See Part 1 for Disclaimer

Part Three: The Yoko Factor (Episode aired May 9, 2000)

(Shot of a wide-screen monitor.  A white-haired man in a suit sits behind a desk.  He’s in a dark office, and the reflection of Colonel McNamara is seen on the glass of the screen)

MR. WARD: And the men?

COLONEL: These are exceptional boys.  Their capture ratio just keeps increasing.  *They’re* keeping it together. Morale’s a problem, what with the death of Professor Walsh and the escape of the prototype.  Controlling the HSTs is getting harder.  We have serious overcrowding in the containment areas.

(Camera angle has slowly panned away from the monitor to the Colonel, as he was speaking.  He’s standing alone in some kind of communications center in the Initiative.  There is a large world map on one wall)

MR. WARD: Quite a mess.

COLONEL: It’s not my mess, sir.  I’m just holding the fort, while you figure out what you want to do with the place.

MR. WARD: This attempted assassination incident with Finn was disturbing.

COLONEL: Boy’s currently on TDY, pending further investigation.  Quite frankly, I don’t think he’s the soldier that you all hoped he was.  Thinks too much.

MR. WARD: Nevertheless, we want him on board.  The government’s invested a sub--

COLONEL: (interrupts) My feeling is...he can be controlled through the girl.

MR. WARD: Yes, uh...(puts on reading glasses to look at something on his desk)  Buffy Summers.  (removes his glasses)  Our data banks don’t have much on her.

COLONEL: (shrugs)  She’s just a girl.

(Cut to a loud voice)

SPIKE: (sighs)  She’s a lot more 'n that.  (Shot of a chamber underground, in the sewers.  Light reflecting off water is shimmering on the wall behind him, as he walks across the room)  The Slayer’s dangerous, I 'ope ya know.

(Tracking shot of Spike, until Adam is seen standing in front of a computer set-up in his hideout.  Adam slides a disk into his drive slot, in the metal plate covering his left pectoral)

ADAM: Yes. She makes things interesting.

SPIKE: (walks to him) No.  You’re not payin’ attention to what I’m sayin’.  (paces again) Little Miss Tiny’s got a habit of bollixin’ up the plans of every would-be, unstoppable badass who sets foot in this town.  (stops to face Adam)  Just want ya to know, when the big ugly goes down, the Slayer’s gonna be right in the thick of it.  You ready for that?

ADAM: I’m counting on it.  (Spike lights up a cigarette)  So.  You said two Slayers.

SPIKE: (closes the lighter)  That’s right.  (sits on an old beat-up couch)

ADAM: And you killed them both?

SPIKE: (grins)  Yeah.  I killed the hell out of them.

ADAM: Yet you fear this one?

SPIKE: (offended)  Hey, watch it mate.  I don’t fear anything.  Just know my enemies.

ADAM: Do you?  Then why haven’t you killed this Slayer yet?

SPIKE: Because...(trails off) stinkin’ rotten luck is why.  On top o’ that, now I got this buggerin’ chip up my 'ead.

ADAM: Yes.  Your behavior modification circuitry.  I know what you feel.

SPIKE: (scoffs softly) Not likely.

ADAM: (stands in front of him)  You feel smothered.  Trapped, like an animal.  Pure in its ferocity, yet unable to actualize the urges within.  Clinging to one truth.  Like a flame, struggling to burn within an enclosed glass.  That a beast this powerful cannot be contained.  Inevitably, it will break free and savage the land again.  I will make you whole again.  Make you savage.

SPIKE: (moved, has to blink back tears in awe)  Wow.  (composes himself)  I mean, *yeah*.  I get now why all the demons fall in line with you.  (sits up)  You’re like Tony Robbins.  If he was a big, scary...Frankenstein-looking-- (reconsiders) you’re exactly like Tony Robbins.

ADAM: I will restore you to what you once were.  When I have the and where I want her.

SPIKE: (pauses, seems to think about it)  She’s crafty, y’know.  Her and her friends.

ADAM: Friends?

SPIKE: There’s your --whaddya call it-- variable.  The Slayer’s got pals.  You want 'er evening the odds in ya fight, you don’t want her little Scooby Gang there muckin’ about.

ADAM: Then we take them away from her.

SPIKE: (perks up at this)  Good idea, that.  If she’s workin’ solo, they won’t be there to stake me when the wild rumpus begins.  (chuckles) Plus, it’ll make the Slayer miserable.  And I never get tired o’ that.  (sits back again, smiles at the prospect)  Yeah.  Lemme do it - I’m really lookin’ forward to it 'n all now.

ADAM: You can’t hurt them.  What can you do to make sure they’re out of the picture?

SPIKE: Not a blessed thing.  They’re gonna do it for me.  (brings his cigarette to his lips, and takes a drag)

(Cut to Stevenson Hall, room 214.  The room is dark.  The door opens, and Buffy enters switching on the light.  She’s still wearing the clothes she had when she was in L.A., to see Angel in AtS "Sanctuary")

(Shot of Buffy closing the door.  She sees Willow’s bed - which looks as if it hasn’t been slept in for quite some time.  She tiredly rubs a hand over her face, and crosses the room to lay on her own bed.  She doesn’t close her eyes, and there is a forlorn look on her face)

BUFFY: (to herself) Welcome home.  How was L.A.?

(Cut to interior shot of Giles’ apartment.  He’s sitting on the side of his sofa, playing ‘Freebird’ on his guitar)

GILES: (sings) If I leave here tomorrow (cut to a wider shot)  Would you still remember me?  (the camera pans slowly around him)

GILES: (continues singing)
Well I must be traveling on now
There’s too many places I’ve got to see
And if I stay here with you girl
Things just couldn’t be the same
'Cause I’m as free as bird now--(high-pitched gasp)

(Shot of Giles jumping up from the couch, startled to see Spike standing in his home.  The vampire heads for the kitchen)

SPIKE: You know, for someone who’s got ‘Watcher’ on his résumé, you might wanna cast an eye to the front door every now and again.

(Shot of Giles removing his glasses, looking peeved.  He rounds the sofa and stands at the entrance of the hallway, as Spike opens the refrigerator)

GILES: What do you want?

SPIKE: Ah.  (takes out a bag of blood)  Knew I left one.  (closes fridge)  Buffy around?

GILES: Why?  (moves in front of the bar)

SPIKE: (pops the plastic bag into the microwave, and turns it on)  Need to speak to the lady o’ the house.  Hey, be a pet and give 'er a message for me, will ya?  Tell her I just might 'ave somethin’ that I think she’d want.

GILES: And what might that ‘something’ be?

SPIKE: (regards him with little importance) Information.  Highly classified.  Not cheap word-on-the-street prattle, either.  I’m talkin’ about the good stuff now.

GILES: (sits on one of the stools unimpressed, and puts his glasses back on. Crosses his arms)  Thrill me.

SPIKE: (sighs)  It’s nothin’ I know.  What, you think I’d just come over 'ere sayin’ "I got a secret, beat me up till I talk"?  There’s files in the Initiative.  I’m pretty sure I know where.

(Cue sound of the microwave beeping)

GILES: (interested) Files?

SPIKE: (takes out the bag)  Yeah.  Secrets.  (bites open a corner of the bag, grabs a coffee mug, and starts to pour the blood)  Mission statements.  Design schematics.  All of Maggie Walsh’s dirty laundry, which I guess would include lotsa tidbits about--

GILES: (removes his glasses) Adam.

SPIKE: Well, yeah.  Say someone were to risk his life and limb --well, limb anyway-- to obtain said files.  It might be worth a little somethin’.  (lifts the mug to his mouth and drains it)

GILES: A-at...this point, a cynical person might think that you’re offering just what we need when we need it most.

SPIKE: That person’d be right, Rupert.  Supply and demand.  And, it won’t be cheap this time.

GILES: What do you want?

SPIKE: (seems to think about it, as he sets the mug down next to the sink)  Hmm, year’s supply o’ blood, guaranteed protection, merry bushels o’ cash, and, most important...a guarantee that I’m not to be in any way slain.

GILES: (puts on his glasses) Done.

SPIKE: (sarcastic)  With a smile and a nod from you?  Sorry.  Not close to good enough.  This deal’s with the Slayer.

GILES: (patiently) I’ll tell her.

SPIKE: Oh, you’ll tell her!  Great comfort, that.  What makes ya think she’ll listen to you?

GILES: Because...(trails off, unsure)

SPIKE: (patronizingly) Very convincin’.

GILES: (annoyed) I’m her Watcher.

SPIKE: (pitying look)  I think you’re neglectin’ the past tense there, Rupert.  Besides, she barely listened to you when you were in charge.  I’ve seen the way she treats you.

(Shot of Giles appearing uncomfortable at his words. He grabs a bottle off the bar, and starts to pour himself a drink)

GILES: Oh, yes?  And how’s that?

SPIKE: Like a retired librarian, with all the quirks that said unemployed develop.  Same way everyone does.  (Giles doesn’t say anything, and continues to pour)  Look, I’ve got what she wants as long as she 'as what I want.  (walks out of the kitchen and heads for the door, passes Giles)  Spread the word.  She knows where to find me.

GILES: (softly, without authority) I’ll think about it.

(Shot of Giles bringing the glass to his lips, as he hears the sound of the front door closing.  Cut to Tara’s dorm room, Willow sits on the bed with a book.  Tara sits on the large chest at the foot of the bed, looking though the course selection booklet)

TARA: You still need an elective.  (glances down at the booklet)  How about...Sophomore Level Psychology?

WILLOW: (looks at her)  Uh, kinda psyched out since Professor Walsh.  Maybe something fun, like drama.  I could be dramatic.  (does funny voice)  ‘I pity the fool who messes with my car!’

TARA: (laughs) Definitely drama.

WILLOW: I haven’t even dealt with the housing situation yet.  Have you done anything?  I hear there’s some off-campus places that are way cool for groups to, y’know, go in on.

TARA: Oh, I just figured you’d be dorming it up with Buffy again.

WILLOW: Well, we haven’t really talked about it.  I used to assume we’d be roomies through grad school, well into little old ladyhood.  You know, cheating at bingo together and forgetting to take our pills.

TARA: But?

WILLOW: But...I don’t know.  It hardly feels like we’re roomies now.  I mean, she’s busy with Riley, and I’m gone a lot too.  (considers this, and doesn’t look happy about it)  I guess I should ask her.

(Cut to exterior of Stevenson Hall.  Cut to close-up of the ‘Chocolate’ poster on Buffy’s door.  There is a knock on the other side)

BUFFY: (opens it) Riley.

RILEY: (comes in)  Hey.  I thought you’d be back from L.A. by now, and I got a little tired of sitting around waiting for you to call, so...

BUFFY: Oh, that.  Yeah.  (walks over to her desk, to stack a textbook on top of another book)

RILEY: (concerned) You okay?

BUFFY: (faces him, leaning on the desk)  Yeah.  I just -- Angel kind of upset me.

RILEY: What?  How?

BUFFY: It’s not that interesting.

RILEY: Got my attention.

BUFFY: He just spun my head a little.

RILEY: (suspicious) You don’t want to talk about it.

BUFFY: (evasive) I-it’s just deconstructing Angel can wait.  Right now, I just want to get out there and patrol and - and find Adam.  We can talk about it...later.

RILEY: (seems a little hurt by this, but tries to cover it)  Tell you what, why don’t I get out of your face?  You had a long trip and all...

BUFFY: (quickly) Hey, you don’t have to go.

RILEY: It’s okay.  (forces a grin)

BUFFY: (quietly) All right.

(Cut to the hall.  Close-up shot of Riley, as he closes the door.  He is less than happy, as he walks away)

(Cut to the woods.  Buffy is patrolling, walking on a dirt path leading up to a cave entrance.  She carries the blaster Professor Walsh gave her, in "The I In Team".  She’s heading towards the cave, when Forrest jumps out into the path behind her and she whirls around to face him.  They point their blasters at each other)

FORREST: Don’t shoot.  I can have backup here in under a minute, but I’m busy, so here’s a plan: you go your way, I’ll go mine.

BUFFY: Okay.  (turns and continues to the cave.  Forrest starts to follow but stops, when she looks back at him) I’m checking out that cave.

FORREST: My orders exactly.

BUFFY: Alone?

FORREST: We’re spread a little thin, so yeah.  Family’s tearing apart.

BUFFY: (sarcastic) Family.  Right.  Can you define dysfunctional?  (turns and enters the cave.  Cut to interior.  Buffy steps inside, followed by Forrest)

FORREST: Wasn’t like that until you showed up.

BUFFY: What, no girls allowed?

FORREST: Ha, ha.  You think you’re the first girlfriend Riley’s ever had?

(Shot of Buffy stopping to glare at his back, as he continues ahead)

FORREST: Such a big head on that skinny little body.  (stops to face her)  No.  You’re just the first one to get our C.O. so pissed off at Rye, that it's ruined his career.  And, yeah, I got a problem with that.

BUFFY: His career?  Doing what?  (steps closer to him)  Catching things your lab boys experiment with, but can’t possibly understand?  What’s the Initiative trying to prove, anyway...that they’re heroes for doing this?  I think you remember my friend Xander, you were at his funeral.  He *was* a hero, he died for me and Riley!  Think you can compare to him?

FORREST: I’m sorry about what happened to your friend.  But that doesn’t mean squat, concerning my opinion about you.  Now why don’t you just beat it before I-- (takes a threatening step to her)

BUFFY: (angry) Touch me, and you’ll find out what Slayer strength is really like.

FORREST: (gamely) I think it’s about time you showed me, then.

ADAM: (V.O.)  Yes.  (Buffy and Forrest look back the way they came, and see Adam suddenly standing there)  I think that would be interesting.

(Shot of Buffy and Forrest both having ‘oh, shit!’ expressions)

FORREST: (speaks into his radio)  All teams, this is Agent Gates.  The prototype’s location is acquired - all teams, requesting backup right now...(moves forward, but Buffy is between him and Adam, and she shoves him back hard)

BUFFY: Get outta here! (Shot of Forrest falling to the ground, as Buffy and Adam fight.  Adam throws her across the cave, and she slams into the rock wall, dropping to the ground.  Adam turns his attention to Forrest, and his Polgara skewer juts out of his left arm)

FORREST: (gets back on his feet)  Not a chance.  (advances forward)

(Shot of Forrest raising his blaster, and firing it at Adam.  Reacting to the blast, Adam arches back, his arms wide as if accepting the charge.  The rings of electricity course over his body, then seem to be absorbed within him)

ADAM: (looks at Forrest) Thank you.

GRAHAM: (suddenly enters, weapon ready) Forrest?

BUFFY: (gets to her knees, yells to both commandos)  Go!  Both of you, get out now!

(Shot of Forrest too close to Adam, with his weapon aimed for another shot.  The cyber-demonoid comes forward quickly and hits him with the skewer, shoving it through his lower body near the hip)

BUFFY: (unison) NO!

GRAHAM: (unison) NO!

(Shot of Forrest going limp with a shocked expression, and Buffy running towards them.  With his free arm, Adam tosses Forrest in the air - he slides off the skewer and crashes into Buffy, knocking her down.  Adam immediately picks up Forrest’s blaster)

GRAHAM: You-!  (fires at Adam, with no more effect than before.  Buffy pushes Forrest’s body off of herself, and gets to her feet.  Graham comes forward and shouts at Adam)  Don’t even think it!

(Shot of Adam ignoring him.  Adam aims at Buffy with the blaster, and fires it.  It just barely misses her, blowing apart a huge chunk of the cave wall)

(Cut to Graham and Buffy quickly grabbing Forrest and hauling him out.  Cut to outside, they stumble out of the cave.  Buffy takes a quick glance over her shoulder, but it doesn’t look like Adam is after them.  They stop and put Forrest down)

GRAHAM: (looks at Forrest)  My God... (checks for a pulse, sighs and starts to stop the bleeding) thank heaven, he’s still with us.  But we gotta get him to a medic fast.

BUFFY: You okay?

GRAHAM: (looks at her briefly)  Yeah, I...(suddenly they see Initiative commandos with balaclavas on, appear in the distance)  You better get out of here.  Colonel McNamara’s still mad about that stunt you pulled.  I’ll tell Riley that you’re okay.

(Shot of Buffy nodding, and she starts running off down the hill.  Suddenly, she loses her footing on the edge of a steep slope, and tumbles down the incline.  She doesn’t roll very far, before she’s stopped by a large rock sticking out of the ground, hits her head hard)

(Cut to overhead shot, looking down on her.  Buffy is lying unconscious beside the rock.  Her head is turned to the side, there’s a gash on the left side of her forehead and a bruise already forming next to her eye)

(Cut to elevated shot of Sunnydale. Nighttime.  Cut to Spike, walking casually down the steps to the courtyard of Giles’ apartment building.  He’s wearing the commando garb he used previously in the raid with Oz and Buffy, in "New Moon Rising")

(Shot of Spike as he stops before reaching Giles’ front door.  He takes one last pull on his cigarette, then grounds it out under his boot.  He stands there for a moment, then takes a couple of deep breaths, prepping himself, and rushes into the apartment)

SPIKE: (closes the door)  I think I lost the buggers.

WILLOW: (stands up, from where she was sitting at Giles’ desk)  Any luck with the disks?

SPIKE: (pulls out a few disks from the pockets of his flak jacket and commando pants, hands them to her)  Took what they had.  Should be somethin’ useful on one of 'em.

WILLOW: Hope so.  (sits down again in front of her laptop.  Tara is standing beside her)

TARA: What are we looking for?

WILLOW: (slides one of the disks into her laptop)  Anything about Adam.

GILES: (pours himself a drink, sitting at the bar.  He doesn’t sound completely sober, and asks without interest)  Were there any problems getting in and out?

SPIKE: No.  I mean, a coupla them made me on the way out, but I took care of 'em.

GILES: (sarcastic) Gave them a good running-away-from-them, did you?

SPIKE: (shoots him a look) Well, yeah.  When do I get paid?

GILES: When Willow tells me you’ve brought us something useful.

(Shot of Spike turning his attention to Willow.  Tara is looking at what she’s doing with interest and he notices the subtle but intimate way, she’s stroking a lock of Willow’s hair.  He raises a thoughtful eyebrow, taking note of this.  Then he steps up behind Giles)

SPIKE: I could’ve gone straight to the Slayer, y’know?  I cut you in, let you pretend you’re actually in charge, now you’ve gotta wait for Red’s permission to finish the deal?

GILES: (seethes into his drink)  As soon as we see what’s on the disks.

(Cut to a shot of the laptop.  It starts making electronic jittery noises)

TARA: It looks like gibberish.

(Shot of Giles and Spike looking over at them)

SPIKE: Gibberish?

WILLOW: They’re encrypted.

GILES: Oh, wonderful.  (steps away from the bar, and disappears down the hall.  On the laptop, there are small symbols crisscrossing the screen)

SPIKE: Can you fix this?

WILLOW: Crack a government encryption code on my laptop?  Easy as really difficult pie.  Why?

SPIKE: (sighs)  You’re not exactly the whiz these days, y’know.  God, I’m never gonna get paid.

WILLOW: (shifts uncomfortably in her chair, affected by the offhand remark)  I am a whiz.

TARA: She is a whiz.

WILLOW: If ever a whiz there was.  I-I just need some time.

SPIKE: No, I just heard you...(Willow hits a key and the jittering stops) you’re not playin’ with computers much nowadays.  (indicates Tara)  More into the new thing.

WILLOW: (frowns)  What new thing?

SPIKE: (points) You two.  The whole wicca thing.  The Watcher and Britney Slayer were chattin’ away, and I overheard some things.

WILLOW: They - they were talking about that?

SPIKE: Can we get back to business 'ere?  I got a deal at stake.

WILLOW: (very concerned now)  What did they say?

SPIKE: (sighs impatiently)  Well, y’know, that it’s just a phase.  And you’ll get over it.

WILLOW: What?  Who said that?  Was it Buffy?  (to Tara)  ' know what she means by that.

SPIKE: No, she was defendin’ ya.  'Cause Rupert was sayin’ that you were probably just bein’ trendy.

WILLOW: (astounded)  Giles?  He said...trendy?

SPIKE: (shrugs again)  I dunno what they were goin’ on about.  A person wants be a witch, that’s their business.

WILLOW: (shakes her head thoughtfully, says softly)  I knew Buffy was freaked.

TARA: You should talk to her, 'cause I’m sure she--

SPIKE: (interrupts)  Pressin’ business, ladies.  (points to the screen)  Don’t wanna get sidetracked.  (taps it with his finger)  Still got your monsters to fight.

(Cut to the Initiative, the containment area.  Close-up shot of a butt-ugly demon, who steps too close to the sliding glass wall of its cell, and is zapped by a charge of electricity.  Pan to show the place filled with demons.  Every cell is occupied, some with more than one denizen. Demons growl loudly)

(Shot of Colonel McNamara walking in with a lieutenant, they make their way down the long row of white cells)

LIEUTENANT: Cell capacity maxed out three days ago, sir.  We keep up this pace, they’ll be nowhere left to contain the hostiles.

COLONEL: (coldly)  They’re animals, Lieutenant.  We pack them in until we’re out of room, and then we pack them in some more.

LIEUTENANT: (worried)  They’re going to start tearing each other apart, sir.

COLONEL: I have no problem with that scenario.

(Shot of two demons in the last cell fighting, their claws at each other’s throats, as the two men reach the other side of the containment area)

(Cut to the communications room, which is filled with techs and alive with activity and radio chatter.  McNamara and the lieutenant enter, and their attention is immediately drawn to someone who’s receiving an urgent message for help from one of the squads out in the field)

COMMANDO: (on radio)  Backup team!  Request immediate backup!  Over!  He’s tearing us apart over here!  Two men down!  From out of nowhere!  Mayday!  Repeat!  Mayday!

(Cut to Riley at the remains of Sunnydale High, investigating the ruins, his flashlight beam moving along the walls.  He lifts up his radio)

COMMANDO: (on radio) --Team Epsilon requesting immediate backup!  We’re in the alley behind the school building!  Where the hell is - fall back!  Fall back!  It’s coming--

(Shot of Riley turning around, and rushing away when the transmission is cut off)

(Cut to Riley, running down an empty street.  Cut to an alley, a commando goes flying across the road and hits the wall.  Riley comes running around the corner, just in time to see him fall to the pavement unconscious)

(Shot of Riley hearing fighting further down the alley.  He raises his flashlight, shining it on the back of a figure in a long black coat.  As soon as the light hits him, the person whirls around)

(Shot of Angel, looking pissed.  Angel and Riley face each other.  Angel is standing amidst the bodies of three more unconscious commandos.  Riley lowers the flashlight)

ANGEL: Riley Finn.

RILEY: (slips the flashlight into his cargo pocket, takes out his asp)  Do I know you?

ANGEL: We have mutual acquaintances.

RILEY: (recognition fills his expression)  Angel.

ANGEL: (takes a step forward, then glances down at the commandos on the ground)  Was all this your idea?

RILEY: (shrugs)  Standard procedure.  (pauses)  I talked with Buffy, and she told me everything about you.  (moves slightly)  Like, you helped her and she loved you.  Then you went bad, and killed a lot of people.  But she cured you, and eventually you left.

ANGEL: (looks at him like a snake)  Ancient history.

RILEY: Yeah, but the way she said it, you were all peaceable now.  Interesting little curse, I got to admit.  You didn’t by any chance go and lose that pesky soul again, did you?

ANGEL: (dangerously)  Don’t push me, boy.  (slowly walks to move around Riley)

RILEY: (steps into Angel’s path, and hits the release on the asp in his hand extending it to a baton)  Where do you think you’re going?

ANGEL: To see an old girlfriend.

(Shot of them now standing right in front of each other)

RILEY: Right, you really think I’m gonna let that happen?

ANGEL: You think you’re gonna stop me?

RILEY: I surely do.

(Tracking shots of Angel and Riley starting to kick each other’s asses.  Riley uses his baton and taser, Angel uses his fists and feet, appearing in full vamp face.  They beat each other up badly)

(Shot of Angel hearing the loud engine of an approaching vehicle.  He quickly climbs up the side of the warehouse, disappearing over the top.  Cut to Riley on his knees, when he sees the humvee rounding the corner.  He gets to his feet, and heads into a side street)

(Cut to Buffy’s dorm room.  She walks inside, looking like hell, and removes her jacket as she steps up to the mirror on the wall.  Ugly bruising has formed around the gash on her forehead, and she winces as she touches it with her fingers)

(Cut to outside her door.  Someone steps in front of it and knocks.  A moment later, Buffy opens the door)

BUFFY: (looks surprised) Angel.

ANGEL: Hi.  Can I come in?

BUFFY: (in a soft voice)  I guess.

ANGEL: (hesitates)  Uh, I need a little more than that.

BUFFY: Oh.  Um...come in.  (he walks inside past her, and she closes the door.  He turns to face her, and she notices the blood on his temple and his split bottom lip.  Says stoically) You’re hurt.

ANGEL: You too.

BUFFY: I’ll live.

BUFFY: You want to tell me who ran your face into that doorknob?

ANGEL: Not really.  It’s not exactly world-in-peril stuff.

BUFFY: Lemme guess why you’re here.  (injects a touch of venom)  You thought of something else really hurtful to say and, well, you couldn’t tell me on the phone because the funniest part is that look on my face--

ANGEL: Buffy, please.  I really don’t have a lot of time.

BUFFY: (hears the slight urgency in his voice, is concerned)  What’s going on?

(Cut to the door bursting open.  Riley steps in, steadying himself against the shelf of Willow’s desk.  He raises his arm and aims a gun at Angel, thumbing back the hammer)

RILEY: (pissed)  I told you, you weren’t coming near her.

BUFFY: (takes in his battered appearance, and goes ballistic.  Says to Angel)  You’ve *got* to be kidding me.  This is why you came?

ANGEL: No.  This was an accident.

BUFFY: (very pissed)  Running a car into a tree is an accident!  Running your fist into somebody’s face is a plan!  Please, explain this to me!

ANGEL: (looks at Riley, says calmly) Put that gun down.

RILEY: I couldn’t bring backup, as that’s the last thing Buffy needs, so I’m thinking not.  He attacked four of my men, Buffy.  I think he’s up to his old tricks.

BUFFY: (considers this, looks at Angel)  No, I...I don’t think he’s had a moment of pure happiness again.

RILEY: That’s what set him off before?  When you...(suddenly figures it out, looks stunned) and he and him?!  Sex with you is what makes him happy?

BUFFY: (turns away, while Angel grins)  I don’t believe he came to hurt anybody.  (to Angel)  Tell him.

ANGEL: (starts to move forward threateningly, says to Riley)  Might hurt you.

RILEY: (steps forward, serious again)  Please try.

ANGEL: Heh.  Some threat.  You can barely stand.

RILEY: (brandishes the gun in front of his face)  Trigger finger feels okay.

ANGEL: (gives a sideways glance to Buffy)  You actually sleep with this guy?

(Shot of Riley punching him in the face, while his head’s turned.  Angel quickly hits him back)

BUFFY: Both of you, stop it!  (steps in between them and shoves them apart.  Riley slams back against Willow’s desk, and Angel goes flying onto Willow’s bed)

RILEY: (unison) Uhh...

ANGEL: (unison) Ahh...

BUFFY: Okay, that’s enough!  I see one more display of testosterone poisoning, and I will personally put both of you in the hospital!  (glances back and forth between them.  Riley looks like he still wants to shoot Angel.  Says challengingly) Anybody think I’m exaggerating?

ANGEL: He started--

(Shot of Buffy pointing a warning finger at him, and he wisely shuts up.  She gives him a ‘don’t mess with me’ look, and walks over to Riley)

BUFFY: (softly)  Riley.  (glances at his gun)

RILEY: I’m sorry.  (holsters it)  Just wanted to know that you were safe.

BUFFY: (gently)  I need to talk to Angel for a minute.

RILEY: (exasperated)  What?

BUFFY: Riley, please.

(Shot of Riley looking over at Angel, who’s just sitting down on the bed, elbows resting on his knees)

RILEY: (looks down at Buffy again, quietly firm) I’m not leaving this room.  (crosses his arms) I mean it.

(Shot of Riley continuing to glare at Angel.  Buffy looks over her shoulder and gives Angel a slight tilt of her head, then walks past Riley to the door.  Angel stands up to follow her, and doesn’t even bother to hide the smirk on his face as he passes Riley.  He closes the door, and Riley is left alone)

RILEY: (to himself) Not moving a muscle.

(Cut to the empty hall, Buffy turns on Angel)

BUFFY: (angry)  Okay.  I come to see you, to *help* you, and you treat me like I’m just...your ex.

ANGEL: Well, technically--

BUFFY: Shut up!  And then after you order me out of *your* city, you come here and start pounding on my boyfriend?  I would really like to know, what the HELL are you trying to do?!

ANGEL: make things better.  (She regards his sincere expression and can’t keep herself from laughing.  It becomes contagious, because Angel can’t help but smile too)  Heh.  Well.  (chuckles)  It’s a...going pretty good, don’t you think?

BUFFY: (smiles, leaning against the wall)  Swell.

ANGEL: You know - heh.  (becomes serious)  I couldn’t leave it like that.  The way I spoke to you - I came to apologize.  I...I had no right.

BUFFY: And Riley?

ANGEL: I got jumped by some soldiers.  He came in on it at the end.  And wasn’t real forthcoming with the benefit of the doubt.

BUFFY: Put yourself in his place.

ANGEL: (does consider this) I get it.

BUFFY: (looks down at the floor) weren’t entirely wrong, what you said in L.A. (meets his eyes)  We don’t live in each other’s worlds anymore.  I had no right to barge in on yours, and make judgments.

ANGEL: I’m still apologizing though.

BUFFY: (looks at him) Thank you.

ANGEL: And (pauses) about Xander...I am sorry that none of us made it to the funeral.  And I do believe that all of you are still hurting about that.  What Cordelia said...(looks pained) well, she took it real hard too.

BUFFY: (looks down again)  I kinda figured that.  And yeah, I really miss him so much.  It hasn’t been the same since.

ANGEL: (changes subject) So, things seem pretty tense around here.

BUFFY: (rests her head back tiredly) They really are.

ANGEL: Can I do anything?

BUFFY: Honestly...I think the best thing you can do right now is--

ANGEL: (nods understandingly) Okay.

BUFFY: It means a lot that you came.

(Shot of Angel just looking at her for a moment.  He starts walking down the hall.  Buffy is heading to her door, when Angel turns around again)

ANGEL: Oh, and Riley?

BUFFY: Yeah?

ANGEL: I really don’t like him.

BUFFY: (smiles) Thank you.

(Shot of Angel turning and he continues down the hall.  Buffy watches him for a couple of seconds, then turns back towards her room.  Cut to Spike’s crypt.  Spike is looking through his clothes, back in his usual attire, and puts away his army fatigues)

SPIKE: (to himself) Right then, that’s you sorted out.

VOICE: Maybe you should join the Army.  I hear they’ll take just about anyone these days.

SPIKE: (whirls around, sees Xander’s ghost, gets pissed)  Can’t you go find some 'aunted house to go rattle ya chains?

XANDER: (just stares at him)  Not liking the attitude here.

SPIKE: Just spit it out, whatever you got to say, ducks.  I got better things to do 'n listen to your version of ‘The Shining’.

XANDER: I noticed.  The head games you’re playing with my friends really make me wanna rip your head off, Peroxide Boy.  And I’d do it too, if I didn’t need you and my hands had any substance.

SPIKE: (agitated) WHADDYA WANT?!

XANDER: Spike, we both know I can’t stop you from screwin’ around like this.  But, FYI, your appointment with Mr. Dust Buster is getting closer and closer.

SPIKE: (shouts) The gloom 'n doom act is gettin’ old 'ere, mate!  You see a light anywhere?  Head towards it!

XANDER: (shouts back, suddenly angry)  I can’t, ya moron!  Haven’t you figured it out yet?  It’s not like I’m actually in that coffin!

SPIKE: (confused) Huh?

XANDER: (agitated)  Ya think those Initiative goons just *ignored* the fact that I mysteriously drowned in their bathroom?  Newsflash, dummy!  The smart money’s sayin’ my body’s in 314 somewhere.  Probably getting fitted with demon parts as we speak.  My soul can’t move on, until what’s left of me is given last rites and buried on holy ground.

SPIKE: (sighs) Terrific.

XANDER: (looks away briefly) I so don’t need this.  Look, just go to the magic shop and get an Orb of Thesulah, and the right herbs and stuff for Willow.  I’ll tell you where to find a copy of the curse itself later. SPIKE: You’re not gonna be performin’ that bloody soul restoration thing on *me*, mate!

XANDER: (shakes his head)  It’s not for you.

(Cut to Adam’s lair.  He’s sitting in front of his computer set-up.  The metal plate on the left side of his head is open, and there is a cable plugged into a socket, wiring him directly to the system.  A heavy door creaks open, and he looks over to see Spike walking into the chamber)

SPIKE: (looks happy, finishes off a can of beer)  Now that was a job...(crushes the can and throws it down)  that really was fun!

ADAM: You were successful?

SPIKE: (with a ‘no problem’ scoff)  Gettin’ 'em mightily pissed off at each other?  'Course I was.

ADAM: You’re sure?

SPIKE: Feelin’ it in my bones, Mr. Bits.  It’s, uh...called the Yoko Factor.  (lights a cigarette, and Adam just looks at him)  Don’t tell me ya never 'earda the Beatles?

ADAM: (disconnects the cable, and closes his faceplate)  I have.  (stands)  I like "Helter Skelter".  (crosses to the other side of the chamber)

SPIKE: What a surprise.  Point is, they were once a real powerful group.  It’s not a stretch to say they ruled the world.  And when they broke up, everyone blamed Yoko - but the fact is the group split itself apart, she just 'appened to be there.  That’s the trick with our Happy Meals on legs, y’see - you just gotta convince 'em everyone’s out to get ya.

ADAM: So, you separated the Slayer from her friends.  I’m pleased.  (turns and gazes down at the ground, looks thoughtful)

SPIKE: Well, now...guess it’s time for your big plan, huh?  You know the one, where I get the chipectomy.  You got everything ya need, right?

ADAM: (looks at him)  No.  There’s one more thing.

(Shot of Spike frowning.  Cut to Buffy opening the dorm door, and Riley is on the other side of the room.  He’s removed his flak jacket, and turns to face her.  She steps up to him, and they stand between the beds)

BUFFY: (softly) How bad are you hurt?

RILEY: Dunno yet. Night’s still young.

BUFFY: (mournful) Riley, I have to explain.

RILEY: (looks down) Kinda figured.

BUFFY: Maybe you want to sit down.

RILEY: I’m fine.

BUFFY: Riley, I--

RILEY: (insistent)  Wait.  Me first.  (Buffy blinks in surprise)  Buffy...I feel like we’ve gotten really close.  At least, I thought we had.  I don’t know that much about Angel (Buffy lowers her eyes) or, obviously, your relationship with him...but all I ask is...if you’re gonna break my heart, do it fast.

BUFFY: (looks up at him, frowns)  What?  Why do you say that?  (suddenly understands)  You think that Angel and I...

RILEY: (confused)  You mean -?

BUFFY: No!  Of course not.  What put that idea in your head?

RILEY: (sighs)  Guess I just went a little nuts.  You know?  Giles once --

BUFFY: (interrupts)  Giles?  What did he do?  What did he say?  Did you -

RILEY: No, don’t blame him for this.  It’s just that I remember hearing about the, uh, incident with Ms. Calendar, and, and how a vampire set it up for him.  (Buffy looks at him.  He realizes, then looks sick)  Angel?  Oh, God, more than I wanted to know.

BUFFY: (quietly) Yeah.

RILEY: So (pauses)  I mean...on the one hand...I should believe in us.  But on the other...sometimes things happen between ex’s, and when I saw that he was acting bad...

BUFFY: He...he wasn’t bad.  Not like, Angelus bad.

RILEY: (looks at her, amazed)  Seriously?  That...was a good day?  (Buffy rolls her eyes in confirmation)  Well, there ya go.  Even when he’s good, he’s all Mister...Billowy Coat King of Pain, and girls really--

BUFFY: Riley, stop.  (takes his hand, and they sit down on her bed)

RILEY: See?  Nuts.

BUFFY: Have I ever given you any reason to feel that you can’t trust me?


BUFFY: Then why with the crazy?

RILEY: (looks into her eyes, says meaningfully)  Because I’m so in love with you, I can’t think straight.  And it hurts.

BUFFY: (eyes start to glisten)  Tell me about it.  (hugs him and closes her eyes, as she holds him tight)  Riley.  (pulls back)  I’m not sure if you already know -

RILEY: What is it?

BUFFY: Forrest was critically injured today.  (Riley looks anxious, she says gently)  I’m sorry.  There was a fight, and Adam almost...Graham and I barely got away intact.

RILEY: (somber) I have to go.


RILEY: (doesn’t look at her as he stands up) Yeah.  Now.

(Shot of Riley walking to the door, grabbing his flak jacket off Willow’s chair and leaving.  Off Buffy’s concerned expression, cut to Giles’ apartment.  Willow is still working on the laptop.  The encryption code is still crisscrossing the screen)

WILLOW: (a tad frustrated)  It’s still encrypted.

(Shot of Buffy and Tara standing on either side of her, Oz is on the couch)

TARA: (to Buffy)  Well, Willow’s working really hard on it.

BUFFY: Okay, so, how long before you...un-crypt it?

WILLOW: Hours.  Days, maybe.  Anyone suggesting months would not be accused of crazy talk.

GILES: (in the kitchen pouring himself a drink, and more inebriated than ever)  Whatever happened to Latin?  At least when that made no sense, the church approved.

BUFFY: (slightly impatient)  I can’t just wait around, Will.  The disk is no good to me unless you crack it soon.  (doesn’t see Willow’s withering look behind her back, as she walks towards the living room area)  We’re on a clock here.  Okay, Adam was at that cave, so maybe he was there for a reason.  I-I can--I can go back, scope it out, track him if I have to...

WILLOW: (sarcastic)  Right.  (stands, moves to the living room)  And maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll still be there, and he can rip your arms off for you?  (sternly)  Buffy, you can’t go back alone.

GILES: You never train with me anymore.  He’s gonna kick your ass.

BUFFY: (shocked) Giles!

GILES: (steps out of the kitchen, drink in hand, and leans against the entrance of the hallway)  Sorry.  Was it a bit too honest?  (exhibits a drunken grin)  Terribly sorry.

OZ: (stands)  She doesn’t need to go alone.  I can help, like I did before.

BUFFY: You’re not going on this one, Oz.  (he turns to face her)  Y-you might get hurt.

OZ: (surprised)  So you want to take Willow, then?

BUFFY: Willow isn’t going either.  I’m doing it alone.

WILLOW: (steps closer and stands at one end of the coffee table across from Buffy, still sarcastic)  Oh, great.  And then when you have your new ‘no arms’, we can all say "Gee, it’s a good thing I wasn’t there getting in the way of that!"

BUFFY: Will, this isn’t helping.

WILLOW: Right!  Looks like I’m already getting in the way, right, Oz?

OZ: (shakes his head) Not getting the hostility here.

BUFFY: What?

GILES: (raises his glass) H-he’s right, there’s a lot of it about.  Along with the truth-telling, of course.

(Shot of Tara looking at them briefly, and then she slips past Giles and disappears down the hallway)

BUFFY: (annoyed)  You wanna talk about telling the truth?  How about you spouting off details of people who got killed by Angel?

GILES: (almost chokes on his drink) I’d prefer going on about the relationship you two had.  N-now *that* would make a good story to publish in ‘Reader’s Digest’.  (bursts out in a wheezing laugh.  The three of them stare at him)

BUFFY: (amazed) Are you drunk?

GILES: (happily) Yes.  Quite a bit, actually.

BUFFY: Well, stop it!  (to Oz and Willow) Look, this is stupid.

OZ: (puzzled)  Stupid?  You mean me wanting to help?

BUFFY: No!  I didn’t say you were stupid for...hey, don’t put words in my mouth!  (Oz just looks at her, and sits down on the couch)  Okay, look, you guys do help.  And I need you! It’s just that...Adam is very dangerous.

WILLOW: Wait.  How do you need me, really?

BUFFY: You’re...good with the computer stuff.  (Willow accepts that) Usually.  (Willow glares at her)  And - and there’s the witch stuff.

WILLOW: (accusingly) Witch stuff?  What exactly do you mean by ‘witch stuff’? What you and Giles were talking about before, behind my back?

GILES: (puzzled)  Eh?  What’s that?  (sarcastic)  Hang on a moment, maybe my lack of employment is making me go senile, as you lot seem to believe.

BUFFY: (astonished)  What is happening here?  This is crazy!

GILES: (firm)  Oh, no, it’s not.  (moves to his desk)  It’s all finally making perfect sense, a-and I’m certain it’ll remain that way.  (sets his drink down and tries to sit.  But his aim is off, and his ass doesn’t come close to hitting the chair as he drops to the floor)

OZ: Not to be blunt, but I don’t think Xander would have enjoyed seeing this.

GILES: (gets up)  Ah, yes.  As if you were here recently, to have known how he felt.  Perhaps we should have a moment of silence.

(Cut to Giles’ very clean, white bathroom.  Tara leans against the side of the tub, looks around, and can still hear the muffled argument on the other side of the closed door)

TARA: (to herself) Nice bathroom.

(Cut back to the others.  Oz is still sitting on the couch, amazed and hurt but not showing it.  Giles stumbles towards the stairs, taking off his glasses)

BUFFY: (angry)  Giles, do you wanna quit with the smart comments?

GILES: (shrugs)  Fine.  I’m going to bed.  If you suppose you think it’s necessary. (struggles to pull his sweater over his head)

BUFFY: (puzzled, starts pacing)  Why are you guys being so judgmental all of a sudden?

WILLOW: (defensive)  Hey, I’m not the one being judgmental here.  I’ll leave that territory to you.

BUFFY: (astonished)  What?  If I was any more open-minded about the choices you guys have made over the years, my whole brain would fall out!

GILES: (nods)  Ah.  Who’d be able to tell the difference?  (starts stomping up the stairs)

WILLOW: (sarcastic, to Giles)  I could, maybe, unless I drank as much as you do lately!

BUFFY: (desperate)  You guys, stop this!  What happened to you today?

WILLOW: (vehement)  It’s not today!  Buffy, things have been wrong for a while!  Especially since Xander died!  Don’t you see that?

BUFFY: (looks guilty)  You’re blaming me for Xander’s death now?

WILLOW: No!  But, well, things haven’t been right, since that happened.  And, and, since I told you about Tara.  I mean, we have to face it.  You can’t handle Tara being my girlfriend.

GILES: (from upstairs)  Tara’s your girlfriend?!  Bloody hellll!

BUFFY: Enough!  All I know is you guys want to help, right?  Be part of the team?

(Shot of Willow and Oz shaking their heads)

WILLOW: (unison) I don’t know anymore.

OZ: (unison) Really not certain.

BUFFY: (raises her voice)  No!  No, you said you wanted to go.  So, let’s go!  All of us.  We’ll go into that cave with Oz being all stoic, Willow attacking me, and the funny drunk drooling on my shoe!  Hey!  Hey, maybe that’s the secret way of killing Adam!

OZ: Buffy...

BUFFY: (hurt and angry)  Is that it?  Is that how you’re all gonna help?  (pauses)  You’re not answering me!  (Oz and Willow don’t reply.  She regards them silently for a moment, and says somberly)  Fine.  Great.  (hurries to the door, grabbing her jacket)  If I need help, I’ll go to someone I can count on.

(Shot of Oz and Willow not moving as she storms out, door slamming as she leaves them behind.  Cut to Adam’s lair.  There is a sound of the heavy door opening again.  Adam is standing, and turns when someone walks into the chamber)

ADAM: I’ve been waiting for you.

(Cut to a close-up shot of Riley)

RILEY: And now I’m here.

Part 4
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