
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Joss owns them, I don't so please don't sue me.

Author's Notes:Sad.  It's several years into the future.  Vampires are gone, and Buffy is the only slayerette left.  Improbable, but it makes for a good story.  I hope you enjoy.

I am the last.

The last of a legacy.

The last slayerette.

I knew it would hurt to be the last, but I never expected it to hurt this much.  Or for me to be the last.

But I am.

I've watched them all die.  I've seen so much.  Too much.

Sunnydale's a safer place now, not the way it used to be.  Which is good.  It's what we fought for.  What so many of us died for.

I try to forget.

But I can't.  Everywhere I go I see them, see reminders of the life I've left behind.

The world's a safer place now, no such thing as vampires or demons. There gone, we stopped them.

I'm glad.  But I wish it had come sooner, if it had maybe things would have been different for us.

Maybe I wouldn't be haunted by terrifying memories.  The worst ones aren't the ones reliving their deaths, but the ones when I remember the happy times.

Cordelia and Xander's glowing faces on their wedding day.

The pride on Oz's face when he told us all he had a son.

Willow's glowing face when she told me she was having a baby.

Giles and my mom's quiet and beautiful wedding.

The look of total love on Angel's face as I walked up the alter to him.

Those are the worst part.  The reminders of how happy we were.

It isn't fair, I was the slayer.  I should have been the one to die.

Not them, not the innocents.

Fate plays it's cruel jokes.  I get to live, to have my normal life.

But I have to live with all the pain.

With the memories.

My victory is an empty one, for there's nobody to share it with.

I just want it to be over.  It will be soon.  It has to be, I can't go on like this.  I never thought I'd commit suicide, but I think I will.  What other choice do I have?  I can't live this life anymore.  It's not even living.

I'm empty, hollow.  I should have died years ago, in a way I did.  My heart died when Angel died.  Now it's time for my body to join it.  I am the last, and soon I will be gone.

And our world will be gone.

The truth of what happened will die, maybe it's better that way.  The world's not ready for a story like that.

No one is.

I wasn't.

Maybe it's better this way.  Maybe it's better that everything we lived and worked for will be gone.

Will be forgotten.


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