
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: I know that we’re into the fourth season, but this story is set after Dead Man’s Party.  I just got The Buffy soundtrack (which rocks by the way) and this idea came to me while I was listening to the Buffy/Angel theme.  It brought back memories of Becoming Pt2 and everything that came after.  I needed to write Buffy and Angel angst.  Sorry.  Oh, and in this story Buffy tells her friends *everything* after Dead’;s Man Party.  Including what really happened to Angel.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

She could see his face almost as if he were there beside her.  It had been so long, four months.  Yet she still ran, she was home and all, but she hadn’t opened up to anyone in the months since she had sent Angel to Hell.

She lovingly caressed the ring on her finger, with the heart pointing in.  Meaning she belonged to someone, because she always would.  She’d belong to Angel forever, until the day she died.

She wondered if love was worth it.  A few months of happiness and then this.  Endless pain.  With no cure in sight.

Angel was gone, no matter what else she knew, she knew that.  He was gone.

She knelt on the floor of the mansion.

She knew that she had to let go, this was the only way to be set free.  Not that she would love any one else, but she couldn't cling to his memory.  No, she needed to at least say goodbye.

Willow had offered to come with her when she had explained the whole story after the welcome home party.  But she had needed to do this alone.  To let go of the memories by herself.

She was about to take her ring off when she sensed she wasn’t alone.  She stood up, prepared to fight whatever it was, when Angel appeared from the shadows.

“Angel?” Buffy asked hopefully.

He shook his head.  “Not exactly.  I’m dead Buffy.  I’m no longer in Hell, I’m an innocent soul.  I was brought to heaven.”

“Oh.” Buffy said, unsure what else she could say.

Angel, or maybe it was his ghost, approached her.  “This is goodbye Buffy, that’s why I’m here.”

Buffy nodded and leaned up and kissed him.  The kiss grew and then ended.  She stepped away and watched her lover.

“Goodbye.” She whispered.

“Wait.” Angel called, holding out a hand.  “I want you to have this.”

He gave her his ring, she clasped it in her hand and then put it on the chain she was wearing.  She put the charm that had been there before in her purse.

“I’ll wear it always.” She swore.

Angel didn’t say anything, just disappeared.

She started to cry, Angel was truly gone.


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