We’ll Always Have Sunnydale

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This is pure angst.  I should tell you that Casablanca is one of my favourite movies, and this fic is a lot like it.  Because I thought that what Rick tells Ilsa is something that Angel could tell Buffy.  I may have gotten the line wrong, and if i have I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.  Also the title is similar to the movie too, if you haven’t seen it basically at one point he tells her that they’ll always have Paris.  Well Buffy and Angel will always have Sunnydale.  Anyway, even if you haven’t seen the movie the plot of the story is pretty easy to understand.  Oh, and this takes place a few years after Graduation Day Pt2.  So Angel and Buffy have already split up, this is just their final goodbye.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

She looked up at him sadly.  “So what now?”

He looked down at the ground.  “Now we forget the past, and we try to move on.”

“I can't forget.” She said huskily.  “How can you ask me to?  Angel, I’ve loved you as long as I can remember.  I can’t just stop that.”

“Neither can I.” He admitted, he looked up at her.  “So we don’t forget, but we move on.  Buffy you deserve a normal life, and now you have a chance, don’t let me hold you back.”

“I won’t.” She promised.  “I’ll leave tonight just as I planned.  I’ll go to New York and I won’t turn back.  But I won’t forget.” She said her voice breaking.

“I don’t want you to, I just don’t want you to give up the life you deserve for me.”

“I won’t, but I want to.”

“Have you ever seen Casablanca?” He asked her quietly.

She thought about it for a minute, before nodding.  “Yeah, Mom loves those old black and white movies.”

“Well, it’s like what he told Ilsa.  If you don’t go you’ll regret it.  Maybe not today, but someday soon and for the rest of your life.  You need to go Buffy, go do what you always dreamed of.  Don’t let me hold you back.”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she leaned up and kissed him.  The kiss lasted for a long moment as the once lovers parted ways for the last time.

“I’ll never forget.” Buffy promised, tears running down her cheeks.

“Neither will I.” He swore, just then a stewardess announced that the flight to New York was boarding.

Buffy looked up at Angel and memorised his every feature.  When nights were cold and she was far away from Sunnydale and the man that she loved, she would remember.

She just hated the knowledge that after tonight she’d never see him again.  At least when he had left before, after the Ascension, it hadn’t been forever.  But this time it was, once she stepped on to that plane she couldn’t turn back.

She was starting over and to do so she had to let go of her previous life.  This was the hardest goodbye she had to say.  She had to say goodbye to the man who had been her everything, her guardian Angel.

The stewardess called the passengers again.

Buffy looked at Angel.  “I guess this is it.” She said sadly.

“Yes, but Buffy, remember we’ll always have Sunnydale.”

She smiled at him one last time.  “Yeah.” She said, and then she left him for good.

They parted ways in the same way as one of the best films of all time.  But no matter else happened they would always have Sunnydale.


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