Explanations and Recriminations

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off this so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: Okay, this is my way of apologising for my lack of B/A fic lately.  I don't put a name in, 'cause I post under various names.  Oh, I know I praise myself a few times, but I really like my stories.  Most of them, I don't know why I wrote Putting the Past Away.  Anyway, all the stories mentioned in this are real, and if you want to read them they're around.

The sleepy author woke up.  "What's going on?"  She asked rubbing her eyes.  Then she saw Buffy and Angel standing there.  "Huh?  Buffy and Angel?"  She asked sitting up.

"This isn't a social call."  Buffy said, flipping on the computer.

"What are you doing?"  The confused author asked.

"Getting evidence."  Buffy said as she pulled open Putting the Past Away.

Angel turned around and faced me.  "You're right I did, but Willow it's been ten years.  Time heals all wounds.  Even the ones of the heart, I fell in love again."  He said softly, I felt hope rise in my chest.  "With whom?"  I asked, not daring to hope.  "You." He said, and then he kissed me.  Our first kiss.  I kissed him back with everything I had in me, not wanting it to end.  "I love you."  I said softly, he smiled.

"Now how do you explain that?"  Buffy asked, the author shrugged.

"I was exploring new possibilities."

Buffy sighed, and clicked on another piece of evidence.  "Look at this one.  What were you on when you wrote this?"  She asked with disgust and then she read some of it out loud.

"I loved him, but it wasn't enough.  We both knew that.  If it had been, he would have stayed, or I would have gone after him.  We would have at least said goodbye, not just shared a painful glance in the smoke. No if it had been real, it would have been more than that.  No, instead we let it die, knowing it was for the best.  I'm not saying it didn't hurt, it hurt like Hell.  But it's over, and I can accept that.  I've moved on.  I have Xander and the children."

Angel looked over at the Author angrily.  "She married Xander?  How repulsive can you get?"

"And we won't even get into The Greatest Gift of All or Twist of Fate."  Buffy said.  She approached the Author.  "People count on you to write good stories about me and Angel, how can you write this stuff?"

"Creative differences?"  The author suggested meekly, then she added defensively.  "They aren't bad stories!"

"No." Buffy said slowly.  "But they aren't what people want.  They read you're stories because they want to see some stories with Angel and me.  Like Fairy tale or Star-Crossed Lovers.  Now there's a good story."

The author hid a small smile, then got up and clicked open a story.  "What about this?"  She asked, Angel leaned over her shoulder and read.

"Okay, that's one is okay, but I still think we should be together in the end."

"I'll get you together, eventually."  The author said.

"You better."  Buffy said, slightly threatening.  Then she looked at the author.  "Just write more stories with Angel and me.  Think about all our fans that might read you're stories, think about what they think when they read the other stuff."

The author looked sheepish.  "Good point.  I'll work on some B/A."

"Good girl."  Buffy said, then she and Angel disappeared.  Just as they were leaving Buffy whispered.  "By the way finish the sequel to By The Early Morning's Light, that was a good story."

The author just grinned and got to work.

She decided to focus on B/A for now, no more Angel/Willow or Buffy/Xander. She was done with that.

It was B&A forever for her.

Though she wouldn't mind seeing Angel again.  Oh, well maybe she'd see them again if she made them happy enough.


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