See Part 1 for Disclaimer>

Part 3

The Sunnydale Halls grew silent as Kathryn entered the next morning.  Everyone wondered at her hair color—they assumed she was Buffy—the gorgeous young man beside her, and her rather changed wardrobe.  Buffy has some assignment to research and had come early, so Joyce had driven her niece and step-nephew to school where they would meet Buffy in the library of all places.

"Buffy, who’s your friend?" a blond girl asked, walking up to her.

"Sebastien Valmont," Kathryn said and kept walking.  The girl looked utterly aghast that she’d been blown off.  Kathryn smiled.

"Where do you think the library is?" Sebastien asked.  Kathryn glanced around the hall.

"We should probably ask somebody, shouldn’t we?" she murmured.  They exchanged glances and swept the Sunnydale High population with their eyes, less than impressed.

"Hey!" a voice cried.  "Are you—" Kathryn turned to see the boy that was saluting her and came face to face with a rather cute brown haired boy with a decided lack of anything resembling fashion sense.  "Buffy?" he breathed.  "Whoa, Buffy, what’s up with the hair?  And the clothes?"  This must be one of Buffy’s friends—Kathryn decided to take pity on him, he was obviously in dire straits as it was.

"Kathryn," she said, putting out a hand.  "Kathryn Mertueil.  I’m Buffy’s cousin."  The boy stared before finally remembering himself and putting out his hand to shake hers.  "And you are . . .?" she asked gently.  He started.

"Xander!  Alexander Harris at your service.  Did anyone tell you you look a lot like Buffy?"  Kathryn’s mouth twitched upward slightly and she turned it into a gracious smile.

"I’ve heard it a few times," she said.  "This is my stepbrother, Sebastien Valmont."

"Hey!  Sebastien!" Xander exclaimed, turning to shake hands with the other young man.

"Good to meet you," Sebastien said smoothly.

"You too.  Hey, where’s Buffy?" Xander asked.

"We’re supposed to meet her in the library," Kathryn said.  "Could you take us there?"

"Happy to!  Right this way please, no pausing to gawk, let’s move along people."  Kathryn had to bite the insides of her cheeks to keep from laughing at this ridiculous boy—and that was usually a last resort, Kathryn had very good control over her laughter—and followed obediently.


"Angelus spoke to Kathryn?" Giles asked, looking genuinely worried.  Buffy nodded, frowning.

"Or she talked to him.  I don’t know why I just said that—she was trying to get away," Buffy said, her frown deepening.  There was something odd about Kathryn’s story, but she couldn’t place it.

"Try to get away?" Willow asked, glancing over from the computer.

"I warned her about him," Buffy explained.  "I mean, I left out that whole psychotic vampire part, but you know what I mean."

"Hey," Cordelia said, entering the library.  "Where’s Xander?"

"Not here," Buffy said.  Cordelia gave her an annoyed look.

"Thanks so much!"

"You’re welcome," Buffy replied serenely before turning back to her Watcher.  "So what should I do?" Giles frowned, taking off his glasses and opening his mouth to reply.  The door swung open again but this time it was Xander, followed by Kathryn and Sebastien.

"Private Harris reporting for duty!" he cried. "I’ve brought in some prison—"

"Kathryn!" Cordelia exclaimed, interupting her boyfriend who stopped and looked hurt.  She walked right past him to mock-kiss the other girl’s cheek.  He stared, open-mouthed.

"Xander," Buffy whispered.  "Mouth.  Shut." He closed his mouth quickly, his eyes darting to see if Cordelia had noticed.  She hadn’t.  He started to pout.

"Cordelia!  And Buffy, there you are!  We almost got lost, but luckily your friend Xander found us," Kathryn said, spotting her cousin.  Buffy smiled and walked over to greet them.

"Isn’t that lucky, all right," she said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of her voice.  Kathryn’s eyes flashed, but it was too quick for anyone except Sebastien to notice.

"Buffy," he said, bending over her hand.  She blushed slightly and pulled her hand away, forcing a smile.  His gallantry made her think of things and people she really did not want to think about.

"Sebastien.  You’ve met everyone know, haven’t you?  Xander I trust introduced himself."

"Yes," Kathryn said.  "And very informative it was too." Cordelia looked genuinely frightened.  Xander reached out and caught her arm, pulling her towards him.  She tried to detach but he had his arm around her waist already, so she forced a sickly smile.  Buffy glanced at her watch.

"Well, it’s class time.  Giles, I’ll come in later for more, uh, research," Buffy said to the librarian.

"R-right.  Research.  Very good," her Watcher agreed. Buffy grabbed Kathryn’s hand and pulled her out into the hall.  Willow got off the computer and she and Oz followed, Xander and Cordelia squabbling behind them.

"So what class do we have first?" Sebastien asked.

"‘We’ have the Revolutionary Period In Europe," Buffy said.  "Which Willow and Xander and Cordelia are also in."

"Yep, Cordy really relates to Marie Antoinette," Xander quipped.  "Brainless and all."  Cordelia slapped his arm.  Hard.  He jumped and yelled, "Ow!"

"For once, I agree with Cordy!" Buffy exclaimed, slapping his other arm.  He went very pale and clutched it.  Buffy laughed.  "I didn’t hit you that hard silly boy!"

"Hard . . . matter . . . of . . . person-personal . . . pain," Xander gasped, beginning to limp though nothing had happened to either of his legs.

"Poor Xander," Willow said.

"It does appear that he deserves it though," Oz pointed out.

"Oz!  You’re supposed to back me up here!" Xander exclaimed, forgetting his pain in his annoyance.  Kathryn drew Buffy ahead of the others.

"You have interesting friends," she said. Buffy grinned.

"I like ‘em, though they have their annoying moments . . . especially Xander."

"They’re cute.  And funny," Kathryn agreed, her smile mirroring Buffy’s way too much for comfort.

"Here we are," Buffy announced as they arrived at class.  Willow kissed Oz good bye and the group entered the classroom.  Principal Snyder stalked in just before the bell rang and Buffy ducked behind a desk on the pretense of getting out papers.

"Summers," he growled, seeing Kathryn.  "Think you can get out trouble just by changing your hair color?"  She smiled graciously, having heard about Snyder.

"Actually, it’s Kathryn.  Kathryn Mertueil.  Perhaps you’ve heard of my father, he’s president of Mertueil Oil?  We own Exxon.  I’m visiting my dear cousin Buffy," she said sweetly.  Buffy took the opportunity to stand up.

"Hey Principal Snyder," she said, smiling.  He glared, then looked back to Kathryn nervously.

"Yes, well, carry on.  And you are?" he demanded, turning to Sebastien.

"Sebastien Valmont.  My father owns Long Island."

"Long Island," Snyder echoed.

"Well, most of it anyway.  And a good chunk of Queens."

"Well, it’s good to have you here.  I hope you enjoy your stay," he said.  He turned to glare at Buffy.  "Watch yourself Summers, because I am."

"Yeah, I know," she said.  He glared and stalked off as the bell rang.  They took their seats.  Buffy pulled out her homework, the uncomfortable feeling of someone’s eyes on her.  She had a feeling they were Sebastien’s.


Buffy smiled at Scott something-or-other, a boy from her Lit class as he waved to her across the cafeteria.  Willow smiled brightly, seeing the exchange.

"Boyfriend?" Kathryn asked.

"Oh, no.  I’m not dating.  Ever again actually," Buffy said.  Angel had been enough of that for a lifetime; she couldn’t go through that again, ever.  She wasn’t going to take the chance.  Not that every guy would lose his soul once she slept with him, but she didn’t want to take the chance.

"Why not?" Sebastien asked, his dark eyes intent on her, something she couldn’t read in their depths.  She shivered.  Angel had eyes like that.

"Bad experiences," she said shortly.  Sebastien and Kathryn exchanged glances.  Buffy tried desperately to think of something else to talk about.

"So what’s your school like?" Willow asked.  Buffy gave her a thankful look.

"Uniforms," Kathryn said.  "But besides that it’s okay.  I was just elected Senior Class President."

"That’s great!" Willow said.  She looked around the table, pleading the rest of them to help her out.

"So what colors are in in New York?" Cordelia asked.  Willow sighed.  That wasn’t quite what she’d been going for . . . Xander listened for a second then got quickly bored and turned to Sebastien.

"What kind of stuff do you do in New York?" he asked.  Sebastien shrugged.  Kathryn broke away from Cordelia and answered for him.

"Sebastien’s got quite a reputation around New York," she said.

"For what?" Buffy asked.  Sebastien shot his stepsister an angry look.  She didn’t lose her poise for a second.

"Theatre," she said smoothly.  "He’s quite the actor."

"I’m gonna guess not big on comedy," Xander said, eying the serious young man.  Sebastien offered him a half smile.

"Come on!  You can laugh!" Xander cried.

"Oh, Sebastien doesn’t laugh," Kathryn said, her eyes challenging him and her lips curving into a sensuous smile.  Xander started cracking horrible jokes, but Buffy managed to ignore them.  What she saw was the depth to Sebastien’s eyes and the cruel gleam in Kathryn’s . . .


He had to have her; from the second he heard the words, he knew he had to have her.  She was the ultimate challenge; and having her would be the ultimate fufillment.

Sebastien had had, well, quite a few women.  In the high society of New York, it was easy to pick them off, one by one.  The only young woman he’d ever known that he couldn’t have was Kathryn.  And here was Kathryn’s identical cousin, swearing she would never date a man again.  But was f*** the same thing as date?  Very interesting.  Quite a question.  One Sebastien would be all too happy to help answer.

He hadn’t been sure, but that day in the cafeteria had convinced him: Buffy Summers was the real deal.  She wasn’t Kathryn, outwardly perfect and pristine and inwardly a bitch and a slut.  Buffy was clean, pure and determined not to have any romantic involvement with anyone.  She was perfect.  Sebastien had never had such a challenge and he was quite sure he was up to it.

Besides, it would be very satisfying to see Kathryn’s face when he slept with her.

Part 4
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