Part 8 ending #2

The world didn’t make sense anymore.  Once it had; Sebastien spent his time taking every girl in his school and during the summer, the upper register of New York, and once in a while pausing to verabally spar with Kathryn or his parents, or do some kind of homework so he kept his straight A average at Manchester.  Nothing else had mattered.  His reputation has been the only important thing, and his journal his most treasured possession, besides his car.  The only woman he’d ever wanted for more than a day had been Kathryn.

Nothing made sense anymore.

She was everything Kathryn was and everything she wasn’t.  For all his life, Sebastien had been enticed by the dark, called to it.  The good and pure had been his jokes, the cruel and debauched his life.  Even the one woman he’d ever truly wanted, ever came close to loving.  Kathryn was everything he was, and more.  She was like some dark goddess, beautiful and cruel to those who worshipped her.

But Buffy.  Buffy was so different.  And yet utterly the same.

It wasn’t only the physical similarity, though it helped.  Buffy was all the feminine mystery and power, only she was light and good and right.  She was the one person in the world who could save the soul he’d given up on so long ago.  She would salvage it, make him human again.  If only she would let herself.

He knew she wanted him as he wanted her.  Loved him as he loved her.  He just had to make her see it.


Buffy lay on her bed, curled up and crying softly.  Jewel played on the her stereo, singing about strength but Buffy didn’t think she had any left.  Why had she pushed him away?  She’d seen his face.  He wasn’t coming back.  Back to the house maybe, but not to her.  She’d lost her chance.

She’d lost her love.  Again.

There was sound on the stairs.  Someone coming up.  Buffy pushed herself to a sitting position, hoping her mother wouldn’t come in and find her crying.  She sniffed and wiped at her eyes and then the door swung open and he was there.  He was there.

Oh God, he was there.

In less than seconds, Buffy was across the room.  The door slammed behind him and they were kissing as if there was no more time in the world.  Sebastien’s hands found the clip in Buffy’s hair and pulled it out, burying his hands in the golden strands.  She pulled at his jacket, managing to get it off and bracing her hands against his chest.  After a moment he pulled away and their eyes met.

"I love you," he said softly.  Buffy looked up and met his eyes, so dark, so like Angel’s.  Before she could reply, he kissed her, and then all thoughts were lost momentarily in the sweetness of his mouth and his hands.  He bore her back onto the bed, kissing her as if he were drowning and she was air.

And then they stopped.  Because someone was outside.

"Honey?" Joyce called.  Buffy winced and hit at Sebastien.

"Yeah Mom?" Buffy called back. "Nope, I’m fine.  Sleep well," she called.

"You too honey."  There were footsteps and the sound of a door closing.

"You better go," Buffy whispered.  He nodded, making an annoyed face.  She giggled and pushed him up to his feet, sneaking to the door and peaking out to make sure the coast was clear.  He slipped past her, stealing a kiss as he went.  Buffy closed the door and leaned on it, sighing.

What if her mother hadn’t come up?

Part 9 and continue to the Ending #2
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