This Time Forever

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Buffy, Angel, and Willow don’t belong to me, if they did they’d be a lot happier, that’s just my personal opinion.  They belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, Mutant Enemy, and 20th Century Fox.  I’m not claiming ownership, so please don’t sue.

Author’s Notes: I was going to write this all angsty, but in stead I decided to give them a happy ending.  I’m a hopeless romantic, after graduation, but spoilers for The Prom.  This Is told From Buffy and Angel’s POV.


I watch through the trees, I see the lights on her house.  I just need to see it, to accept it.  I promise that if she looks happy, truly happy, I’ll leave, never let her know I was there.  But if she doesn’t, I can’t let her think I don’t care.

I look in one window and I freeze as I catch sight of her.  She’s so beautiful, as beautiful as she was the first time I saw her.  I feel my heart break as I see how happy she looks.  This is it, she is happy here.  She has a normal life, everything I could never give her.  I choke back sobs as I turn to go, she really has moved on.  I knew she had, it just hurt to actually see it, to know that she doesn’t belong to me anymore.

I look at her house one last time before returning to the shadows.  I pause at the edge of her dive way, unable to go any farther. To really let go.  I see something slip out of her house, but I don’t really may much attention.


I try to be happy now, but there’s something missing.  Angel.  It’s been so long, and I know he’s gone, but I still wish he’d come back for me.

I look at the party around me, feeling separate from it some how.  As if I don’t belong here, I don’t, I belong in the past.  Those were my happiest times, the times I was with Angel.

I look out the window, and my face lights up.  It’s Angel!  He’s come for me at last, but he turns to go.  He looks like his heart is broken.  Why?  What hurts him so?  I have to stop him from leaving, I can’t lose him again.  Ignoring my guests I run to the door.

He’s standing at the edge of the driveway, a sad expression on his face.  He looks like he just realised his most precious dream will never come true.  I do the only think I can, I slip out the door and call his name.



“Angel.”  I hear my name being called, and slowly I turn towards the house.  It’s Buffy, I feel dread in my heart.  I didn’t want her to see me, I wanted her to be able to move on, but no by coming here I won’t allow her that.

I walk slowly towards her, but she beats me to it by running to me.  I can’t believe it as she throws her arms around me, all I can do is hold her tight unable to let go, so glad for a chance to hold her again.

We’re both quiet as we savour this moment that we’ve both waited so long for.  I no longer have any doubt that she missed me as much I missed her, that she still belongs to me.


He slowly turns towards me, when he see me he get’s a peculiar expression on his face.  I do what my heart tells me to and run to him, I throw my arms around him.  He holds me close, promising never to let go.

We’re both quiet, just thanking god for this second chance.  I have my Angel again, and I’m not going to lose him again.  This time it’s forever.  I pull away slightly and hold out my hand to him.


She pulls away and holds out her hand, beckoning me to go back to the party with her.  I take it, and together we walk slowly towards the house.

There’s a lot to say, but it can be said in the morning, right now all that matters is that we're together.  Just as we reach the house I stop and pull her towards me.  I kiss her softly, as kiss full of promise.

The kiss grows deeper as we once again pledge our eternal love, this time nothing will tear us apart.  I can’t lose her again, I was a fool before, but never again.  This time I will stay by her side.


He takes the hand I offer and we slowly walk back towards the house.  We’re both quiet, enjoying this wonderful moment.  There’s a lot to be said, but it can be done tomorrow, tonight we just celebrate the fact that we’re once again in each other’s arms.

Just as we reach the house, he pull me into a wonderful kiss.  Full of promise and devotion, a kiss that seals our new pledge not to give up this time.  The kiss grows stronger, and we forget about all else.

I know Willow and the others are probably watching us happily, especially Willow.  She never gave up hope he’d come back, and she was right.  We do belong together, and nothing will change that.


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