
"I’m sorry for everything," Sebastien said.  Buffy shook her head.

"You’re not really, and I’m not that much either, so let’s not waste our breathe apologizing.  You gonna go back to your philandering ways?" she inquired.  He arched his eyebrows at her.

"I don’t know.  You changed me Buffy, whether you’ll admit it or not," he said softly.  She shook her head in denial.

"Kathryn changed you, I just told the truth," she replied.  The boarding call went out.  "Have a nice flight."

"Thanks.  Say good bye to all your friends for me," he said.  Buffy nodded.  The day after he’d killed Kathryn he had called his parents and told them the turth about her—omitting the vampire part.  He lied, telling them Kathryn had dissapeared.  Luckily, searching her room had turned up a stash of cocaine and an amazing amount of lingerie, coroborrating Sebastien’s story.  Now we he was on his way home.

"Bye," she said softly as he picked up his carry on.

"Good bye."  She watched as he turned and walked towards the gate.  She waited a moment, and then turned, quickly walking out of the airport and then running once she reached the street.  She burst into Angel’s apartment, closing the door behind her quickly to keep the light from his skin.

"Buffy?" he asked weakly from the bed.  She laughed softly and jumped on top of him, tickling him awake.

"The one and only," she replied.  "Just back from taking Sebastien to the airport."  Angel was instantly awake.

"He’s gone?" he asked.  As much as she assured him Sebastien meant nothing to her, Angel had a mean jealous streak, not to mention major insecurity issues.

"Yep.  I’m all yours," she whispered, leaning down, letting her blond hair make a curtain around his face.  He smiled and held it off enough that he could lean upwards and capture her mouth.

"Is that a promise?" he asked.  She laughed into his mouth.

"Well, I would say threat, but promise is a much nicer way to put it!" she replied lightly, her eyes bright with love and mischief.  He captured her hands as they began to do very interesting things.

"Yes, I would definitely say threat," he agreed, "but one of the best intentioned kind."

Her eyes gleamed as she answered, "Don’t be so sure."  And then no more words were needed.


Did you like the story? Think it deserves an award? Well it's nominated for Scooby Award for Best Crossover (X-over). So if you think this award is deserved Vote for me at the Scooby Awards!

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