Part 8

"Uncle?" Buffy asked in surprise.

"Yep.  My 6-greats-grandmother was Angel's sister.  She was a sorceress.  She escaped the massacre and married a nice magician from the neighboring college.  I was named after her.  I'm from one of the branches that stayed in magic.  I'm afraid she died almost 150 years ago, though," Harmony said.

"But the resemblance is uncanny," Angel said.

"Someone had a premonition when I was born, so they called up 6-greats- grandmother to come and bless me.  Apparently she used a little magic to bless me with her good looks," Harmony laughed.  Angel could only shake his head and laugh.  Harmony smiled and got up and walked towards the door.  "I need to stretch my legs," she said as she strolled out the door.

"And I thought I was out of relatives," Angelus sighed.

"That reminds me," Buffy said, "we really need to find new ways to celebrate our birthdays."  Angel nodded and pulled her closer for a kiss.  The kiss was long and said all the things they didn't say: forgiveness, love, and trust.  As she pulled away Buffy smiled up at him.  "Never leave me," she said.

"I won't," he murmured into her hair.  He held her close, as the tears rolled down his checks.


Harmony walked into the hall and smiled, thinking of Buffy and Angel.  She thought of the blue and green light show that had accompanied the spell.  She wished that the others could have seen it.  Unfortunately only those with the magical gift could have seen it.  Her thoughts were interrupted.  "Where's Angel," Dru growled, from behind her.  Harmony spun around to face Dru and Spike.

"I don't know," Harmony replied.

"You did something to him.  I can feel it," Dru said, "What did you do?"  Harmony didn't answer.

"Perhaps some pain will make her talk," Spike suggested.

"Can I?" Dru asked excitedly.

"Of course, Love," Spike replied.  Dru smiled and began to slowly walk towards Harmony.

"This is not a good time to mess with me," Harmony warned.  Dru smiled and lunged at her.  Harmony dodged to the side.  She made a throwing motion and Drusilla was lifted up and slammed against a wall.  She hit the floor unconscious.  Harmony could see her hands begin to glow as she raised them above her head.

"Do it and the cat's a snack," Spike said.  Harmony turned back to Spike.  Spike was holding a hissing Mystical by the scruff of the neck.  Anger showed plainly on Harmony's face.  Slowly the glow on her hands began to die down.  She wiped her hands over her face and the glow was gone.  She looked at Spike and began to laugh.

"I'm afraid your feelings give you away.  I'll make you a deal.  You give me back Mystical and I'll give you what you want: the role of being hero to Dru, and Angelus out of your hair," Harmony said.

"The slayer would also get Angel back and I'd get another bloody thorn in my side," Spike countered.

"Well it's that, or let Angelus come save Drusilla.  Then you'll have lost her for sure," Harmony said.  Spike was quite for a few moments.

"Deal," he said, as he threw Mystical at her.  Drusilla was slowly levitated up onto Spike's lap.  Spike wheeled off as soon as she was securely on his lap.  Harmony picked up Mystical and placed her back on her shoulder.  She turned and walked back into the library thinking there was too much excitement out in the hall.

Part 9
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