Part 11

"Good god," Giles breathed, jumping out of his seat at once.  "We must go stop her!  Buffy cannot hope to defeat them on their home ground!"

"Well, duh!" Cordelia exclaimed.  "We’re supposed to bring more weapons." Giles stared at her in disbelief.

"Well I suppose we must make an effort to save this Sebastien.  Come with me," he said. Cordelia followed him over to his weapons chest which he unlocked quickly.  She blinked at the crossbows, maces, swords, stakes and other deadly weapons piled within.

"We haven’t got much time," he murmured, handing her weapon after weapon.  Cordelia nodded and held out her hands for more.


"You know, I’m suddenly not liking this plan," Xander whispered to Willow, who gave him a hard look and hissed for him to be quiet.  The two of them were supposed to distract the guards while Buffy went for the old, tough vampires.  Oz was with her, hoping that she could distract Angelus and Kathryn enough for him to grab Sebastien.  Willow glanced up at Buffy, who was readying the crossbow–her first shot would be the signal to attack.  The Slayer was intent on her target, but there was something…Willow would ask her later.  If they survived. She was beginning to agree with Xander that this plan could be improved upon.  She liked Sebastien and all, but attacking them in their own lair?  She stifled a sigh and waited, tensed, for Buffy to fire.

Buffy fired.  The bolt flew true, striking he vampire in the heart before he could react. He burst into dust as his fellows looked up for the source of the bolt.  Buffy had ducked and was now climbing down, Oz right behind, to try and get to Angelus and Kathryn before they decided to just go ahead and kill Sebastien.  She glanced at where Willow and Oz were valiantly battling some guards and then with a yell, burst into the room.  She staked the first vampire that came at her, then ran towards the center of the room where Sebastien sat.  He looked up and his eyes lighted when he saw her, darkening slightly as Kathryn’s hand tightened on his shoulder, her long painted nails digging in.

"Well, well, well.  If it isn’t the Slayer.  Nice of you to join us Buff," Angelus mocked, stepping towards her.  Her eyes didn’t leave Sebastien.

"Let him go and I might consider allowing you to live," she said, too worried to join him in verbal sparring.  She cocked her head.  "Unfortunately, you’re already dead, so there’s really no option there, but I might not torture you."  Well, almost too worried.  He shook his head, a mocking smile on his lips.

"You just don’t get it Buff.  Your whole family’s a bit dense.  You’re not going to kill me.  And you’re not going to save your little boyfriend–I already promised him to Kathryn anyway.  What you are going to do, is become part of our little family."  Buffy froze in shock.  She’d always assumed Angelus wanted to kill her–making her into a vampire hadn’t crossed her mind.  Of course, he’d done that to Kathryn, why not Buffy too?  She regained her composure and sneered.

"Ooh, you’re scaring me now.  See, Angel, the difference between us is you like to talk big, but really, underneath it all, you’re just scared to fight me.  You know I’m stronger than you are.  And you’ve known all along the day would come when I’ll be able to kill you.  Well guess what?  It has."  Without waiting to let the words sink in, Buffy attacked.  He’d come close enough while making his little pronouncement, that leaping forward in a kick wasn’t too difficult.  He was thrown backwards, but recovered quickly and came towards her grinning.

"Just keep telling yourself that," he murmured, throwing a punch, which she blocked.  He followed immediately with an underhand into her abdomen.  She doubled over and he hit her over the head.  She fell and rolled, coming up to her feet and watching warily.  He attacked again, and she caught his kick, flipping him to the ground in turn, then darting out of his reach, towards Sebastien.  Kathryn growled as she saw her approaching, her face rippling into it’s vampiric form.

"Now we’re not so similar, are we?" she asked.  Buffy grinned.

"Nope," she replied and punched Kathryn full in the face.  The newly made vampire stumbled backwards and then snarled, releasing Sebastien and lunging at Buffy.  The Slayer stepped away, letting Kathryn run straight into Angelus who was at that moment approaching Buffy from behind.  He snarled and tossed Kathryn aside.  Buffy glanced at Sebastien and then danced away, hoping Angelus would follow her and give Oz a chance to get Sebastien out.  He obliged and the circled each other for a while, watching for weaknesses.

Angelus lunged suddenly, grabbing her arm instead of attacking.  Buffy tried to shake off his grip and failed, then put her free hand to his forehead and tried to hold him off.  He laughed and inched his way upwards, towards her neck.  She brought her knee up to his face, then kicked him where it counted.  He groaned and doubled over.  She laughed and spun to face Kathryn, who was approaching with murder on her face–Buffy’s face again.  Kathryn caught her with a kick, sending her backwards, but Buffy recovered quickly and punched Kathryn three times, knocking her at least slightly senseless.  Strong hands caught her from behind and Angelus turned her around like one would turn a doll.  She fought his grip, finally using her head to bash his as he bent towards her neck.  He snarled but didn’t let her go, using one hand to grab her leg when she tried to kick him again.

Suddenly, Angelus let her go.  Buffy didn’t wait, but punched him hard across the mouth, then again with her other arm, before looking up to see Giles.  Her Watcher had fired an arrow at the vampire, and while it didn’t pierce his heart, it had distracted him.  Buffy grinned and gripped the arrow, pulling it out with as much force as she could muster.  Angelus snarled at the pain, his eyes turning yellow.  She darted away, glancing over at where Sebastien had been a moment ago.  He was gone, but he wasn’t with Oz, he–Drusilla had him!

"They forgot you, didn’t they, but I didn’t forget," the insane vampire murmured.  Buffy yelled his name and tried to run that way, but Angelus caught her.

"We’re not done," he said.  She snarled and turned, punching him again as she did.

"No," she replied, "We’re not.  Not until you’re dust on my boots."  She kicked him with all her strength and he flew backwards.

"You can’t kill me," he laughed, standing up.  "You think you can maybe, but when the moment comes…I’m Angel.  You’re eternal love.  Think you can beat that?"

"Yes," Buffy said quietly.  To save Sebastien, she had to kill Angelus.  The choice became clear in her mind and she made it, without a thought.  And then she attacked.

Angelus didn’t stand a chance against the Slayer at her most furious.  When she drove the stake into his heart, he looked surprised. "Buffy," he whispered, just before burst into dust.  Her heart burst and tears sprung to her eyes, but somehow his dark eyes were replaced with Sebastien’s and she knew she would survive.  Even with Angel gone, turly gone forever, she would survive.

"My Angel!" Drusilla screamed from across the room.  Buffy spun, remembering that Dru had Sebastien.

"No!" she screamed as Drusilla’s eyes turned yellow and her face took on a vampire’s mask.  Buffy ran across the room, tripping over broken furniture.  Sebastien looked up at Buffy, his eyes full of terror.

"I love you," he whispered and Buffy’s heart broke.  "No!" she screamed again.  Drusilla’s mouth lowered to just above his neck and–and she crumpled to the ground.  Buffy blinked at Spike standing–standing?–behind her.

"Sorry love," he whispered to Drusilla, then hoisted her over his shoulder and took off out of the room.  Buffy didn’t waste time trying to figure out what had just happened.  She ran to Sebastien and flung her arms around his neck.

"I love you," she whispered.  "I don’t care what happened.  I love and I forgive you."  He hand reached up to smooth her hair and then he stilled, suddenly.

"Buffy," he whispered, his whole body going still.  She pulled away, frowning, and looked up to meet the mirror of her own eyes.  Kathryn stood behind her, her teeth sunk deep in his neck.  Darkness and light clashed.  Buffy seized Kathryn’s hair and pulled her off Sebastien, pushing her backwards into the wall.  Sebastien stumbled and fell and Buffy leapt over him, calling to Giles to help him.  She needed to deal with Kathryn.  She’d forgotten her once, but not again.

"You think you’re so wonderful," Kathryn snarled as the Slayer approached.  "So strong, so perfect.  They all want you.  For what?  Because you cry when things don’t work the way you want them to and believe anything anyone ever tells you?  Because you’re heartbroken, they call you perfect and they call me a slut.  They call me a monster.  But you kill too, you know.  You’re just what I am Buffy, only you hide it better."  Buffy flinched at the words.

"I’m not," she said firmly, trying to push away the doubts that threatened her.  Kathryn laughed as she struggled to her feet.

"It’s almost funny, seeing you pretend to love him.  Sad really.  Pathetic.  We know the truth, don’t we darling?  What you really love is the dark side.  You wanted Angel because he was a vampire, because he had killed as you kill.  And you wanted him even after he lost his soul.  Don’t try to lie.  I know the truth Buffy.  I know what you think.  We’re twins, don’t you see?  Exactly the same," Kathryn purred, circling her.

"No!" Buffy exclaimed, though even she could hear the weakness of her voice.  She hadn’t wanted Angelus.  Never.  And it was the good part of Angel she loved, not the dark.  It was his soul she loved.

But Kathryn’s eyes told her otherwise, and they were Buffy’s eyes too.  "You can kill me if you want.  Go run to Sebastien and tell him it’s all right, the big bad bitch is gone.  And when you look at him one day and realize you never loved him at all, I’ll be watching you from Hell.  I’ll be laughing.  Sebastien reminds you of Angel, so you think you love him.  But Sebastien will never have what Angel had.  And he’ll certainly never have your heart.  You just killed it Buffy dear."  The cousins circled each other, their faces identical masks, light and dark, Slayer and vampire.

"It’s not true," Buffy said through gritted teeth.  She did love Sebastien.  She knew she did.  But Kathryn’s words made sense, went right through everything she knew, tugged at some part of her.  Kathryn’s voice was convincing, beguiling.

"Don’t listen," rasped a voice behind her.  "Remember what she did to me."  Buffy didn’t turn, but hearing Sebastien’s voice gave her hope back, and life.  She laughed suddenly, surprising her cousin.

"Nice try Kathryn, but I do love Sebastien, more than you could ever even imagine.  And I’m not like you, not at all.  All we share is a face.  So have fun in Hell," Buffy said cheerfully, taking two steps forward and driving the stake home before Kathryn could even react.

It really was the strangest feeling to watch yourself crumble into dust.


"He’ll be all right," Giles assured her again.  "He didn’t lose much blood."  Buffy nodded, not taking her eyes from Sebastien’s face.

"Can you really forgive me?" he asked.  Buffy bit her lips.  Somehow, with all that had happened, the hurt of the night before seemed a distant memory.  She nodded, hot tears falling onto his face.  "She was lying you know, about everything."

"I know," Buffy said softly, wiping futiley at the tears.  He sat up and kissed them away gently, then pulled away and looked at her.

"Are you sure?  Because if you really loved Angel, I–" Buffy interupted him, putting her hand gently over his mouth to stop the words.

"I did really love Angel.  Part of me always will.  But Angel, the one I loved, was gone long before I drove that stake into his heart.  That needed to happen, you just gave me the key to doing it.  I killed him because I loved you more, and I needed to save you," Buffy whispered, the tears welling again.  He sealed her mouth with a kiss, a deep, longing kiss full of their need for comfort, for each other.

"I don’t know how I lived without you," Sebastien murmured when they broke apart.  Buffy’s mouth quirked and her fingers found his lips, tracing their softness.

"If I hadn’t met you, I don’t think I ever would have lived again," she replied truthfully, and kissed him again, to forget, and forgive and try, despite everything, to do just that.  To live again.  That was what Sebastien had given her.  Life.

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