Fate’s Cruel Twists

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: Okay this is the ending of The Fate Series.  It follows Just the Beginning, A Little Bit Closer, Perfect Moments, and Closure.  But since I’m a nice person, there’s an alternate ending.  If you want a perfect happily ever after ending read Gifts of Fate.  But if you like unbearable angst, read this.  A friend and I were discussing how I should end the series and she suggested this ending.  For a brief recap this series is an alternate to Angel, he’s not a vampire.  But what if there are something you can’t escape?  That’s the basis of the story.  Oh, and later I might do a trilogy following this ending.  You know what happens next.  Tell me what you think and I’ll take your opinion into consideration.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

“I’ll see you soon.” Angel promised Buffy as he hung up the phone.  He left his apartment and walked towards her house.

Suddenly he stopped, aware of someone following him.  He turned around to see a pretty girl with short blond hair.

“Hello.” She said with an approving smile.

He didn’t say anything, just grabbed the staked form his jacket.  He took it out and was about to grab her when she shook her head.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

He turned around to see about twenty vampires behind him as well on either side.

“What do you want?” He asked her clenching his fists.

She stepped closer to him.  “Well, at first I was going to just kill you.  But now that I’ve seen how cute you are, I want more.  Much more.”

Angel realised what she meant with dread.  “No.” He cried hoarsely.

“Yes.” She said as she walked closer to him.

She lay her hand on his cheek.  He closed his eyes as she shifted into game face.

*Buffy, I love you.* He thought as she prepared to drain his blood.

“Buffy!  No!” He cried as she latched on.  *Buffy, I pray that you’ll have the courage to stake me.*  He thought as the life was drained out of him.


Buffy glanced at her watch impatiently, where was Angel?  He was never late.

Just then he walked up the door.  “Sorry I’m late.” He told her, leaning against the house.

She smiled and stepped outside.  She was about to kiss him when she noticed the two little holes in his neck.

“Angel?” She asked hesitantly in a suddenly frightened voice.

She prayed that she was wrong and that her boyfriend was not a vampire.  But even as she silently hoped for the best she realised the truth.

“No.” She whispered softly.

“Yes." He said, grinning evilly.

“What are you going to do?  Kill me?” She asked numbly.

He shook his head.  “No.  Never, I’m going to do better than that.”

She knew what he meant, and the slayer in her came into control.  Not even for Angel could she let that happen.

She reached for her stake, but even as she did so she knew she couldn’t stake him.  It was Angel, her Angel.  How could she kill him?

Instead she ran inside the house, thankful that he couldn’t get in.  Through the window she saw him growl in annoyance then leave.

She watched him go and then started to cry.  She dropped to the floor and started to sob.

Angel was a vampire.  It wasn’t fair.  He had just dusted Drusilla and they were getting their life together on track, now this.

She sobbed harder at the cruel twist of fate that robbed her of Angel.  Why had this happened?


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