Part 10

"Great.  Clear these chairs out of the way.  We can just sit Indian style this time.  Buffy and I will sit on either side of Angel, the rest of you form a circle," Harmony said.  Everyone helped clear the chairs out.  "Everyone join hands.  Now, concentrate on good feelings towards Angel."  As Harmony began to chant, Angel was bathed in light.  "Tibsu nevod himut."  It was all over rather quickly and was much less impressive than the last one.

"Is that it?" Xander asked.

"Afraid so," Harmony replied tiredly, "I'm afraid it used up my reserves though."

"How do we know if the second part worked?" Buffy asked.

"Well, if it works he'll be human during the day whether he's in sunlight or not.  So see if he reacts to crosses, holy water, or he could try holding his breath.  If his eyes start to bulge and his face turns blue, he's human."  Everyone laughed.

"So does this mean you'll have a secret identity?" Willow asked.

"Yeah!  And get a job?" Xander chimed in.

"I guess so," Angel replies.

"You could be grocery bagger," Xander teased.

"A janitor."

"You could pump gas."

"A bouncer."

"A construction worker."

"You could try law enforcement," Buffy added, joining her friends in the good natured teasing.

"Ugh," Angel replied.

"You might be able to help out at a history museum, considering you've lived thru quite a bit of it," Giles added helpfully.  The others turned and gave him a disgusted look.  Harmony smiled tiredly as she listened to them tease Angel.  As the jokes died down, Angel stood up and offered Buffy a helping hand.  As he did, Harmony glanced towards the door.  She saw a young woman at the door throw a magical fireball at Angel.  Harmony had just enough time to through up a hasty shield.  The shield stopped the fireball, but the fireball had destroyed the shield.  Harmony was now out of power and she watched in horror as the girl raised her hands to throw another.  Then, someone hit her over the head and she slumped to the floor.  A handsome young man with black hair, and green eyes stood in the doorway with a staff in his hands.

"Hey, Michael," Harmony said and passed out from relief and exhaustion.

On to the End
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