
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is Angel’s POV after In The Dark.  I’m a hopeless Buffy and Angel fan, deal with it.  Anyway he deals with his feelings on seeing the sun again and learning that Buffy slept with Parker.  I think it hurt him so in this story it does.  He reflects on how much she means to him and the fact that he’s finally seen the sun again.  This is fairly angsty because, well, that’s what I do best.  Especially Buffy/Angel angst, which is what this is.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

I saw it.

After 216 years I saw the sun again.  It was an amazing feeling, I just wish I could have seen her.

I would have loved to see her in the daylight, I told her that once.  But by smashing the ring I forever took away that chance.  I did the right thing.

I’m not needed in the daylight, I’m needed by the dark of night.

But I’m glad to see it once, to see the sunset.  It really is amazing.  I forgot my last sunset long ago, but this one I’ll remember for as long as I live.

If I found Aladdin’s Lamp I’d make three wishes.  They aren’t elaborate ones, actually they’re very simple.  I’d be able to spend just one day in the sunlight, and one night in her arms with no complications.  The third wish would be that she be truly happy.

What Spike told me hurt, that’s why he said it.  But not because she slept with someone else, I told her to.  I told her to move on.  But because he hurt her, that’s what I hate.

Doesn’t he realise how lucky he is?  I’d give everything to be able to hold her one more time.  To be one with her.

But I’m luckier than I was a few days ago, one of my three wishes came true. Just not the important one.  One will come, but the one I long for with all my heart never will.

Never again will I hold her in my arms and make love to her.  How I wish I could, I’d give anything for that.

But at least I got to see the sunlight.  I saw a sun set.  I never realised how much I wanted that, but still it wasn’t as much as I want her.

Will always want her.  I’ll never have her again, but at least I got to see the sun.  That’s has to be worth something.


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