Too High A Price

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, they belong to Joss Whedon, The WB, 20th Century Fox, and Mutant Enemy.

Author's Notes: I was thinking suppose they finally defeat all the vampires and stuff, do they really win?  It's Willow's POV and it's kind of dark.

It's finally here, the day we've all worked so hard for.  Who knew what a high price it would come at.  What it would cost us.  The Hell-mouth is closed, they all are.  Good has won, evil has finally been stopped.  But I'm not as happy as I should be, I mean our fight is finally over.  But all I can think is that they should be here, Buffy, Angel, Giles, they fought the hardest, and they lost.

This was there dream, but they never got to see it.  They died fighting for it, they died so this day could happen.  This meant so much to them, so much that death wasn't too high of a price.  I shudder when I think of how many deaths this victory cost us.

Jenny.  Dear, sweet Jenny.  She died to give Angel back his soul knowing that the power of good would need his help.  Cordelia.  She died at the opening of the L.A hell-mouth, she did what she had to do.  Wesley.  That giant plant thing killed him when the L.A hell-mouth opened, apparently there was one there too.  Giles.  He died protecting Buffy, by saving her he gave us all hope.  Buffy.  She did her duty, she gave up her life for her dream, that night, the night it all ended, she sacrificed herself so we could close the Hell-mouth.  Angel.  He died with Buffy, fighting beside her, for their common dream.

We won, but it cost us so much.  And now that we've won what do we do?  I've spent most of my life fighting for this and now I have nothing left to fight for.  I always thought that we'd be so happy when this day came, but then again I always thought we'd all be there.

Our fight is over, the common goal we had through the years, the one thing that kept us linked together, has been reached.  But I feel empty, like we haven't really won.  We got what we wanted, but it cost us more than we ever imagined.

When you put it that way is it really a victory?

The End

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