
"Who was that?" Buffy asked curiously, leaning her head on Sebastien’s shoulders, then climbing over the back of the couch to slide into his lap as he put the phone down.

"My father," he said, frowning slightly.  She cocked her head curiously, putting down the sudden terror that he might be called home.  They had told Joyce the truth about Kathryn–up to the point she became a vampire–and said she dissapeared.  Her parents had been stunned, but not angry.  Sebastien had given them a lot of specifics and when they searched Kathryn’s room they found a stash of cocaine and lots of lingerie.

"What is it?" she asked, worried.  He looked at her and then suddenly his face broke into a grin–the largest, perhaps only one she’d ever seen from him.  She blinked, startled.

"We’re moving to L.A.," he said in a not-quite-believing voice.  Buffy blinked again, unable to comprehend for a moment.  Then suddenly she gave a little shriek of happiness and began kissing him soundly.  He kissed her back, his arms twining around her.  When they needed air, they pulled apart.

"Really and truly?" she demanded.

"Really and truly.  I have to go back to Manchester for a few weeks to finish the year, then pack and then we’re moving out here.  Father has business he wants to see to firsthand, so my stepmother is going to come look for a house in Beverly Hills."

"Oh my god," Buffy breathed.  "Oh my god!" Her one real worry about the relationship had been distance.  It wasn’t going to be easy with him living in New York.  But L.A. was only a few hours drive…

"Looks like you’ll be seeing a lot of me after all," he murmured, his dark eyes serious, yet playful too.  She grinned, knowing she had put the playfulness there.  She brought one of her legs around so she straddled his lap and leaned her forehead against his.

"I look forward to it," she replied, nothing in her voice but happiness and love, nothing of the darkness that had been Kathryn.  And despite the similarity between them, despite the green eyes that met his, Sebastien thought of nothing but Buffy, who was light and beauty in the best ways possible.


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