Part 4

"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" Giles asked Breena for about the thirtieth time that morning.

"Yah, I am.  Vampire cannot hurt me in the daylight anyway.  Besides, if I stay here all day I might go crazier than I am." Breena walked out the door with Chloe and Cameron following her.  At lunchtime when Chloe was doing her training, Breena and Cam searched through old books.

"Find anything yet?" Breena asked him with a pleading look.

"Have a few leads, but no vampire under the name of Jackson." Cam continued to turn the musty, old pages of the book he was searching.  "Look, they're going to find him and he'll be dust."

"I know..."

"Anything yet?" Giles asked.

"Nothing.  It's like this guy never existed before this." Xander was baffled.

"That could be quite possible.  Who knows how long this vampire has been around?  Maybe no one knows anything about him..." Anya said.  Giles just stared at her. "What?" Spike ran in the door covered in his coat.

"Well?" Giles asked him.

"Nothing.  Went to every regular hangout in town.  No ones heard of him." Spike threw the jacket off after he shut the door.  Breena, Chloe and Cameron walked in the front door.

"Did you find anything in the library?" Giles asked once again.

"All the books led us back to one name.  Angelus." Cam said.

"Well, I think we can automatically rule that all..." Giles said.

"Or can we?  What is Angel up to in LA these days?  I mean, for all we know he could have hooked up with a random LA actress wannabe and become all fangy again." Xander gasped.  "He could have hooked up with Cordelia!"

"I don't think so Xander..." Giles said.

"You guys know Angelus?" Breena asked.

"Yes... well no.  Angel has a gypsy curse, which gave his a soul..." Giles explained to her, Cam and Chloe.

"Ok, this truly is the weirdest city I have ever been to." Breena sat down.

"Besides, Angel couldn't have done it this time.  Not gruesome enough." Spike put in.  Buffy and Willow came storming through the door.

"We were up all night finding those murder files." Willow said.

"And?" Giles asked.

"Nothing we already knew." Buffy sat down on the edge of the couch.  "I'll do another patrol.  Chloe, you coming with me?"

"Yah, whatever time after sunset." Chloe said.

An hour later everyone was either looking through books or surfing the net looking for any information that they could get while eating pizza.  Breena was sitting on the couch sketching with her good hand.

"Are you finished yet?" Cam asked her.

"Just a sec." She added a few more stokes to the paper.  "Could you give that to my dad?" Cameron brought the sketchbook over to Giles.  He looked it over.

"Breena, are you sure this is what he looks like?" Giles took off his glasses.

"I'm sure.  I can't get that face out of my mind."

Buffy took the sketch from Giles.  "This is the guy I'm looking for?" Buffy studied it.  "Ok." She looked at Chloe.  "Ready?" The two girls got up and left.

"I'm going over to Tara's.  I think we've found a spell." Willow put her coat on and left.

The phone rang and Giles got up to answer it.  Everyone who was left was sitting on the couch.

"So, how's the arm?" Anya asked Breena obviously trying to make small talk.

"Healing.  Hurting like a bitch, but healing... slowly." Breena said adjusting the strap of the sling.

"You know, I once had my arm broken by a vampire.  We have something in common..." Xander said a little too excited.  Breena looked like she had no idea how to reply to that.  Luckily, Giles interrupted them.

"I just got a call from... a friend." He said slowly.  "She said she found something on this guy.  Xander, I was wondering if you'd pick the file up for me."

Xander stood up.  "Sure."

"Here's the address." Giles handed him a piece of paper.

"I'll come with you." Anya stood up as well.  With that, they both left the apartment.

Chloe was walking through an opening full of graves in the cemetery.  She was startled by the sound of someone behind her.  She turned around ready to punch something or someone.  Buffy caught her hand.

"You still have a long way to go with your training" Buffy said to her.  Chloe looked disappointed with herself. "Find anything?"

"Not yet." Chloe said.  Buffy started off towards a mausoleum.  "Where are you going?" Chloe asked.

"In here..." Buffy continued.


"Because in my experience, this seems to be a happening place." Buffy opened the door.  Chloe followed her.  Inside they saw a microwave and fridge.  Chloe opened the fridge to find a couple packets of blood.  "A vampire is definitely living here." Buffy walked over and picked up a mug.

"It's Spike." She turned the mug around which had written on it 'Kiss the Librarian' on it.  "And he stole the mug I gave Giles!"

"Let's go." Chloe said.

Part 5
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