
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, they belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, 20th Century Fox, and Mutant Enemy.

Author's Notes: After Enemies.  A little dark I know, actually a lot dark.  Sorry.  Faith's a dark character.

I hate her, I really do.  Everything I said to her while she was "chained up" was true.  All I've ever wanted was to belong, but that's not gonna happen.  At least not here.  She's the princess of this town.

The girl who's done it all.  She destroyed The Corrupter, The Master, and The Judge.  She defeated Acathla.  Has fought both William the Bloody and the dreaded Angelus.  She's stopped mummies, zombies, weirdoes, and more.  She's the greatest slayer ever, yeah right.

I tried so hard to be good at slaying, I'm better than her.  But she gets all the praise and regonition . Come on she died, she's screwed a vampire and is now dating him, she's put her friend's lives in danger time and time again, how great can she be?  But no, to everyone she's a saint. The perfect slayer.

Why? Why does everyone think of her so highly?  All she's done is stay alive.  When I came here I was impressed by what I've heard of her, I mean everyone in the circle knows of her.  Vamps fear her, watchers are in awe of her, and the will-be slayers, you know the girls who are sent off to live with watchers from like age four, want to be her.  But she's not that great.

Or maybe she is, maybe she's right.  I am a looser, well once the mayor ascends I'll be the one laughing.  I can't believe I was fooled, who knew.  Part of me wishes I was her, I don't want to admit it but it's true.  She's got everything including the guy.

He's the best looking guy I've ever seen, but he's only got eyes for her.  He's a one slayer guy.  To him there is nobody else except her.  Well that's what he says, the way he kissed me... that can't have been an act, or maybe it was.  Maybe he'd do anything for her.  Even kiss me.

They all feel differently about me.  Willow hates me I can see it in her eyes, Buffy and Angel aren't to fond of me, Xander's afraid of me, Cordelia doesn't care, Giles and Wesley just think I'm a disappointment.  That's me Faith the screw up.

It doesn't matter soon the ascension will come and we'll win.  Buffy, Angel, and the "slayerettes" will all be gone.  And I'll be left, left to gloat.  The odd ball, the outcast will be the winner.  The Mayor's right I don't need them, I've got him.  I just hope they suffer.

The End

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