Someone For Me

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Of course I don’t own them, if I did they would be a lot happier.  Yes, really, I may lay on the angst but at least with me they get smoochies.  However they belong to Joss Whedon (sigh), The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.

Author's Notes: 6th in my Opinion series.  The series is basically particular scenes through the eyes of a certain character, if you want a certain scene and character (example: Xander, Prophecy Girl, the scene where he saves Buffy.)  Just email me and ask.  I’m more than willing to do requests, on one condition:  You send me feedback!  That’s it, thanks.

Willow and I were standing in the school parking lot watching the scene around us. Giles and Ms. Calender were talking and smiling.  It looked like Ms. C was flirting which made me glad.  The G-Man deserved to be happy.

But the other happy couple didn’t make me feel nearly as glad.  Buffy and Angel were looking at each other tenderly and smiling softly.  That just about killed me, the look in her eyes is one I’ll never get.  She loves him, and only him.  I knew that.

However, it didn’t stop me from being bitter.  I complained to Will, she always listened.  She was the only one who understood how hurt I was by Buffy’s rejection, I don’t know why but she did.  Maybe ‘cause she’s my best friend.

Me: “Well, I guess that makes it official.  Everybody's paired off.  Vampires get dates.  Hell, even the school librarian sees more action than me.”  *Which is REALLY pathetic considering he’s Giles.* I thought bitterly.  “You ever think that the world is a giant game of musical chairs, and the music's stopped and we're the only ones who don't have a chair?”

Willow: “All the time.”

Just then Cordy approached us.  *Great insult-girl*  I thought with a silent groan.

Cordelia: “Xander?  I just wanted to thank you for saving my life.  What you did in there was really brave and heroic, and I just wanted to tell you if there was anything that I could ever do to..”  Of, course I ignored her without paying attention.

Me: “Do you mind?  We're talking here.”  Yes, I was tactful wasn’t I?

Cordelia was taken aback, rolled her eyes and left.

Me: “So where were we?”

Willow: (sarcastically) “Wondering why we never get dates.”

Me: “Yeah, so why do you think that is?” I really didn’t know.

Willow just gave me a look, and sighed.  Then she smiled at me.

Willow: “Want to get some ice cream?”

Me: “Sure.”  I was in the mood for depression food.

With that we walked off.

I knew that it wasn’t Buffy, as much as I wanted it to be she loved Angel, but I wanted someone.  Someone who loved me, someone to cuddle.  I wanted there to be someone for me?  But I wasn’t sure, if there was I hadn’t found her yet.


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