A Crack in the Mirror

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Not mine, so please don’t sue me.

Author’s Notes: Special thanks to my beta-reader Shannon for finding some interesting grammer mistakes for me.

It’s strange knowing that in another universe I’m a vampire.  I can’t help feel sorry for her, it wasn’t her fault what she became.  In a way she’s like Drusilla, an innocent you had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Her world is so different than mine.  Xander, Cordelia, Oz, Giles, Buffy, and Angel they are all different people in her world.  If Buffy hadn’t been able to stop The Harvest is that what we would have become?

Part of me wishes I was like her, she doesn’t let people boss her around.  But she’s evil, pure evil.  Even though I’m not her, I feel guilty for all the crimes she committed.  I’m starting to understand how Angel feels.  It’s hard to imagine the Angel she described, he certainly sounds different.  She really was confused, she’s just an innocent child forced into the world of darkness against her will.

Like Drusilla.  For the first time I’m beginning to feel sorry for her.  She had no choice about what she became, Angel made that choice for her.  One day she was human, and the next a vampire.  The other me is as mad as Drusilla, why I wonder?  What made her go insane?  Was it watching her world crumble?  That other world sounds like a nightmare.  Why did it turn out like that?  Why did I become that?

Seeing her makes me glad for what I have.  I got a chance at life, a chance she never got.  Something tells me I won’t forget her for a long time.  I’m grateful for my world and the people in it.  Knowing what could have happened even makes me slightly glad for all the horrible things we have lived through.  Maybe even what happened with Angel is a worthy price for our world.

I just hope that in her world, where ever that is, she is as happy as she knows how to be.  She gave me a great gift she made me see how great my life really is.

The End

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