Just One Day

By: Michelle

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel.  They belong to 20th Century Fox, Joss Whedon, and Mutant Enemy.  I am using them without permission, however I am not making any money off them so please do not sue me.

Author's Notes: Angel should have got to see Buffy in the sunlight, so I’m letting him.  I know that Buffy and Angel’s relationship would probably have been more strained, but I don’t care.  This is fanfic.  A break from reality.  In this story Buffy and Angel get to spend one perfect day together before he breaks the ring.  I decided to let him break it, but only after he saw Buffy in the sunlight.  There is some angst ahead, but this is mostly a happy fic.  Enjoy.

Feedback: Please, I want to know what people think of my stories.  But could you please keep criticism constructive not cruel?  Tell me that I made a few spelling errors, or that I need to improve this or that. Don’t tell me that my stories suck and that I’m dumb.  All that does is hurt my feelings.

As the sun set Doyle and Angel watched it.

Angel knew that for him there would be only one more sunset after this one.  Tomorrow night he would destroy the ring, first though there was something he had to do.  When the sun set Angel turned to Doyle.

“I’m going to the destroy the ring.” He said quietly.

Doyle stared at him in shock.  “Why?  This is your redemption.”

Angel shook his head.  “No, it only looks that way.  Doyle, I was brought back to help the people who live in the night.  To save them from the evil that lurks there, and I can’t do that if I wear the ring.  Eventually I would begin to fit into the day world, maybe I would even stop seeing what happens in the dark.  No, I haven’t earned my redemption yet.”

“So, are you going to destroy it now?” Doyle asked with disappointment, it would have been so much easier if Angel wore the ring.

“No.  Tomorrow, first I have to got Sunnydale.”

Doyle was about to ask why when he saw the answer on Angel’s face.

Angel knew that before he destroyed the ring he had to see her in the sunlight.  Spend one day with her where they were both normal people.  Was that too much to ask?

Doyle nodded.  “I understand.  Is Cordelia going to come with us?”

Angel shook his head.  “Just you, me, and Oz.”

“Why Oz?”

“He’s going home tonight, I’ll get a ride with him.  I want you to follow us down in my car so I can drive home tomorrow night.”

“Okay.” Doyle agreed.


“Here we are.” Oz said as he and Angel walked up to Willow and Buffy’s dorm room.

It was morning, Angel had waited until the sun had come out.  Angel knocked on the door and Buffy answered, wearing only sweats and a T-Shirt.

“Angel.” She said in surprise, then she glanced at the window.  “The ring.” She realised.

Angel nodded.  “For today only, at sun down I destroy it.”

“Oh.” Buffy said.  “Why are you here, don’t you want to spend the day in the sun?  It’s your one day to see it.”

Angel shook his head.  “I got the ring late yesterday afternoon.  I saw it then, I came to see you in the sunlight.”

She realised what he meant.  “Okay.” She agreed.

He smiled and they left her dorm.  Once they got outside he stopped and stared at her.

“What?” She asked self consciously.

“You lied to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“You told me that you didn’t look that great in direct light, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

She melted.  “Angel, thank you.” She said softly.  “This means more to me that you’ll ever know.”

“Me too.” He said softly, gazing at the beautiful girl he loved.

“This is all we’ll ever have, isn’t it?” She asked sadly.

He nodded. “I’m afraid so, but at least we have today.”

“Yeah.” She said, leaning up to kiss him.

After a minute the kiss ended, and they walked hand in hand down the path.  Buffy was so preoccupied with Angel that she ran into someone.

She looked up to see Parker.  “Parker.” She said in a strained voice.

Angel knew instantly that this was the boy she had slept with, the one who had dumped her afterwards.  He tensed, and looked at Parker with disgust.

“Who’s this?” Parker asked.

“An old friend.” Buffy said, trying not to let Parker ruin her one day with Angel.

“Another one?”

“This one’s different.” Buffy said with a tight smile.  “Goodbye.” She turned to leave,

Parker looked mockingly at her.  “I thought it meant something to you?  It’s only been a few days.” He taunted.

Buffy felt herself getting angry.  “Things change.  I‘ve learn my lesson.  Goodbye Parker.”  She walked away, and Angel followed after giving Parker a good shove.

“You know.” Buffy said quietly, it wasn’t a question.

“Spike told me.  It’s okay Buffy, I just wish he hadn’t hurt you.”

Buffy hurt more because of his kindness.  “I deserve it, I betrayed you.”

“No.” Angel said, grabbing her shoulders.  “You didn’t betray me, we broke up.  Buffy, you were free to do whatever you want.  So, you made a mistake.  You’re only human, you’re allowed to make mistakes.  Hell, I’m not human and I make them all the time.”

“I love you.” Buffy said softly, watching as the sunlight danced across his face.  Whatever happened after today, she’d always have that picture in her mind.

“I love you.” Angel told her, doing the same thing.  He watched the sun caress her and make her skin glow.  She looked more beautiful than she had even been before.  He would carry that picture with him for the rest of his life.

Buffy looked up at Angel.  “Let's go to the beach.” She urged.

“Okay.” He agreed happily, for today at least they could pretend they were normal.  That they were just a young couple in love.


Willow snapped a picture of the two of them as he pushed her on the swings.  After they had gotten back from the beach they had called the rest of the gang and went to the park.

Buffy laughed happily and jumped off the swing.  They had had a picnic and played on the swing.  Angel had even gone swimming earlier.  She remembered his reaction to her bikini and smiled.

He had definitely liked it.

“What time is it?” She asked, taking Angel’s hand in hers.

Xander checked his watch. “3:00, three and half hours left until sunset.”

Buffy nodded and looked at Angel.  “What do you want to do for the last part of your one day in the sun?”

“Whatever you want.” Angel told her indulgently.

Buffy had an idea and looked at Willow.  “Will can we borrow the camera?”

Willow nodded. “Sure. See you later.” Buffy grinned and waved goodbye as she and Angel left.

A little while later they were at Giles’.  Buffy knocked on the door, and after a moment Giles answered.

“Buffy, Angel.” He said in surprise.

“Can we go out to your terrace?  I want Angel to see the garden.  It’s been a while since he saw flowers in the light of day and you’ve gone some nice ones.”

Giles nodded, and watched the joy on Buffy’s face as she and Angel went out back.  Buffy snapped a few pictures of Angel in the sun, and then he did the same for her.

Giles watched them, wondering why they were taking pictures.  He decided to ask.  “Why are you taking pictures?”

“Angel’s destroying the ring tonight, he just wanted to see me in the sunlight first.” Buffy said sadly.

Giles nodded, proud of the souled vampire. “Oh.”

His heart broke for them both, but he was glad that they got their one day in the sunlight.  One day where they could forget about who they were and everything that kept them apart.

For today they were just a young couple in love, but when night fell everything would change.  They would go back to being doomed lovers, two outcasts in a lonely world.

Only today could they forget about their problems, he just wished they could have longer.


Buffy snapped the last picture on the roll, one of Angel standing on the cliff behind The Mansion as the sun went down.

As soon as the sun had disappeared Angel took the ring off his finger. He lay it on a rock and brought another rock down on top of it.  There was a flash of light as it broke into a million pieces.

The Gem of Amarra and all it’s power was gone forever.

Buffy looked at Angel sadly.

“At least we have the memories.” She said softly.

“Yeah. I’ll never forget what you look like in the sun.”

“Me neither, I mean I won’t forget what you look like.” Buffy promised.

Angel kissed her one last time, and then turned to go.  “Goodbye Buffy.”

“Bye Angel, thank you.”

Angel stopped and looked at her.  “No, thank you.  You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Probably what it means to me.  Everything.” Buffy said softly.

Angel nodded and then disappeared into the night.  Back into the darkness, never to come into the light again.

But at least they had had that one perfect day together.


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