
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes:Okay, this is a Riley Finn fic, but not a Buffy-Riley fic.  Actually, it’s the opposite.  This idea came to me while reading a Riley bashing fic.  Instead of making him evil, I decided to do something else.  Tell me what you think, please?  I love feedback!  Thanks, enjoy.

Author's Notes2: Okay, this is a very special story for me.  My 100th completed Buffy story! Wow, huh?  I can't believe I've actually written 100, but I have.  There have been tons of people who helped me get to 100, and I'd like to thank some of them.  First off, thank you to all the wonderful people who sent me feedback or helped beta-read my stories, I don't know where I'd be without you.  Next, very special thanks to Serena, Felicity, and Dreamer for helping me with the stories, and telling me what they thought.  Also, to T.S who has listened to be talk for hours as I thought about my stories, and has read almost all 100 stories!  Thank you SO much.  That’s it, I just wanted to say thank you. Now go read the story!

Feedback: Yes please, I live off it.

The Time had come.

She didn’t want to his hurt his feelings, but she had to let him know that she didn’t think of him like that.  She had tried, but every time she closed her eyes all she saw was Angel.

She knew her friends thought that Riley would be good for her and that they wanted her to get together with him, but she couldn't.

Now she had to tell him, she hoped she didn’t hurt him too much.

“Riley, I like you as a friend, but nothing more.  I’m sorry.” Buffy said quickly, praying that he wasn’t too hurt.

He just looked surprised.  “You thought?  Oh, god no.  Buffy I think you’re great, but I’m not attracted to you.”

“But then why do you always hang around with us?  Everyone assumed you were interested in me.” Buffy said in a puzzled voice.

“I’m gay.” Riley told her to her supreme shock.  “I hang around with you guys so much because I’m interested in Xander, and my friend Larry told me he was gay.”

Buffy’s mouth dropped open.  “You’re gay?!” She repeated, and then she thought about what he had said.  “Larry told you Xander was gay?  Well I can tell you without a doubt that he’s not, or if he is he hides it well.  He and Anya are dating.”

“I know, but it’s not serious is it?” Riley asked hopefully, he really liked Xander.

“I’m afraid so, they’ve gone to the next step.” Buffy said, knowing Anya would kill her if she knew she had told Riley.

“The next step?  Oh.  Wow.  I didn’t know, I guess he really isn’t gay.” Riley said, Buffy shook her head.

“Nope.  Sorry.”

“It’s okay.  See you later.” Riley said, as he left Buffy by herself.

She watched him go and shook her head.  She never would have guessed that he was gay, but she was really glad.  It made it so much easier for her, now she could still be his friend and not feel awkward.

But Xander would if he knew, and she should probably tell him.  She smiled at the thought of Xander’s face when he found out.

She thought of something else, and couldn’t figure it out.

Why Larry had thought Xander was gay?


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