A Little Bit Closer

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: The title sucks I know, but it was all I could come up with.  This is a sequel to Just The Beginning.  There will be another one, but I don’t know if it will be a series.  Maybe, but I’m not sure.  These are denial fics, but they aren’t fluff.  I couldn’t get the concept I wanted with fluff, so I chose serious happy fics.  In this one you get to meet Angel’s ex, you won’t believe who it is.  This is an alternate universe, Angel’s not a vampire.  That’s it.  Enjoy.  Oh, and sorry if this isn’t that could, but I just had to get some things established.  The next one should be better, I hope.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

She watched them from a distance.  Her eyes narrowing with hatred as Angel put his arms around the slayer when they danced.

She remembered when it was her who made him smile like that, with total devotion.  Now it was her sworn enemy.

Hatred coursed through her as she saw the way they were together.  They were in love.  She clenched her teeth, she would change that.

Oh, yes she would.  This had gone on long enough.

She had spent four years waiting to bring her Angel into the night, and she wouldn’t wait any longer.

He was hers, and nothing would stop her from having him.  This time he couldn’t run.

An evil smile lit her face, and when she was done together they would kill the slayer.  Slowly, and painfully.

She couldn’t wait.


Buffy tensed as she and Angel danced.

“What’s wrong?” He asked gently, she smiled at the concern in his eyes.

“I think someone’s watching us.” She whispered.

Angel looked around.  “I don’t see anybody.”

She shrugged.  “It was probably nothing.  I’m just tired.”

“Do you want me to take you home?” He asked, she nodded.

“Yeah.  I’m sorry to cut our date so short.”

He took her hand and led her from the dance floor.  “It’s okay.” He said softly, she cuddled close to him and waved goodbye to Willow and Xander.

As Angel walked her home Buffy thought about the last few months.  Ever since Angel had told her who he was and how his parents had died, they had grown closer.  They saw each other everyday, and he helped with research like the others.  Her mom even liked him, although she wasn’t crazy over the age difference.  But there was still so much about him Buffy didn’t know.

She broke away from her thoughts, and looked at her boyfriend.  “Angel?” She asked softly.


“Where do you live?”

He stopped and looked at her, he paused for a minute.  “Do you want to see?”

Buffy nodded.  “Okay.”

“Follow me.” Angel said as he led her to a large apartment building.  He opened the door, and led her inside.  Once they were there, they went upstairs.  He opened the only door in the corridor and they went inside.

She gasped as she looked around at the large and beautifully decorated apartment.  “It’s gorgeous.” She said softly.

He smiled.  “I’m glad you like it.”

Then he kissed her gently.  She kissed him back, putting her arms around his neck.  It only lasted a minute before he pulled away.

“I should take you home.” He said softly.

She knew that he should, but she didn’t want him to.  She kissed him again, he pulled away a little bit.


She shook her head.  “I know.” Then she added.  “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He said softly.  “But, if you don’t go home, things are going to go to far.  You’re only 16, I think we should wait.”

She nodded, knowing he was right.  “Yeah. Let’s go.” She said, then she paused.  “Angel, have you ever, well you know, before?”

He stopped, and nodded slowly.  “Yes.  When Dru and I dated, but she wasn’t the first.  That was a mistake.”

Buffy knew there was more than that, but she didn’t ask.  She had gotten what she wanted to know, and she knew Angel didn’t want to talk about it.

She nodded.  “Okay.”

Angel drew a sigh of relief.  One day he would tell her the full story, but it was painful and complicated, and he wasn’t sure she really wanted to hear it.

It wasn’t very pleasant.

“Let’s go.” He said, opening the door.

She nodded, and followed him out.  Their minds were both on other things.


She saw them coming out of his apartment and knew that this would be her only chance.  If she waited any longer she would lose him completely, he was falling in love with this girl.

She stepped in front of them, and smiled.  “Hello Angel, it’s been so long.” She drawled.

Buffy looked at Angel.  “Is this?” She asked, he nodded.

“Yes.  Hello Drusilla.”

“You remembered me.  I’m touched.” She said, then she reached up and touched his face.  She stepped closer to him, and looked him deep in the eyes.

He pushed her away.  “It won’t work Dru.”

She narrowed her eyes.  “So, it’s real.  You love her.” She hissed, glaring at Buffy.

“Yes, I do.” Angel said, putting his arm around Buffy.

“We’ll see about that.” Drusilla said, realising that she couldn’t go ahead with her plan.  Not now anyway, she would have to wait.  But she would have him, no matter what it took.

She turned to go, and she looked at Buffy.  “Did he tell you about Sandra?” She added maliciously, before disappearing into the shadows.

Once she was gone, Buffy turned to Angel.  “Sandra?”

He looked away.  “The mistake.” He said softly, she took a deep breath.

“Oh.  Angel, you don’t have to tell me.”

“Thank you.” He said, then he looked at her tenderly.  “Buffy, I will tell you, one day.  Just not tell, I can’t.  Do you understand?”

Buffy nodded.  “I do.” She said softly.

He kissed her tenderly, pouring all his love in devotion into that kiss.  “Thank you.” He said again, and then added.  “I love you.”

“I love you.” She said softly.

“I should get you home.” He said after a minute, she nodded and they walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

There was so much that hadn’t been spoken yet, so much about each other they didn’t know.  But it was okay, they had time.  One day it would come out, and that was enough.


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