The Meeting

By: M&M

Disclaimer: I own none of BtVS.  Xander and Cordy belong to Joss and Co.  I do own her parents.  There mine I tell you, MINE!!!

Authors Notes: Surprisingly none.

"What'd I tell you.  We were found and what took us the longest getting out was you.", Xander said with pride.

"Well there's no need to gloat.", his girlfriend replied hastily.

"Yes there is.  It gives me a happy."

"Every thing gives you a happy."

"So not true.", he answered defensively.

"Anyway, behave.  My parents are behind those doors.  I will not have you making them think I'm going out with an extreme loser.  It's bad enough that I used to think that."

"When did you stop?", he asked.

"Do you really think I'm that shallow?"

"No.  Not any more.  In tenth grade I would have said you were worse, but you have gotten a lot better."

Cordelia smiled and led him into the dining room of the Sunnydale Inn.  They made their way through a group of tables reaching one in the back of the room.  There were four chairs at the table, two of them occupied by a middle-aged couple.

"Hello, Princess.", the man replied.

"Hi daddy.  Mom, this is Xander.  Xander, this is my father, Jonathan Dale Chase and my mother Maureen.", she introduced them.  Mr. Chase stepped up and shook Xander's hand.  Next Xander shook Mrs. Chase's hand which was heavy with jewelry.  Xander and Cordelia sat down side by side.

"So Xander, we have heard quite a bit about from our baby girl.", Jonathan Chase said.

"And I've heard a lot about you, sir."

"Well we were certainly worried.  Why were you too so late?', Mrs. Chase asked.

"We got stuck in the elevator.", Cordelia informed her parents.

"Yes, we heard some one was stuck up there.  We had no clue it was you two.  Well, I wonder what you could have done all that time in an elevator.", Mr. Chase pondered. "Xander, we were wondering exactly what your intentions were with our daughter.  She speaks of you often.  She doesn't speak of boyfriends much.  You two seem as if you may be serious about each other."


"I want what's best for my girl and I just want to make sure she's well taken care of."

"Daddy, please.  Your acting like we're going to run off and get married."

"Cordelia and I see something special in each other and we want explore that a little more.", Xander replied.  Cordelia looked bewildered wondering where her boyfriend thought up that answer.

"Exactly.", Cordelia agreed.

"Well that's nice.", Mrs. Chase replied.

"What are your interests, Xander.  Xander, that's a rather interesting name.  Is it short for Alexander?"

"Yes, and right now I don't have too many interests.  I spend a lot of time in the school library with some friends."

"The library?  Why there?', Mrs. Chase asked.

"It's quiet and not many people actually go in there.  It's got kinda a dark mood.  Not many kids like it.  And the librarian is a little...weird."

"Oh.  Cordelia mentioned that you all spend time in the library with, what were their names?  Those two girls?", Mrs. Chase said.

"Buffy and Willow.", Cordelia answered her mother.

"Yes, such interesting names.  Buffy and Willow.", Mr. Chase pondered.

"Cordelia's not entirely of the norm either.", Cordy answered.

"My darling daughter, you were named after one of literature's greatest characters.", her father replied.

"How are you grades Xander?", Mrs. Chase asked.

"Well, Mrs. Chase, there okay.  Willow helps me a lot with home work.  There improving."

"Our Cordelia said that Willow helped you all with home work.", Mr. Chase replied.

"Yeah, she teaches computer science too.  After Ms. Calendar died Principal Snyder asked her to take over.", Xander said.

"I think I read something about that in the paper.", Mrs. Chase tried to remember.  "I think it was that her neck was broken and found in some man's bed."

Xander and Cordelia looked down, but her parents didn't notice.  The rest of brunch went with Xander being bombarded with questions about his future plans and he and Cordelia's future.  When leaving he thought this could have gone worse.


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