The Loss of An Angel

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Willow, Oz, and Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox, I don’t take any claim to them so please don’t sue me.

Author’s Notes: This is one in set of three stories.  Each of them is the same idea, but with a different couple and slightly different ending.  I did this because I didn’t want to do another Buffy and Angel story, but I thought this was the perfect idea for one so I compromised.  Very sad, be forewarned.  This is the Willow and Oz story.  I hope you enjoy.

They would lose her.

Everyone knew it, they had all known it would happen, but nobody thought it would be like this.  But maybe it was time, she had lived so long, had fought so hard.  She had known all along she would lose, but she wouldn’t give up.  She had kept her faith, but even that was fading.

Now she was dying.  It would be soon, and then she’d been taken from them.  They just wished they could fulfil her last wish, but they couldn’t get in touch with him.  So she would die without him, without the chance to clear the air.

They hadn’t seen each other since their huge fight, twelve years ago.  They had had different plans for the future, and that caused them to go their separate ways.  She had moved on, but so much was left unsaid.  Before she went she wanted to clear the air, to make amends with him, but it looked like she wouldn’t get the chance.

The others shared worried glances, it would be any time now, she was trying to hold on for him, but there was a chance she might never get to see him.  After all she had been through, she would die without her one wish being fulfilled.  It wasn’t fair, if only they could have found him.

Just as it looked like the end was here, he came through the door.  He took a deep breath when he saw the shape she was in, this wasn’t the way he had remembered her.  They way he pictured her every day when he thought of her.

He caught Buffy’s eye, and she understood she hurried everyone else out and left them alone.

He gently clasped her hand, she looked up at him.  “Oz?”  “It’s me, baby.”  She just smiled faintly, and moved her hand along his face.  She caught his eye and whispered her last words.  “I love you,.” Those were her final words, then she was gone, he didn't cry.

He just closed his eyes, and prayed that this was a nightmare, that she was still alive.  That he hadn’t been a fool and left her in the first place.

But it wasn’t it was real, he had made a mistake, and he’d never be able to make it up.  But he knew he had done lots by being here for her, for giving her the one thing she needed before she died.

He just sat there for hours until Buffy came and helped him out, she gave him a comforting hug.  “It’s alright Oz.  She knew that you loved her, and it meant so much to her that you were here.”

Oz didn’t say anything, just tried to keep from falling apart.  Trying to cope with the loss of an angel.

The End

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