Part 5

The library table had been pushed up against the wall between the stairs.  All but one of the chairs had been stacked up and put on the stairs.  The final chair was up against the cage, facing Giles office.  Giles was bringing a few chain ropes out and putting them on the stairs.  Harmony entered wearing a dark blue, hooded robe with silver symbols all over it.  The hood was up, but her smile was no less warm.  She carried a small black box, and a small, short hair, silver and black tabby rode on her shoulder.  "We won't need those," she said as she set the box down on the counter.

"I must remind you that vampires are quiet strong and we must restrain him," Giles said.

"I know, but when I'm done with him, normal, sturdy ropes will do just fine."

"All right.  I hope no one saw you.  Principal Snyder is do you say it...nosy and if your robes don't catch his eye, the cat will.  Pets aren't allowed in the building."

"Oh don't worry.  I used a simple illusion of nothingness.  No one will have noticed me.  So when do they get out?" she asked.  Before Giles could answer, the bell rang.  Voices and bodies filled the halls.  "Never mind."

"Whoa!  That gives me a major case of wiggins.  Make those brown, and I see snake man," Buffy said shuddering at the memory.

"What?" Harmony asked.

"Long story," Giles said as Willow and Oz entered the library.

"Did you redecorate?" Oz asked.

"We're going to need some space," Harmony explained.  Oz didn't reply as he and Willow went and sat on the unoccupied stairs.

"Oh my god, do you know how old that is, and it was never in style," Cordy said as she and Xander walked in.

"It's traditional."

"What's with the cat?" Willow asked.

"Oh this is Mystical.  She's my familiar.  She supposed to help me, but mostly she's just a house cat," Harmony replied, petting her cat.

"I thought all witch's cats were black," Xander said as her approached the cat.  Mystical hissed at him.

"That's just an stereotype.  Besides, I'm not a witch," Harmony said.

"Yes, well, perhaps we had better get started," Giles said cutting in before an argument could follow.

"Right well, it's really pretty simple.  We only need two friends, Buffy and me.  So you don't all need to be here, but the more friends, the more powerful the spell," Harmony explained.

"Great!  I'm out of here," Cordy said standing up and heading for the door, "You guys can handle this on you own."  And with that she left.

"Well, I never knew Angel that well.  I only met him once.  I'd still be willing to stay though," Oz said.

"Any help is welcome, but it is your choice.  Xander however may have to go.  It seemed that you and Angel weren't the best of friends and that's something we can't afford right now," Harmony said.

"Hey!  I may not like him, but he's still my friend!" Xander protested.  Harmony looked at him intently and he got a funny tingling sensation.  After a moment, it passed and she nodded.

"I'll never understand, how boys can seem to hate each other and actually be good friends," she said shaking her head, "You can stay though."

"I'll stay too," Oz said, "You never know when you may need help."

"Great well it's pretty simple.  I'll be here pretending to set up with fake mystic passes and that stuff.  Angelus will show up between sun down and 8.  He is going to show up right?" Harmony asked.

"We'll know tonight," Buffy replied.

"Great.  Well he'll show up and probably attack me.  Then we basically beat him, shoot him, break bones, and make life painful."

"We can hurt him?" Xander asked excitedly.

Part 6
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