The Way it Should Be

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  The song I’ll Remember is by Sophie Zelmani and it’s the one that played at the end of Angel.  It doesn’t fit in that well, but I couldn’t figure out another song, and I’ve used Angel TOO many times.

Author’s Notes: An alternate ending to Lover’s Walk. Willow and Xander don’t kiss, Cordy doesn’t fall through the ceiling, and Buffy doesn’t tell Angel she isn’t coming back.  Written because I still can’t accept what happened.

Willow in Xander were in the factory after Spike kidnapped them.  They were talking about their options.

Xander: “Will, we're not gonna die.”  (tried to get up, Willow helped) “If he's so drunk, he'll get sloppy, and then I'll make my move.”   (they collapsed back onto the bed)  “As long as my move doesn't involve standing up or using my limbs, we'll be okay.”

Their fall put them very close to each other, and the temptation to kiss was strong.

Willow: “We're not supposed to.”

Xander: “Exemption for impending death situation.”

They leaned in to kiss when suddenly Xander realised what day it was.  The one year anniversary of the day he and Cordelia kissed for the first time. He rolled away from Willow.

Xander: “I can’t do that to Cordelia.”

Willow nodded her understanding, and suddenly the door flew open and Oz and Cordelia appeared.  Cordelia rushed over to Xander.

Cordelia: “Xander?  Are you okay?” Concern was shining through her eyes.

Xander: “I’m fine.  Let’s get out of here.”

Cordelia let Xander lean on her as they left the basement.  Xander and Willow shared a secret smile, their little thing was over.  It had to be.

As Cordeila and Xander stepped outside he stopped.

Xander: “Happy anniversary Cordy.”

Cordelia’s eyes lit up.

Cordelia: “I wasn’t sure you’d remember.”

Xander reached down and kissed her to prove just how much he remembered.

* * * * *

After Spike finally left, to go torture Drusilla and get her back, Buffy and Angel went their separate ways.  Buffy explained to her mom that Angel was good again, paged Giles and told him what happened, and then went to her room to think.

Buffy did a lot of thinking about what Spike said over the night, about them not being friends, and came to a conclusion, she got up and headed to the mansion.  She had to tell Angel.

* * * * *

Angel heard the door to the mansion swing open, he was shocked to see Buffy here at this hour.

Angel: “Buffy?”

Buffy: “We need to talk.  Angel do you love me?”

Angel thought about it for and second then nodded.

Angel: “I always have.”

Buffy: “That’s what I needed to know.  Angel we need to talk about us.”

He nodded and they both sat down.

* * * * *

They spent the next several hours talking and when morning came and Buffy had to leave.  Angel leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.  Symbolising the fact that they were giving it another try.

Buffy: “I could get used to that.”

Angel: “Me too.”

Buffy: “I like seeing you in the morning.”  She got a weird look on her face when she realised she had said something almost exactly like that before.  The day before her birthday, right before the night they made love.

Buffy: “I’m sorry.”

Angel: “Don’t be, it happened.  It taught us a valuable lesson.”

Buffy nodded before going to leave.  Angel watched her go a sad look in his eyes as he remembered what used to be.

* * * * *

Everyone was at the library when she came in.

Buffy: “Deja vu.  What did I do this time?”

Cordelia: “Nothing, Willow found a spell.”

Buffy turned to Willow.

Buffy: “A spell?”

Willow: “Actually it’s the curse Ms. Calender used.  No happiness clause.  This is the first time I actually read it over.  First with me being in the hospital, then you leaving town, and Angel being dead.  When I heard he was back I decided to read it over, and what do you know, you can have your smoochies.”

Buffy gave a shriek and joy, and hugged Willow, before rushing out to tell Angel the good news.

Xander: “She left in a hurry.”

Cordelia poked him in the ribs.

Cordelia: "Sometimes you can be such a dork.”

Xander: “Lucky for me, I have you to point that out.”

Cordelia smiled and kissed him.  Willow snuggled and watched them.

This was how it should be.  Xander and Cordelia together, Buffy and Angel actually having a chance, Oz and her having a chance.  And no Xander and her, that was SO over.

* * * * *

It's daybreak
And you are asleep
I can hear you breathe now
Your breath is deep
But before I go
I look at you one last time

Buffy lay in Angel’s arms, just cuddling, they had a chance.  They wouldn’t waste it this time.  Buffy cuddled closer to Angel, taking in the smell of him.  She loved him so much, and this time it would be forever.  She knew that as the slayer life would be short, so she was going to enjoy it with the only man she could ever love.

* * * * *

I can hear a heartbeat
Is it yours or is it mine?
I look at your lips
I know how soft they can be
Did they know what they wanted
The times they kissed me?

Cordelia broke away from her kiss with Xander and rested her head on his shoulder.  She loved him, and she knew he loved her.  They were complete opposites, yet soul mates.  She had never felt happier than she did in his arms.  This was how it was supposed to be.

* * * * *

And your hands
That I held in mine
Now they're reposing on the pillow
Will they ever miss me sometime?
I'll remember you
You will be there in my heart
I'll remember you
And that is all that I can do

Xander held Cordelia close, and knew that he’d never touch Willow again.  What he had with Cordelia was too precious.  He loved her, and he didn’t want to risk loosing her.

* * * * *

But I'll remember
Your eyes
That always make me shiver
Now they are closed
They just sometimes twitch a little

Oz hugged Willow and smiled.  He knew that there had been something going on between Xander and Willow, but he knew it was over now.  She was his, and she always would be.  He held her closer just taking in this moment.

* * * * *

And your body
I could hold for an hour
It sent me to Heaven
With its heat and power

Angel held Buffy closer to him, never wanting to let go.  She was his forever, and nothing else mattered.  They’re love which had already overcome so much could defeat anything.  He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

* * * * *

I'll remember you
You will be there in my heart
I'll remember you
And that is all that I can do
But I'll remember

Giles watched the teens from his office, he had been called back last night, it hurt.  But he was glad they were happy, and maybe one day he would be too.  And he knew that at the mansion Buffy and Angel were happy too, he was glad they deserved it.  He had finally learned to forgive Angel and was glad that he too got happiness.

The End

“Love’s a funny thing.” Spike, Lover’s Walk

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