Just Like Yesterday

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Buffy, Angel, and Giles belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  I do however own Kate, Micheal, Mrs. Jefferies, and Gary.  I’m not claiming to own anything else so please don’t sue me.

Author's Notes: It takes place thirty years after The Prom.

“I hate him.”  The pretty, blonde slayer said as she flounced into Angel’s mansion.  He smiled, used to her antics.  “What did Gary do now?” He asked with a small smile, The Slayer pouted.  “It’s not Gary, it’s Micheal.  He won’t take me to the prom!  Instead he’s going to some festival with his dumb band.”  Angel laughed sadly, sometimes Kate reminded him so much of Buffy.  Thinking of Buffy gave him an idea.

“I’ll take you.” He offered quietly, just like he suspected Kate’s face lit up.  “Really?  That would be great, but why?  I know you hate going out in public.”  Angel turned away from Kate and stared at the fireplace.  “I owe it to Buffy.”  Kate looked even more confused.  “Buffy? Angel, what do you mean?  Buffy’s been dead twenty years now.”

Angel turned to face her, a sad smile on his lips.  “I know, but I didn’t take her to her prom.  I met her there, but it wasn’t the same.  She had had the whole night planned, and I had ruined it for her.”  Kate took Angel’s hand in her own.  “Angel, you gave her other special moments, and I’m sure she understood.”  “I know, but it’s not the same.  All she wanted was one prefect night, when she was just a normal girl in love.  And I couldn’t give her that, yes I gave her the ‘perfect high school moment’ she wanted so much.  But I always regretted not giving her more.”

“Angel.....Thank you.” Kate said quietly, unsure what else to say.  “It’s my pleasure.” Angel said watching Kate with sad eyes, sometimes he saw hints of Buffy in her.  Kate kissed his cheek and ran off to get ready for the prom, which was that night.  Angel got out his tux, the same one he had worn to Buffy’s prom thirty years before, and got dressed.


Angel knocked on Kate’s door and was stunned by how beautiful she looked.  Her dress was light blue and she looked like a princess in it.

He handed her the corsage he had gotten for her, she smiled and held out her wrist.  “Help me put it on?” She asked softly, he smiled and did just that.  He offered his arm, and she took it, smiling happily as he led her to the car he had borrowed from her watcher for the night.

Her mother watched them happily, she was glad that Angel had been able to take Kate to the prom.  He was a good man, and he honestly cared for Kate.  She watched as the two drove away feeling happy that her daughter had a friend who cared about her that much.


Angel and Kate arrived at the gym it was beautifully decorated.  “Do you want to dance?” Angel asked softly, Kate nodded.  He led her onto the dance floor where they danced to a song by Dingoes Ate My Baby.

Angel smiled as he heard the song, Kate noticed his smile.  “What is it?”  “This song, it was written for Buffy.”  Kate’s eyes widened.  “Really?” “Yeah, it’s by an old friend of ours.”  Kate smiled, happy that Angel got that little bit of happiness.  She waved slightly as they passed her friends.  She relaxed into Angel’s arms, but she still wished Micheal could be here.


“The last award is a special one.  It’s only been awarded once before in 1999.”  Angel smiled, he knew was about to happen and he was glad.  “It’s for Class Protector.  We the class of 2029 name Kate Jefferies Class Protector.”  Kate’s face lit up as she went to accept it, Angel smiled after her knowing that Buffy would be happy that another slayer had won that award.

“Angel look.” Kate said happily holding out her small plaque.  “It’s wonderful.” Angel said distantly, Kate knew why.  “Buffy was the first person to win this award wasn’t she?”  Angel nodded.  “Oh, Angel I’m sorry.”  “It’s okay, I can handle being reminded of her, I actually like it.”  Kate was about to say something, when something caught Angel’s eye.

He took her plaque and pointed her towards somebody.  It was Micheal.  “Thank you.”  She whispered as she walked towards her boyfriend.  He led her onto the dance floor and they danced softly as Angel watched.

“Brings back old memories doesn’t it.” Someone behind Angel asked, he turned around to see Kate’s watcher, Gary.  “How did you know?” Gary smiled.  “I got a call from a Mr. Giles, he told me tonight might be a little hard for you.”  Angel shook his head.  “He was wrong.  In a way it’s good for me.  It helped me exercise some ghosts of the past.”  Gary didn’t say anything, Angel turned to him.

“Gary, tell Kate I’ve decided to go home.  Here are your keys.” Gary took them, and watched as the souled vampire left the gym.  He figured that Mr. Giles had been right and it had been harder on Angel than he wad willing to admit.


Angel got home and stood in front of the fire place.  He looked down at his hand and saw his claudagh ring.  He took it off and placed it on top of the fire place.  “Goodbye Buffy.” He whispered knowing it was time to say goodbye to her.  She had been his true love, but she was gone and he had to let go.  He closed his eyes and saw her beautiful, smiling face.

He opened them again and smiled, he could do it.  It wouldn’t be easy, but if he did it one step at a time he’d be able to move on.  He’d never forget her, she’d always be with him, but he’d stop grieving.  He would rejoin the world he had shunned after her death, that’s what she would want.

Somewhere she was smiling down at him right this minute, glad that he had finally found the strength to move on.

The End

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