See the Foreword for Disclaimer.

Part 1

Let me explain.  Last year I was walking down the street.  It was just an ordinary day for me, just like any other.  It was about 7 PM and I was just getting home from a football game.  I wasn’t scared of the street at all.  Why would I have been, I had walked down that street every night for the past two years.  That was until something jumped at me.  I didn’t know what it was then.  Its face was all contorted and its eyes glowed a strange yellow colour.  I could tell they were full of pure evil.  It sort of growled at me and it’s teeth were all short and pointy, like a full set of fangs.  I had never seen anything like it in my life before.  I did what any sane person would have done, ran.  Luckily, I got away.

When I got home, I tried to convince myself it was all a nightmare.  But somewhere in the back of my head I knew it wasn’t.  I knew it couldn’t have been, it was way too real.  Knowing I could never sleep again, I decide to find out what this hideous creature was I logged onto the Internet and searched all night.  All my research came back to one thing, vampires.  I knew this never could be true, vampires were just a story people had made up.  It couldn’t be that the one thing I feared lived under my bed as a child, was actually a reality.  It was completely absurd and there had to be another reasonable explanation.

As I walked down the halls at school the next day, I pondered what I had learned the prior night.  After hours of thought on the subject, everything seemed to fall into place.  Mysterious deaths, extensive blood-loss victims, eerie cover stories.  In this year alone I had lost approximately seven classmates who either "ran away" or were found murdered.  When you look at it, Sunnydale California does have the highest death rate around.  That’s when I decided I should look into this more.  That’s when things got creepier.

Instead of eating my lunch with the rest of the cheerleaders in the cafeteria, I decided to spend the hour in the library.  Sunnydale High surprisingly had a large amount of books on the subject of vampires and demonology, so I had a lot to go by.  The more I read, the more I found out and the more I wished I had left the subject alone.  Supposedly, Sunnydale was what the original Spanish settlers called "La Boca Del Inferno", which I translated with the help of my trusted Spanish ~ English dictionary to The Mouth of Hell.  Well all I could say was "yah!"  I’m living on top of something called The Mouth of Hell and no one had informed me.  I decided if I was going to know this much, I better learn it all.  So I grabbed the four books I had been flipping through and took them to the front of the library to sign them out.

"Um… Mr. Giles?" I called through the library as I saw no one was there.

Mr. Giles walks out of his office with an open book in his right hand.  I had talked to him a few times before and he seemed to be a nice guy.  He was English and knew too much about everything.  That’s basically all I could pick up from him.

"Oh, hello…." I could tell he was struggling to remember my name, so I though I’d help him out.

"It’s Chloe."

"Ah, yes, Chloe.  What can I do for you?"

"I’d like to sign out a few books."  I threw the books I had been holding down on his desk.  He looked at them carefully and looked up at me, with a surprised look on his face.

"These books…  Are you sure?" He sort of stuttered when he spoke.

"Positive.  Library’s do still lend out books, right?"  I wondered why he looked so shocked when I asked for these books.

"Uh, yes, of course.  I just didn’t think anyone would ever have an interest in these books."  He quickly scanned the books through onto the computer and I handed him my student card.  He scanned that through as well.

"Well, I do." I grabbed my books and my card and left the library as soon as possible.  Mr. Giles was sending out weird vibes and it was creeping me out.  As if my life hadn’t been weird enough the last couple of days.  For the next few weeks I soaked up all the knowledge of vampires I could.  Learned how to kill them, how to scare them and how to know them.  I also learned more about the town and it’s history, as well as the one they called "the chosen one", the slayer.  Now this one intrigued me. Unto each generation one girl is chosen to fight the demons that walk among us.  When one dies, another is born.  She has sort of "superhuman" powers and is basically a normal looking person.  I don’t know why, but I felt compelled to learn more about the slayer, as well as vampires.

Part 2
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