Dark Fate

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This takes place in the middle of Innocence, when Buffy first see Angelus.  In this story he turns her, it’s kind of dark.  Thoughts are **.  There might be a sequel, I don’t know.  I couldn’t tell you.  If I feel like it, but if not just use you're imagination and guess what happens next. That’s it, enjoy.  Oh, and the line at the end is one that Angelus says in Innocence, and it was used in a lot of the Surprise/Innocence promos.  It just fit well.

Feedback: Please, but please don’t send flames. They only hurt my feelings.

After spending the afternoon catching up with Spike and Drusilla, Angelus went to his apartment to change.

He scowled when he got there, and saw Buffy there.  He debated possibilities on what to do in his head as he grabbed a necklace.

Just then she saw him and ran towards him.  “Angel!” She cried out, relief evident in her voice.

“Hey.” He said, still trying to decide what to do.

“Oh, my God!  I was so worried!” She cried, throwing her arms around his neck.

Angelus pulled her close, and tried to figure out his next step of action.  He thought about breaking her heart and being really cruel, but decided that would only succeed in making her realise what had happened.

She wasn’t dumb, no he had to pretend to be her Angel.  *What do I do?  Do I pretend to be her Angel, but make her friends think I’m evil, and eventually have them doubt her sanity?* He thought, but he decided against it.

She was too beautiful for a sanitarium, no he needed something else.  And he knew what, he’d turn her.  Take her into his world, she’d never leave his side.

He leaned down and kissed her gently, she kissed him back shyly.  As if she wasn’t sure what to do now, well he was.  He pulled away and put an arm around her.

“Where were you, I was freaking out!” She admonished playfully, a possessive note in her voice.

Just enough to let it be known she was his girlfriend, in a few minutes she would be more than that.  She would be his partner, at his side for eternity.

“Sorry.  I had some things to do, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” He said, kissing the side of her neck.

She giggled slightly, and put her arms around him again.  His mouth moved up to capture her mouth, things getting more out of control.

He lifted her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

“We shouldn’t.” She protested, as he lay her there.  “The others, they’ll be wondering where we are.”

He paid no heed to her protests, knowing that they were made halfheartedly.

“Close your eyes.” He whispered in her ear, she shivered slightly and did as her lover told.

Then he bit down on her neck, and slowly drained her.  Oblivious to her cry of “Angel no!”

As the life drained out of her, she looked up into his eyes and knew that this wasn’t her Angel.  No, this was someone else.  A monster who was going to kill her, was almost there.

She knew that he was going to do more than kill her, he would make her a vampire.  She could tell from his eyes, where Angel’s had held love his held only desire, and maybe obsession.

She shuddered, and then the life went out of her.

He detached himself from her neck, and bit his wrist. He put it up to her mouth and forced her to drink.

When she was finished he lay her down on the bed, and watched her sleep.  Knowing that now they were together forever, also confident that now he could do whatever he liked.  The only threat to his existence, the most powerful of slayers was gone, replaced by a demon who would be at his side for eternity.

Things were about to get very interesting.......


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