Back To The Bronze

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy. I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off this so please do not sue me. I also do not own any of the songs I use in this story, they belong to the artists, writers, and recording companies. Please do not sue me.

Author's Note: "Surprise" happened "Innocence" didn't. Xander & Cordy are public, Spike can walk, Willow & Oz and Jenny & Giles are dating, and Buffy & Angel are beyond happy. Set about a month after "Ammeters Night".

Feedback: Yes, please.

They were all ready to sing, and they looking forward to it.  The had all chosen one or two songs to sing, and couldn't wait to perform them.  They knew they'd be welcome back.  Xander would go first this time.

Xander: Cordy this is for you.

He began to sing The Back street Boys' "As Long As You Love me".

Xander: Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine/ I'm leaving my life in your hands/ People say I'm crazy and that I am blind/ Risking it all in a glance/ How you got me blind is still a mystery/ I can't get you out of my head/

Cordelia looked at her boyfriend with a big smile on her face, she loved him so much.

Xander: Don't care what is written in your history/ As long as you're here with me/ I don't care who you are/ Where you're from/ What you did/ As long as you love me/ Who you are/ Where you're from/ Don't care what you did/ As long as you love me/ Every little thing that you have said and done/ Feels like it's deep within me/

Harmony and that group looked in shock was this Xander Harris?  He actually sounded GOOD!

Xander: Doesn't really matter if you're on the run/ It seems like we're meant to be/

Buffy and Willow snuggled closer to Angel and Oz respectably.  Who could have known that Xander could sing that well.

Xander: I don't care who you are/ Where you're from/ What you did/ As long as you love me/ Who you are/ Where you're from/ Don't care what you did/ As long as you love me/ I've tried to hide it so that no one knows/ But I guess it shows/ When you look into my eyes/ What you did and where you're coming from/ I don't care, as long as you love me, baby/ I don't care who you are/ Where you're from/ What you did/ As long as you love me/ Who you are/ Where you're from/ Don't care what you did/ As long as you love me

He stepped down from the stage and into Cordelia's waiting arms.

Cordelia: I love you Xander.

Xander: Wow!  I love you too.

The two of them kissed then joined the others.

Buffy went next, she murmured a brief "Angel this is for you" and began to sing Shania Twain's "You're Still The One".

Buffy: When I first saw you, I saw love/ And the first time you touched me I felt love/ And after all this time you're still the one I love/ Looks like we made it/ Look how far we've come my baby/ We mighta took the long way/ We knew we'd get there some day/ They said, "I bet they'll never make it"/ but just look at us holding on/

Angel smiled at his beautiful girlfriend she was doing amazingly well up there, he was surprised she could make a SHANIA TWAIN song sound that good.

Buffy: We're still together still going strong/ You're still the one/ You're still the one I run to/ The one that I belong to/ You're the one I want for life/ You're still the one/ You're still the one that I love/ The only one I dream of/ You're still the one I kiss good night/

Spike knew for the first time what Angel saw in the slayer, she had an undeniable spirit.  She loved like she hated, Forever.

Buffy: Ain't nothin' better/ we beat the odds together/ I'm glad we didn't listen/ Look at what we could be missin'/ They said, "I'll bet they'll never make it"/ But just look at us holding on/

Buffy walked off stage and over to Angel, she began singing directly to him.

Buffy: We're still together still going strong/ You're still the one/ You're still the one I run to/ The one that I belong to/ You're the one I want for life/ You're still the one/ You're still the one that I love/ The only one I dream of/ You're still the one I kiss good night/ You're still the one/ You're still the one I run to/ The one that I belong to/ You're the one I want for life/ You're still the one/ You're still the one that I love/ The only one I dream of/ You're still the one I kiss good night

Angel kissed her softly, and they both knew he'd always be the one.

Giles went next, he had chosen to sing The Beatles' "A Hard Days Night" .

Giles: It's been a hard day's night/ And I've been working like a dog/ It's been a hard day's night/ I should have been sleeping like a log/ But when I get home to you/ I find that the things you do/ Make me feel all right/

Spike was impressed by how well the watcher could sing.  Not as well as the slayer, but her voice shouldn't be legal.

Giles: You know I work all day/ To get you money to buy you things/ And it's worth it just to hear you say/ You're gonna give me everything/ So why on earth should I moan/ Cause when I get you alone/ You know I'll feel okay/

Jenny smiled broadly at Rupert, he really could sing.

Giles: When I'm home everything seems to be right/ When I'm feeling you holding me tight/ Tight, yeah/ It's been a hard day's night/ And I've been working like a dog/ It's been a hard day's night/ I should have been sleeping like a log/ But when I get home to you/ I find that the things you do/ Make me feel all right/

Buffy looked at Giles in admiration he was really good up there.

Giles: So why on earth should I moan/ Cause when I get you alone/ You know I'll feel okay/ When I'm home everything seems to be right/ When I'm feeling you holding me tight/ Tight, yeah/ It's been a hard day's night/ And I've been working like a dog/ It's been a hard day's night/ I should have been sleeping like a log/ But when I get home to you/ I find that the things you do/ Make me feel all right/ You know I feel alright/ You know I feel alright.

Giles got off the steps and looked pleased by the compliments given to him by the kids.

Cordelia went next, she didn't give a dedication she just started singing.  She sang Celine Dion's "Because You Love Me".

Cordelia: For all those times you stood by me/ For all the truth that you made me see/ For all the joy you brought to my life/ For all the wrong that you made right/ For every dream you made come true/ For all the love I found in you/

She looked straight at Xander in a way which screamed "This is for you Honey".

Cordelia: I'll be forever thankful baby/ You're the one who held me up/ Never let me fall/ You're the one who saw me through it all/ You were my strength when I was weak/ You were my voice when I couldn't speak/ You were my eyes when I couldn't see/ You saw the best there was in me/ Lifted me up when I couldn't reach/ You gave me faith 'coz you believed/ I'm everything I am/ Because you loved me/

Buffy and Angel started to dance, a few other couples followed their lead.  Willow & Oz and Jenny & Giles being among them.  They left Xander staring at his beautiful, talented girlfriend.

Cordelia: You gave me wings and made me fly/ You touched my hand I could touch the sky/ I lost my faith, you gave it back to me/ You said no star was out of reach/ You stood by me and I stood tall/

Cordelia, mike in hand, left the stage and went to Xander's table.  The two of them began to dance.

Cordelia: I had your love I had it all/ I'm grateful for each day you gave me/ Maybe I don't know that much/ But I know this much is true/ I was blessed because I was loved by you/

Willow looked over at Xander & Cordelia, finally ready to accept their relationship.

Cordelia: You were my strength when I was weak/ You were my voice when I couldn't speak/ You were my eyes when I couldn't see/ You saw the best there was in me/ Lifted me up when I couldn't reach/ You gave me faith 'coz you believed/ I'm everything I am/ Because you loved me/ You were always there for me/

Buffy snuggled up closer to Angel.

Cordelia: The tender wind that carried me/ A light in the dark shinning your love into my life/ You've been my inspiration/ Through the lies you were the truth/ My world is a better place because of you/

Harmony looked at Cordelia dancing with Xander and finally began to accept her leader's relationship with Xander,

Cordelia: You were my strength when I was weak/ You were my voice when I couldn't speak/ You were my eyes when I couldn't see/ You saw the best there was in me/ Lifted me up when I couldn't reach/ You gave me faith 'coz you believed/ I'm everything I am/ Because you loved me/ I'm everything I am/ Because you loved me

As soon as Cordelia finished the song, seven members of the Scooby gang sat down and Jenny went up on the stage.

Jenny: This song is dedicated to Rupert with love.

She began to sing Sarah McLachlan's "Full Of Grace".

Jenny: The winter here's cold, and bitter/ it's chilled us to the bone/ we haven't seen the sun for weeks/ to long too far from home/

Jenny smiled at the man she had come to love so much.

Jenny: I feel just like I'm sinking/ and I claw for solid ground/ I'm pulled down by the undertow/ I never thought I could feel so low/ oh darkness I feel like letting go/ if all of the strength and all of the courage/ come and lift me from this place/ I know I could love you much better than this/

Willow waited impatiently for Jenny to finish, her song was really important.

Jenny: full of grace/ full of grace/ my love/ so it's better this way, I said/ having seen this place before/ where everything we said and did/ hurts us all the more/ its just that we stayed, too long/ in the same old sickly skin/ 'm pulled down by the undertow/ I never thought I could feel so low/ oh darkness I feel like letting go/ if all of the strength/ and all of the courage/ come and lift me from this place/ I know I could love you much better than this/ full of grace/ full of grace/ my love

Jenny finished the song and before she even had a chance to sit down Willow raced up there.

Willow: This is to Oz.  I'm really going to miss you, and my heart for you will go on.

She began to sing Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On".

Willow: Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you/ That is how I know you go on/ Far across the distance and spaces between us/

Oz wiped tears away as he listened to his girlfriend.

Willow: You have come to show you go on./ Near, far, where ever you are/ I believe that the heart does go on/ Once more, you opened the door/ And you're here in my heart and/ My heart will go on and on/

The slayerettes looked at Willow and Oz sadly, they had been told that Oz was going to New York for college and that he left in mid-July.  They also knew that Oz's father was insisting he went to Yale, so he had to go.

Willow: Love can touch us one time/ And last for a lifetime/ And never let go 'till we're gone/ Love was when I loved you/ One true time, I hold you/ In my life will always go on/

Willow felt like she was going to die, she couldn't loose him.  But she was going to, in less than a month.

Willow: Near, far, where ever you are/ I believe that the heart does go on/ Once more, you opened the door/ And you're here in my heart and/ My heart will go on and on/ You're here, there's nothing I fear/ And I know that my heart will go on/ We'll stay forever this way/ You are safe in my heart and/ My heart will go on and on

Willow walked off the stage and as soon as she reached the table she started crying in Oz's arms.

Oz: Willow I want you to know no matter what happens I will always love you.

Willow: I'll always love you too.

They sat down at the table and chatted with the group during intermission.

After intermission Angel was up.

Angel: This song is dedicated to Buffy, sometimes you just have to let it be.

He begins to sing The Beatles song "Let it Be".

Angel: When I find myself in times of trouble/ Mother Mary comes to me/ Speaking words of wisdom, let it be/ And in my hour of darkness she's standing right in front of me/ Speaking words of wisdom, let it be/

Willow smiled sadly she knew this song was aimed at her and Oz, it was really sweet of Angel to do this.

Angel: Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be/

Spike laughed a bitter laugh, Angelus was truly gone.  He missed his old mate, but this new one was growing on him.

Angel: And when the broken hearted people in the world agree/ There will be an answer, Let it be/ For thought they may be parted/ There is still a chance/ That they will see/ There will be an answer, Let it be/

Buffy looked at her boyfriend he was an amazing singer, and he brought a special quality to this song.  She thought it might be the fact that after living "00+ years he had finally realised you have to Let it be'.

Angel: Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Yeah/ There will be an answer, Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be/

Drusilla from the doorway felt a strange peace as her "Daddy" sang.

Angel: Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be/ And when the night is cloudy there is still a light/ That shines on me/ Shine until tomorrow/ Let it be/ I wake up to the sound of music/ Mother Mary comes to me/ Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be/

Angel felt himself finally find the peace he had been searching for for so long.

Angel: Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Yeah/ Let it be/ There will be an answer, Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Yeah/ Let it be/ There will be an answer, Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Let it be/ Yeah/ Let it be/ Whisper words of wisdom, Let it be/

After he finished everyone in The Bronze found themselves strangely at peace.

Drusilla broke the peace by walking up to the stage.

Buffy: I think we're in for a round of "I love you, you love me'.

Spike wondered what in the world Dru was going to sing.

Drusilla didn't make a dedication she just started singing "All By Myself" by Celine Dion.  She had a surprisingly lovely voice.

Drusilla: When I was young/ I never needed anyone/ And making love was just for fun/ Those days are gone/

Spike watched Dru with love in his eyes.

Drusilla: Livin' alone/ I think of all the friends I've known/ But when I dial the telephone/ Nobody's home/ All by myself/ Don't wanna be/

Buffy saw for the first time the little girl Drusilla once had been.  It scared her deeply.

Drusilla: All by myself/ Anymore/ Hard to be sure/ Sometimes I feel so insecure/ And life's so distant and obscure/ Remains the cure/

Angel felt a mix of guilt and release enter his body.  Yes he had changed Dru from this into a monster, but she had proven that the innocent child he had killed was still in there.

Drusilla: All by myself/ Don't wanna be/ All by myself/ Anymore/ All by myself/ Don't want to live/ All by myself/ Anymore/ When I was young/ I never needed anyone/ And making love was just for fun/ Those days are gone/ I never, never, never/ Needed anyone

Drusilla walked off the stage to her Spike.  And the Slayerettes decided to go home this night at been pretty heart wringing.  And arm and arm they left, secure in the love they felt for each other.  A few minutes later Spike and Dru followed them into the night.  It had been an interesting night alright.


Who Sang What:
Alexander Harris- As Long As You Love Me- The Back Street Boys
Buffy Summers- You're Still The One- Shania Twain
Rupert Giles- A Hard Day's Night- The Beatles
Cordelia Chase- Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion
Jennifer Calender- Full Of Grace- Sarah McLachlan
Willow Rosenberg- My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion
Angel- Let It Be- The Beatles
Drusilla- All By Myself- Celine Dion

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