
Kendra was walking through the streets of Sunnydale.  She was alone and looked it.  No one or nothing was around her.  It was late and all the stores had closed for the night.  "Well, well.  Look what we have here.  I see you got a new shirt.  Same pants, though.", Kendra heard from behind her.  It was a familiar voice.  She had heard it the last time she was in Sunnydale.  It was Spike.  She turned around and was in a fighting stance.  Spike had his vampirical features showing.  He charged Kendra and she ducked.  She charged her again and they fought.


Buffy knocked on the door vigerously.  She was in the middle of knocking a second time when Angel answered his door.  When he saw that it was her his head went down again in shame.  He still couldn't look into her eyes.  He longed for so much though.  "I need your help.  Oz found this prophecy that said that some French vampire group, I can't remember what their called, will kill the Watcher and two vampire lovers will kill the Slayer.  We weren't sure which Slayer and Watcher, but Kendra got a phone call from her wathcers assistant today.  Her Watcher died.", Buffy said quickly.  "What do you need?", Angel asked.  He was always happy to do whatever Buffy asked of him.  This was no exception.  "When Kendra found out about her Watcher she fainted.  She woke up and ran out of the library and now she's gone.  I need some help finding her in case I run into trouble."  Angel grabbed his jacket and they walked out the door.


"Poor Kendra.  I only met her yesterday, but she seemed really nice.", Ophelia said.  "Have you found any thing, Giles.  I want to know if we'll have to face that vampire group", Willow asked.  "No.  I'm still working on translating the text.  Xander, why don't you call Angel.  He might know some thing about this group and the prophecy." Xander looked at Giles blankly.  All of them were still unsure of Angel, but they no longer hated him.  Yet Xander still held a grudge.  Most likely because Angel got Buffy.  No matter what.  Willow knew this and offered to call Angel herself.  She dialed the number quickly, but after a few second hung up.  "There was no answer.  He's probably out hunting.", Willow said.  "Or feeding.", Xander said in a muffeled voice.  Cordelia nudged him in the ribs.  "Get over it Xander.", Ophelia said.  "Xander, you must learn to forgive.  It is the hardest thing to do, but it only makes you a better man.  I have forgiven Angel, because I know it was not Angel who killed Jenny.  It was Angelus.  As long as Angel keeps his soul then I know he will not do any thing to harm any of us."  Xander hated to admit it, but Giles was right.  He would just have to get over his hate for Angel...for Buffy.  She was, after all his friend.


When Buffy and Angel finally found Kendra, she was still fighting Spkie in the street.  Angel rushed up behind Spike and grabbed his shirt collar.  He twisted the bleached hair vampire around so that they were face to face.  Buffy ran up and got Kendra.  They went to the sidewalk and watched Angel and Spike fight for about five minutes then Spkie ran away as usual.  "Are you two all right?", Angel asked as he came up to them after Spike had gone.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  I think Kendra is just a little shaken up."  "I am okay, Buffy.", Kendra replied, "Thank you for your help, Angel."  "Your welcome.", he replied softly.  The three of them got up and walked towards the school.


When they got back to the library they found their friends sitting at the table pawing through musty old research books.  When they walked in every one looked up at them.  Knowing Buffy as they did, they knew somothing was up.  But as usual they did not know what.  "What happened", Cordelia asked.  "Kendra got in a fight with our resident David Bowie un-dead look alike.", Buffy answered, "I went and got Angel to help me look for Kendra.  We found her fighting with him."  "What happened with Spike.", Giles inquired.  "He ran away again.", Angel replied.

"Buffy, we were going every possible plan we could think of.  The most logical one was that you, Kendra and Angel kill Spike and Drusilla.", Willow says in one quick breath.  "It is the most logical step.", Xander said.  "And it's better than hiding.", Oz added.  "Or running.", Cordelia said.  "I'm okay with that.  What about you two?', Buffy asked Angel and Kendra.  "Yeah.", Angel said.  "How about you, Kendra.  Are you up for this?"  "I tink so.", the other Slayer answered.


"How are you, pet?", Spike asked the slender vampire as he walked back into their new home.  He had made it so that every thing was the same as the burnt down factory.  He wanted to make Drusilla feel at home.  He managed to salvage all of their personal belogings.  They couldn't stay at the old factory, because the fire had burnt a hole in the roof.  This could be fatal the two of them.  "Spike, can we leave Sunnydale now?", Drusilla asked in her child like voice.  "Not yet, ducks.  We have a visitor in town.  Now we have a different Slayer to kill."  "Oh goody!  Can I kill her, Spike.  Can I?"  "I was thinking tomorrow night we would go on a special hunt."  "What about Buffy, my darling?", Dru asked.  "I think we should wait a little longer on that."  "My Spike.  You also know what to do."

Drusilla started dancing around their new home.  She danced the entire length of the building.  Spike just watched his beloved with a smlie on his face.  He was extremly glad that Angelus was no longer in the way of his and Dru's relationship.  Now Spike had his Dru all to himself.  He never was one for sharing things.  Even when he was alive.  'No matter how crazy she is, I love her', he thought to himself.  He loved watching her prance around.  She was like an extremly cruel, evil, drugged up child.  And he loved every thing about her, eccentricities, visions and all.


Their day went by quickly.  Buffy and Kendra trained for hours and hours.  Not even stopping for the bathroom or food.  The Slayerettes stood by with towels and water bottels.  Principal Snyder, thankfuly, was out at some pirncipal conference for the next two days and would not be in their way.  Buffy came to school early.  Her mother didn't see any thing wrong with this, because she was in San Diego visiting her cousin twice removed.  Joyce Summers was the only one who would talk to that particular reletive.  Buffy was glad her mom would be gone for a week.  Now she could keep a better eye on Kendra and have her stay at her house.

Each Slayer trained vigorously all day.  The finally quit around three in the afternoon.  They need a nap, a shower and some food before their fight.  No one was at school.  Every one had gone home.  The last person left about an hour ago.  The halls were completly desolate.  It very much resmbled the showdown of a Clint Eastwood Spagetti Western.  Niether of the two Slayer, Watcher and five slayerettes said a word.  They weren't sure what to say.  They were perfectly aware that one of them might not live through the night.  The had decided to go after Spike and Drusill the next night.  About two hours of just sitting in silence, Buffy decided she and Kendra should go home and rest.  They headed home leaving everone else sitting in the library in an uncomfortable silence.


When they got home it had gotten dark.  Buffy let Kendra stay in her room and she would bunk in with Ophelia.  Kendra sat on the bed.  On her way out Buffy stopped and turned around.  "How does it feel?  Emotion I mean.  I'll bet you didn't expect this to be your first emotion.  You would probably give any thing for a different kind of emotion.  That's how I felt when Angel left me."  "It is different.  I do not know what I will do.  With me Watcher gone and all."  "You'll get a new one.  Giles isn't my first Watcher.  Merrick was and he died.  You'll be okay.  Do you want me to shut the door?" Kendra nodded a yes to Buffy.

Buffy walked up to the phone in the upstairs hall.  She picked it up and dialed the number.  "Hi.  It's me.  Can you come over...I just wanted to see you..okay.  I'll see you in a few minutes.  Bye."

About five minutes later Buffy heard the doorbell.  She got up and answered it.  It was just who she was expecting.  "Hi.", she said.  "Hi.", Angel replied.  "Come on in.", she said.  "Are you sure?"  "You cannot lose your soul again.  It's there for good.  Now come in."

They sat on the sofa just being together about after twenty minutes of that Buffy heard a noise.  She and Angel went up to her room to see what it was.  When they got up there they saw the window open and Kendra gone.


Again, Kendra was wandering the streets of Sunnydale all alone.  Except for a few street lamps it was completly dark.  Every few steps she turned around because she thought she heard a noise.  The next time she turned around there was someone there.  "Hello.", said Drusilla.  "It is awfully nice of you to come visit Sunnydale again.  We hope your trip is a pleasant one...because it will be your last."  Kendra charged for Drusilla.  After all the training that day she believed that she could take Drusill all by herself.  What she didn't count on was Spike comeing up from behind her.  He held her by her arms.  Both Spike and Drusilla had their vampire faces on.  About two hundred yards away, Buffy and Angel, who had gone looking for Kendra, heard her screams.  They ran towards the voices.  As they saw they saw Kendra, Spike and Drusilla, Dru was wiping her muth and Spike had his hace buried in her neck. Kendra was still consciencs and kicking.  Buffy and Angel ran as fast as they could towards them.  When the two vampires saw them they ran.  Spike didn't want to kill them yet.

Buffy and Angel ran up to Kendra who was lying on the ground shaking.  "Kendra.", Buffy replied.  "I understand Buffy.  It was written some where.  This was when I was suppossed to go.  I was not ment to live any longer."  Not a tear fell from Kendra's face, but Buffy had the water works going almost completly now.  "No, Kendra, it's not too late.  We can still get you to a hospital."  "No, Buffy.  It is my time.  A new Slayer will take me place and fight.  Maybe with you.  It was a privelage fighting along side you, Buffy Summers.  You wre right.  You would have been able to take me in the end."  "Don't say that.  Your gonna be okay."  "It's alright Buffy."  During Kendra's last sentences her voice became weak and almost iaudible.  With her last word she died.  Her eyes closed and her body went limp.  Buffy began to cry even harder.  Angel held her in his arms for a few minutes and then picked up- Kendra's body.  He and Buffy walked all the way to the library.  Niether of them saying a word.  The only sound that could be hear was Buffy's crying.

When they got to the library every one was still there and sitting at the table. Willow was the first to get up.  "Oh my God, Buffy she's not dea-", Willow knew the answer and couldn't finish her sentence.  She collapsed in her cahir and Oz went and consoled her.  Xander and Cordelia sat in disbelief.  Giles got up and cleared the table off so that Angel could set Kendra's body down.  "Spike and Drusilla?", he asked.  "Yes.  They ran away when they saw us.  I guess she went for a walk.  Angel and I heard a noise and went up to see what it was.  The window was open and Kendra was gone.  When we found her Spike was drinking from her.  We were too late.  We were too late."  "It's not your fault Buffy.", Xander replied.  "You didn't know she would climb out your window and go for a stroll.", Cordelia said.  "I should have stayed with her."  No one said another word they just called the police and answered the questions they were asked.  Not truthfully of course.


About three days later they buried Kendra.  They deicided along with her parents and watcher's assistant to bury her in Sunnydale.  They don't know hy that was decided, but it was just the same.  It was held in the late moting the skys were perfect for a funeral.  Cloudy and stormy.  The only ones there were the seven of them.  The stood around the fresh garve, each of them had placed a lavender rose on her grave.  Al the tombstone said was 'Kendra, a friend'.  No one knew what else to put.  Not even her Watcher's assisstant and parents, who hadn't ssen her since her birth could not remeber the year of her birth.  Coincidently,her grave was right next to Jenny Clendars.  They each placed a rose on her grave as well.  The minister at the church found it funny how the last name, year of birth and family were not there.  When he remarked about family Buffy replied, "I was her family."


It was a week to the day that they had buried Kendra.  It was night and no one was out.  No one ever was at three in the morining.  The only sounds were comeing from the graveyard.  Buffy was out hunting and went to investigate.  She his behind the stone moselium marked "Alpert".  It was the same one Angel had banged her head in to whiles he was Angelus.  Standing on Kendra's grave were Spike and Drusilla.  They had a stereo playing opera music and two champagne glasses with blood in them.  They wee holding the glasses and about to have a toast. "Here's to the wonderful killing of Slayers", Spike said cheerfully.  He and Dru, who both had their vampire faces on, drank and began to dance.  "I told you I'd dance on the Slayer's grave with you, Pet.", Spike said.  He and Drusilla, who had her eyes closed, twirled around on both Kendra and Jenny's grave.  Buffy snuck up behind Spike armed with two stakes, one in each hand.  "This one's for you, Kendra."  Spike turned around and was met with a stake through the heart. Drusill was holding his hand when he turned to dust, stake and all.  "Spike!", she cried out.  With the other stake Buffy thrust it into Drusilla's heart.  "Rest in peace means you don't dance on peoples graves."  Buffy walked out of the graveyard and went towards Angel's.


When she got there she just barged in.  "I killed them.  I caught them dancing on her's and Ms. Calendar's grave and I killed them.  Their dust."  "Spike and Drusilla?"  "No, Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford.  Yes Spike and Drusilla."  "You need to tell Giles and the others."  "You're right."  They left his apartment amd headed towards the library.

"I did it.  I killed Spike and Drusilla.  I caught them dancing on Kendra's and Ms. Calendar's graves and I killed them.", Buffy said as she and Angel walked in.  They went and sat in the two extra chairs at the table.  "How?", Cordelia asked.  "I was pissed.", Buffy replied.  "That's a plus when she's pissed.  She kills vampires more effectivly than when she's happy.", Xander said.  "It made me sick.  I had to get that sight away.  They were toasting each other on killing Slayers and dancing on graves.  I had to do it."  "Well, that means we get to stop thinking of a plan to kill them.", Ophleia said.  "Good, I haven't seen my house almost at all in the past week and a half.", Oz said.

They talked more about the events of the last week and a half.  They spoke until about 4:30 in the morning.  They were all glad that tomorrow was Saturday and they didn't have school.  Oz offered to drive every one home in his van.  Everyone excepted except Angel.  When he declined Buffy did as well.  She told him they need some time together and asked him to walk her home.


When they got to Buffy's house sunrise was very near.  Angel told Buffy, but she wouldn't listen.  "You can stay on the couch in the basement if you want.  It'll be safer than trying to make it home."  "Alright.  What about your mom?"  "She decided to stay an extra week."  They went inside and Buffy showed Angel to the basement.  She was on her way back up the her room, but turned back.  She nelt down by the sofa and kissed him softly on the lips.  He didn't try to back away this time.  When she went up he smiled and said softly "I love you Buffy."


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