As Time Goes By

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.  Robin and Jason don’t belong to me either.  They are characters of the ABC soap General Hospital.  I don’t know who owns them, but it isn’t me so please don’t sue.

Author's Notes: I got this idea while watching Babylon Five.  I know I get inspired by the weirdest things.  This isn’t a crossover but Robin is a character on General Hospital.  I just decided to borrow her.  She’s my fauourite character so live with it.  This story takes place about seven years after The Harsh Light of Day.  For those of you who watch GH, it’s after Robin goes back to Paris.  It’s kind of sad, but it has a happy ending.  It is definitely a Buffy/Angel story.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.


The strange woman stood in front of Angel, her eyes full of promise.

“I can give you what you long for the most, for a price.”

“What’s that?” Angel asked coldly, not trusting her for a moment.

“Let me explain.” She said, running her fingers through her black hair.  “I’m Robin.  I’m a sort of angel, we call ourselves the protectors.  If in ten years you’ll agree to join us and never look back we’ll make you human for those ten years.  But once you join the protectors you can never have any contact with you friends and family.”

Angel thought about it.  He could have ten years with Buffy, but then.....He thought about it for a minute, then looked up at her.  “Forever?”

She shook her head.  “No. Just for a hundred years.  Then you can go on to the next world and spend that life with her.”

“How long have you been a protector?” He asked her curiously.

“Two years.  My story’s simple.  I was HIV+, and there were things separating me and the man I loved, big things.  Even bigger than the HIV.  I was promised five years with him with no complications.  No HIV, he was no longer involved in the mafia, and the schemes that were keeping us aprat no longer existed.  It was just Jason and I, and the two beautiful children we had.  A boy and a girl, Robert Micheal and Anna Brenda, if you care.”  Her face lit up as she spoke about her children.  “It killed me to leave them, but I did.”

“Why did you only get 5 years?”

“Because I only have to serve 50.” She answered.  “I was mortal, you aren’t.  The deal’s different for you.”

Angel thought about it for a moment and then something hit me.  “What if she doesn’t want me?”

Robin smiled.  “She does, she always will.”

“Okay then. I’ll do it.” Angel said, Robin nodded and closed her eyes.  A minute later Angel felt something in his chest and then he breathed deeply.

He was alive.

“Ten years.” Robin reminded before she disappeared.

Angel watched her go and then prepared to talk to Buffy and tell her about what happened.


Buffy looked at him in amazement, her beautiful eyes filled with tears of joy.  “Ten years?  We have ten years together?” She asked happily.

He nodded and swept her into his arms.  “I don’t want to waste one moment, marry me.”  He asked.

She nodded. “Always.”

He kissed her softly. “I love you.”

“I love you.”

They kissed again and it grew deeper.  They only had ten years and they would live them to their fullest.


A Few Months Later

Angel watched her with love as she walked down the aisle to him.  It wasn‘t a dream, he and Buffy were getting married.

He had dreamed about it once, years ago, now it was coming true.  Sort of.  There would be no people bursting into flame, and instead of an empty church they were surrounded by the people who were dearest to them.

Spike and Amy.  Willow, Oz, and their kids.  Cordelia and Doyle.  Xander, Anya, and little Kelsey.  And of course Joyce and Giles.

They were a family, a very weird family, but a family.  Somewhere, somehow they had become a unit, a real family.

Bound by love and loyalty.



“She’s beautiful.” Angel whispered in awe as he watched his wife and baby daughter.

Buffy nodded happily, just gazing at her baby.  A whole new life created by her and Angel.

The piece of Angel she would keep with her even after she lost him in eight years.

Angel could tell form her face that she was thinking about the day when he would leave her for good.

They shared a meaningful gaze, one that held a hint of sorrow.  For they both knew that one day he would have to go, and it would be a hundred years before she got him back.

Never for this world.

“I love you.” Angel swore.

“I love you.” She promised.  “Always, no matter what.”



Buffy smiled up at Angel.  “I’m pregnant.”

Angel smiled and kissed her lovingly.  “Our last child.”

They both knew that after this there wouldn’t be time for another baby, not one Angel could see.

There were only three years left and they could feel them coming.  It was always with them, the knowledge that one day he’d have to go.  But they were determined that until then they would lead a happy life with their three children.  Jenn, Joey, and Kristin.

They both loved them so much, and neither of them was looking forward to explaining why Angel had to go.

Right now they concentrated on today, not wanting to face what the future would bring.



Robin appeared in front of Angel, her eyes showing her sympathy.  “It’ s time.” She said softly.

“I know.” Angel said, and then turned to his wife.  “Buffy, I love you.  I love our children, and I always will.  This isn’t forever.”

“I know.” Buffy said, watching her husband go, as soon he was gone she started to cry.

She always knew it would happen, but it still hurts so much.  She needed him and he had left her.  She thought about what would have happened if he hadn’t made the deal, and she knew that she was glad he had.

Even though it killed her to lose him it was better than what would have happened if Angel hadn’t made his choice.

They would have both been miserable, each trying to live without the other.  Living only half a life.

Instead they had gotten, marriage, four beautiful children, and an forgettable life together.

It was worth it.  Because either way she would have lost Angel, at least this way she got to keep a piece of him with her.

Their children.



Angel walked into the strange world full of light, praying that she would be there.  She was.

He ran to her and held her close to him, a hundred years not having changed his love for her.

"I love you.” She whispered as she held his face in her hands.

“I love you.” he told her, staring into her beautiful eyes.

He kissed her tenderly, relishing in touching her after so long.  They were finally together again and this time nothing could part them.


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