See Prologue for Disclaimer.

Part 2

"Mom!  I'm home!"

"Buffy?" called a woman's voice.  Into the foyer walked a tall, curly blonde haired woman.  A loud clattering came from the kitchen, followed by a muffled curse.  "Uh, Aunt Joyce?" asked another voice,coming through the door.  "I kinda spilled-" The voice's owner stopped in mid-sentence, and in mid-step when she saw the slayer at the door.  "Uh...Hi.  Buffy."

"Jessie, what are you doing here?" Jessie smiled weakly and turned back to the kitchen, but Joyce stopped her.

"Buffy, well...Jessie's your cousin."  She came out with it so fast, Buffy just looked at them.


"I'm...Cecilia's little sister." Jessie reached into her back pocket and pulled out a leather wallet.  Then she pulled out a torn picture of four people: A dark blonde woman, a black haired man and two blonde girls, one looking about six or so and a toddler.  "After Cecilia and dad kinda put me up for adoption.  Partally because I caught the same flu as her, and also because they couldn't handle me.  Or so the orphanage curator told me."

"Wow." Buffy breathed, handing back the photo.  Jessie smiled weakly and put the picture in the wallet.  "I found out I still had family, so I came down here.  Just to introduce myself, et cetera."

The three stood in an akward silence before Joyce reached for the ringing phone.  "Uh Buffy?  It's Mr. Giles."

"Yeah?  What's wrong?" She listened to the other line and her eyes widened.  "Oh, I'll be right there."  Buffy hung up the phone and grabbed her coat again.  "Mom?  Giles is in trouble down at the library, can I go back?  He *really* needs help."

"Well, I suppose.  Take Jessie along with you, I'm going to clean up in here."  Joyce turned and headed into the kitchen.  "Fine.  Hurry up, we need to get there ow." Jessie already on her coat and was out the door, even before Buffy had her jacket zipped.


Through the halls of the high school could be heard several loud crashes and screams,and shouts.  Buffy took off the instantly towards the library, Jessie trailing behind.  The two flung open the doors to reveal a room in shambles: Books and paper laid everywhere, wood splinters were all over the floor.  And in the middle of the carnage was a werewolf, snarling hungrily at a dark-brown haired couple.

"Ew!  Ew!  Ew!" the girl kept repeating in disgust of the wolf's slobber coating it's chin.

"Woo-hoo!  Cavilry's here!  Giles!!!" the boy yelled.  The wolf turned to see the newcomers and snarled at them both.  Then it charged at them.  Buffy ducked out of the way and grabbed the tranquilizer gun from Giles as he came out of the office.  She shot the werewolf, it stumbled at fell just feet from Jessie.

"What the hell was that?" Jessie asked, looking to her cousin and around at the others in the room, to the werewolf and to the door where a short red-head had just entered, carrying a box of clothes.

"Oz!  I was too late?" Willow asked, putting the box on the floor and walking to the sleeping wolf.

"I'll ask again.  What the hell was that?!" Jessie repeated.

"A friend of ours on a full moon." Xander replied.  "Who are you?"

"This is my cousin, Jessie." Buffy introduced.  "Jessie, this is Cordelia, Xander, Willow, Giles, the librarian-"

"-And the wolf is?"

"That's Oz.  Willow's boyfriend." Cordelia told her.

"Oh.  Hi." Jessie said shortly before getting a puzzled look on her face.

"What might be the problem, Jessie?" Giles inquired as she spun around.

"Nothing...Just do me a favor and stay in here, will you guys?" Jessie walked to the door and out.  A few minutes went by without any signs of her, before the library doors burst open to reveal...  A vampire.  Snarling and angry.  "There you are!" Came Jessie's voice from the other side of the door before she reappeared.  "Don't worry, this won't hurt." she lunged at him and roundhoused him hard in the head.  The vampire backhanded her then punched her roughly in the stomach.  While Jessie was doubled over, the vampire grabbed her and flung her against the counter.  He then charged her, but stopped inches from her face.  Jessie glared and kneed him hard, then grabbed him by the hair and rammed his face against the counter.  The demon stumbled back and slid on a table leg, falling on his back.

"Poor baby fall down, go boom-boom?" Jessie taunted, picking up the leg and snapping it, giving it a rough edge.  "Say hello to the devil for me."  She plunged the table leg towards the vampire's heart, but Buffy's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist right before, stopping it an inch above.  The slayer kicked the stake from her cousin's hand and held the girl up.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." Buffy replied, tightening her grasp.  She looked down at the demon, whose face had returned to it's human vintage, and gasped loudly.  He got up and looked around, each of the other partons gasping also.  It took a few minutes, but Buffy finally broke the silence.  "A-Angel?"

Part 3
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