The End of The Birthday Curse

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Note: This is complete fluff.  I know that coming from me that's rare, but it does happen once in a while.  This is totally Buffy/Angel happiness.  What if for once she had a *good* birthday?  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.
Dedication: To Felicity.  This is her Birthday fic.  She asked for Buffy and Angel fluff so here it is.  Happy birthday girl.  I hope you enjoy it and I hope you like the story.

*Buffy's birthday is coming up, I wonder what I should get her.* Willow thought to herself as she looked at her calender.

She had circled the 19th with a red marker.  She knew Buffy wasn't really looking forward to it, her exact words had been "I'm not having a birthday this year.  My birthdays only bring trouble," but still she saw her best friend.  She had to do something.

She understood why Buffy was feeling so anti-birthday, the Angel thing still lived with her.

"That's it!" Willow exclaimed, picking up the phone to call Anya.

Despite her earlier hostility to the ex-demon they were now good friends.  Anya would help her find a way to give Angel back his soul permanently, which would let Buffy and Angel be together.


Sure enough, Anya had been a big help.  The two had spent all week working on the new and improved curse.

"Done!" Anya exclaimed as she transcribed the last of the ancient language.  As she had been around for over a thousand years she could read the ancient gypsy text.  So it was easy for her to remove the happiness clause.

Willow picked up the phone and called Cordeila, there third conspirator.

"Willow?" Cordelia asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

"Yep.  We found it, all we need is for Angel to not leave his apartment for the next hour."

"Done." Cordelia said and then she paused for a minute.

"I'm glad Buffy and Angle get to be happy, someone should be." She said slightly bitterly as she had not fully recovered from Doyle's death.

"I'm sorry Cordy." Willow said softly, she at least was happy again.  Oz had come back and the two had gotten back together.

"It's okay.  I'm coping." Cordelia said, and then she hung up.

Willow heard the phone go dead and turned to Anya.  "She's keeping Angel busy."


Willow walked into her dorm room with a smile on her face.

"Buffy?" She asked quietly as she opened the door.

"Yeah?" Buffy asked from her bed where she lay reading a magazine.

Willow came in and sat down beside Buffy.

"Buffy, I know that you didn't want anything for your birthday, but I got you something.  Anya and I made Angel's soul permanent.  He can never lose it." Willow said softly, wondering how Buffy would react.

Buffy sat up her eyes joyful as she listened to Willow.  She jumped form her bed.

"Willow your the greatest." She said as she opened the door and ran out of her room.

Willow watched her go knowing that she was going to Angel.


Buffy walked into Angel Investigations and went straight to Angel's apartment, not even stopping to say hello to Cordelia.  She got out of the elevator and stepped into the apartment.

"Angel?" She called softly, hoping that he still wanted her.

"Buffy?" Angel asked in disbelief coming out of his bedroom.

She ran to him and threw her arms around his neck.

"Willow and Anya fixed the curse.  It's permanent." Buffy told him softly, wondering how he'd react.

"Are you sure?" He whispered in disbelief.  It was too good to be true, he and Buffy couldn't be able to be together. "It's real Angel.  We can be together." She told him when the kiss ended.

Those were the last words spoken as the two did what they had both been dreaming of for so long.


"Angel?" Buffy asked her lover softly, as she rolled over so she was facing him.

"Yes?" He asked, playing with her hair.

"I think my birthday curse is over." She whispered happily.

"So do I." Angel told her, kissing her again.  "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks to you it is." Buffy told him as she lay her head on his shoulder.  "I love you."

"And I love you.  I'll never leave you again." He told her kissing the top of her head.




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