Award given By Daydreams

This award is given out every year by Daydreams of BtVS for the best Christmas/Hannukah Fanfic Contest. We start taking entries in late November and the winner is posted on Daydreams Main Page, usually from about December 24th-26th. They also get a neat graphic, a little like the one above, but not quite. That's just a sample of listing. Rules are posted around the time entries start being taken, although you can click on the graphic above to see the rules from last year. Rules are subject to minor changes from year to year. All entries are posted on Daydreams, and are distinguished by a graphic. The winners are also posted on Daydreams and have a graphics next to the story.

Awards I've Won

Happiness And Joy! You Won!Happily 
Ever After - Awarded by the BFFAACCelebSites: Your source for official celebrity sites!
Click to search CelebSites.

Awards Fanfic On Daydreams Have Won

Click on the award to see which fanfics won them. If you click on the award again, once you've got to the list, it will take you to the site that gave the award.

VSVNP Scooby: Best Representation of Angel VSVNP Scooby: Best Representation of Giles VSVNP Scooby: Best Jossness VSVNP Scooby: Best Romance VSVNP Scooby: Best Death Scene VSVNP Scooby: Best New Author Daydreams Annual Christmas/Hannukah Award VSVNP Sooby: Best New Villian VSVNP Scooby: Best Past or Future VSVNP Scooby: Best Prophecy VSVNP Scooby: Best Completed Fic VSVNP Scooby: Best Crossover VSVNP Scooby: Best New Character

Scooby Award for Unconventional Couple

Awards from "The Slayer and Her Angel"

Fanfic Award from "Buffy and Angel Forever"

Fanfic Awards for "The Forgotten Day"

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