
By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: This comes after Just the Beginning, A Little Bit Closure, and Perfect Moments.  It’s the fourth in a series of five.  One more to go.  This story is slightly serious, Angel’s mission is accomplished.  But they are also denial fics, however not fluff.  Understand?  Anyway, there’s only one left and that will wrap everything up.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please!  Send feedback but no flames.

“So what was it like?” Willow asked when Buffy got to school.

“Amazing.” Buffy gushed.  “I love him so much!”

“Did you use anything?” Willow asked.  “I mean, it’s not like he's a vampire or anything, he can father children.”

Buffy put a hand to her mouth.  “Oh, no.  It wasn’t planned, it just happened.....” She trailed off. “

"It’s okay, I’m sure you’re not pregnant.”

Buffy nodded doubtfully, and then turned to Willow.  “Will, cover.  I’m going to go see Angel.”

“Okay.” Willow said, understanding.

Buffy smiled at her best friend and went to see her boyfriend.


“Mr. Fielding, there’s someone here to see you.” Julia, Angel’s secretary announced over the intercom.

Angel sighed, he really had a lot of paper work, but if it was important he knew he had to see the person. “Who is it?”

“She says her name is Buffy Summers.” Came Julia’s crisp reply.

Angel’s jaw dropped in surprise.  Buffy was here to see him?  She had never come to the office before.

“Let her in.”

A minute later Buffy walked in, Angel got up and kissed her.  The kiss lasted a few minutes, until she pulled away.

“What are you doing here?” He asked with a smile.

“Angel we didn’t use anything.” Buffy said, looking down at the ground.

Angel was still when he realised she was right, he’d never been so careless before.  But it just happened so quickly that he totally forgot about it.

He put his arms around her.  “It will be okay baby, I promise.”

Buffy nodded against his shoulder, feeling so safe and comfortable in his arms.  She knew he’d never let anything happen to her.


One Month Later

Buffy sighed in relief when the test came up negative.  She loved Angel, but she wasn’t ready to have a baby yet.

She walked out of the bathroom and smiled up at Angel.  “I’m not pregnant.” She said with a grin.

Angel breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her closer.  “I love you.” He said, kissing her gently.

“I love you too.” She murmured.

“How touching.” Drawled a female voice from the doorway of Angel’s apartment.

“Drusilla.  How did you get in?” Angel asked coldly.

“That nitwit who just left invited me.” Drusilla said, with a smile.

“Xander.” Buffy replied.  “What exactly did he say?”

“They're inside, go right in.  It qualifies as an invitation.” Drusilla turned to Buffy with cold eyes.  “You think I”ll let you take him from me when I’ve waited so long to have him.  Never.” She swore, lunging at her.

Buffy was shocked still and it took a minute to fight back.  By that time Drusilla had her pinned.  Drusilla put her game face on and was about to bite when she got a stake in her back.

She turned to face her attacker.  “Angel?” She asked, her voice mingled with hurt, surprise, and a little bit of realisation.  Before she could get an answer she crumbled to dust.

Buffy stood up and wiped the dust off her outfit before turning to Angel.  “You did it.  You completed you mission.” She said softly, quietly.

“Yeah.” Angel said, still staring at the pile of dust on the floor.  Drusilla was gone, he had finally avenged his family’s death.

“Does that mean you’re going to leave Sunnydale?” Buffy asked in a small voice.

Angel turned to her.  “Never.  I love you, and as long as you’re here, so am I.”

“I love you too.” She said, kissing him again.

Angel felt better than he had in a long time.  He had finally gotten closure.  He had ended that part of his life, now he could start over.  With Buffy.

He would too, he was finally able too.


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