Little Piece of My Heart

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: Don't own any of them, don't sue.

Author's Notes: Okay to my fellow Buffy and Angel, Xander and Cordelia fans, turn back now, this is B/X, anti-B/A.  No I haven't lost my mind, I just decided to try a new optiopn.  Blame it on watching M*A*S*H reruns at 2 am. They used this quote, and I decided to right a story about it.  Don't worry, next story I'll go back to B/A.  Promise.  Buffy's POV.

Spoilers- Graduation Day Pt2

When I was younger, I never beleived that old quote 'time heals all wounds'.  It's true.  There was a time when I thought I'd never get over Angel, and I have.

I never even think of him that much anymore.

I loved him, I really did, but it wasn't enough.

I learnt as I got older that passion, sexual atrtraction, and even love wern't enough.  My husband and I have all that, but we also have trust, friendship, and security.

Angel and I neverr had that.  We nevfer really trusted each other, thinking back, I can admit now that our relationship was doomed from the start.

What I have now is better than that.  More secure, stronger.

I have experianced a real relationship, and know that what Angel and I had would never had stood the test of time.  Everyone was right.  I was too young, eventually I would want everything he couldn't give me.

Everything I have now.

I am grateful to Angel for letting me go, for doing what he knew was best.

Angel and I weren't meant to be.

I still think of him sometimes, but not in the romantic way.  He's in the past, and those days are over.

I loved him, but it wasn't enough.

We both knew that.  If it had been, he would have stayed, or I would have gone after him.  We would have at least said goodbye, not just shared a painful glance in the smoke.  No if it had been real, it would have been more than that.

No, instead we let it die, knowing it was for the best.

I'm not saying it didn't hurt, it hurt like Hell.

But it's over, and I can accept that.

I've moved on.

I have Xander and the children.

I wouldn't change anything if I was given the chance, I don't regret Angel, I just don't feel the same for him anymore.  I moved on, and it felt good.

I let the wounds heal, leaving only a little piece of my heart for him that will never be occupied by anyone else.

He will always be my guardian angel, who was there when I needed him most, but he's also just a fond memory.  A memory of my youth, and my first love, a picture in an album.

That's it, I have my White Knight now, I don't need a guardian angel anymore, but I'll never forget how he was there when I needed him.

I'll never forget.

You don't forget, you heal, move on. I have.  Time really does heal all, my wounds have long since been healed, and now only the fondess is left.

And that one little piece of my heart.


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