Just to Know He Cares

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This takes place after The Freshman, and also contains little spoilers for City Of.  I loved it when Angel called Buffy and hung up and I got inspired, so here’s another fic about it. This isn’t that angsty (for me), but it does have some angst.  I can’t write Angel and Buffy being apart without angst, it’s not possible.  Anyway, enjoy.

Feedback: Please! Send feedback but no flames.

“So you aren’t freaked by that phone call anymore?” Willow asked the day after Buffy had killed Sunday, Buffy had told her about it the night before.

“I know who made it.” Buffy said quietly.

“How?” Willow asked.

Buffy smiled sadly and twisted the claudagh ring on her finger.  “It happened again today, this time I called *69.”

“Who was it?” Willow asked curiously.

Buffy looked down at the ground.  “Angel.  It was the number he had given me for emergencies.”

“Oh.” Willow said.  “Does it hurt?”

Buffy shook her head.  “Not in the way you mean.  It’ll always hurt, but I’m just glad he still cares.  If he’s calling to make sure I’m okay it means I’m still on his mind.”


“I’m also moving home for a few weeks.”

“Really?” Willow asked.  “Why?”

“A lot of things, also that’s the number he knows.  Maybe he’ll do it again and I can get him in time.  You know talk to him.  Because I need to.”

“Are you sure?” Willow asked, she looked at Buffy seriously.  She didn’t want Buffy to get hurt again.

“I’m sure.  I need this.” Buffy said, then she looked at Willow.  “It may seem strange to you because you have Oz and everything’s going well, but this is all Angel and I can have.  But at least he still cares, that’s why he calls and hangs up.  Just to hear my voice, to know I’m okay.  I need that, I need to know he still thinks about me.”

Willow nodded slowly.  “I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but I know that you need this.  You need whatever you can get.”

“Yeah.” Buffy said, picturing Angel in her mind.

She saw every detail perfectly, knowing that she’d never forget.  She wished she could, but it wasn’t possible.  You don’t forget someone like Angel, and you don’t get over him either.  You love him until the day you die, and Buffy knew she would.

Willow gave Buffy a hug, Buffy smiled and hugged her tightly.

“Thanks Will, I knew you’d understand.”

“I do.” Willow said softly, vowing that she’d do everything possible to bring Buffy and Angel together again.

Somewhere, someday there had to be a way, and if there was she’d find it.  Because she knew that Buffy needed Angel more than anything else and that he needed her too.


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