after that.  But that was that, we both moved on."

"Wow."  Jennifer said, smiling slightly.  "Mom spoke of you a few times, but she never called you by name.  She usually referred to you as her guardian Angel or her fallen angel."  Angel smiled at the names.  Jennifer went on.  "You were always on her mind.  She never loved my dad, it was always you.  They got divorced when I was little, he said he couldn't cope with being second to a memory.  He was, Mom told me that before she died.  That as much as she had tried to fight it, she loved you, would never stop."

"Thank you."&nsbp; Angel said quietly, he smiled sadly.  "I feel the same.  I will love her to the day I die."

"That kind of love must be amazing."  Jennifer said in awe, Angel nodded.  "Do you still want me to work for you, or will I be a reminder of what you lost?"

Angel shook his head.  "The job's yours.  It will remind me, but in a good way.  I never want to forget."

"I understand."  Jennifer said quietly, then she smiled at Angel.  "So Boss, when do I start?"

"Tomorrow Night."  Angel said, thanking Whistler for leading him to this girl, to this reminder of the only woman he would ever love.

Sometimes fate had a funny way of working out.  He was glad she had come into his life, she brought a piece of Buffy with her.

And for that he would always be grateful.


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